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October 11th, 2022



[No Subject]

I don't really have the means to offer free food and alcohol like the others, but I'm so glad everyone made it back. I hope you're all doing okay.

Thanks again for the axe throwing lessons the other day. It definitely helped.

Hey, I just wanted to check in. Your friends made it back okay, right?



[No Subject]

Last time, when Blue and Syd were in...that place it was the worst, I couldn't watch. Even though I knew they were both amazing and strong, it was still too hard! So just know that you were missed and cared for and very much worried about. Take time and hug your people! We also have some very non-judgmental cows that I know for sure are really good listeners, which sounds weird!!! But I have it on good authority. :)

On a TOTALLY separate side note (which is not very good timing, I'm sorry!!!) does anyone have any good, like, dating advice? I signed up for that speed dating, because, I like people! And I don't think I'm very good at dating? Or...obviously know anything about it! So why not, right? BUT if you have any advice, I would love to take it!! This friend thanks you in advance!



[No Subject]

I thought I should chime in here to add on that if anyone needs help coping with the latest problems with Vallo, I can help with tea or meditation or Weeds. Or a combination of all three! It's important to be around friends in a safe environment!



[No Subject]

» How've you been doing today, champ?
» Hoping you've hydrated with something non-alcoholic at some point.

» Kate's not very pleased with me today.
» Just a warning if she comes home in a mood.



Log: Lila & Diego

Lila Pitts & Diego Hargreeves
WHAT. first ultrasound! On their weirdly shared birthday!
WHERE. a doctor's office
WHEN. October 1st
WARNINGS. pregnancy stuff, tame
STATUS. complete
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