
Layout By

October 10th, 2022



[No Subject]

Just letting everyone know that tomorrow's Zeph'aeratam classes are going to be cancelled, but we'll be meeting back up again for Thursday's classes. It has been brought to my attention that self care is real important, so this is my attempt at dabbling.

Thanks for understanding!

Now that we're all home, I just wanted to say: hey, I'm Orym. I hadn't met most of you before all of that and there really wasn't time for pleasantries, so now felt like a good time.

Thanks for all the work you guys put in to getting us out of there. You all did real good, for whatever my saying that is worth.



[No Subject]

Oyster spawning seems to be done here, so I suppose this must be our Month of Wind starting. I should have oysters back in stock at the market on Wednesday.



[No Subject]

Katou & Cloud
WHAT: Katou and Cloud taken on a ronin
WHERE: Vallo Forest
WHEN: idk backdated sometime during the dark plot
WARNINGS: language/little bit of violence
STATUS: Complete

“So, good timing or whatever. That sword is ridiculous, by the way. You been carrying that thing around with you all day?”
Read more... )



[No Subject]

You now, it's one thing knowing that when people leave this place, they usually go home with no memory of it. It's another thing getting to see that play out.

I need a drink.



[No Subject]

[Ella Lopez]
I know this is kind of out of the blue, but I figure after the weekend you've had that maybe you could use a few drinks and maybe a dance floor to cut loose on? Consider it an invite, if you're interested.



[No Subject]

I am able to change dreams and nightmares, for those of you troubled ones following the recent events. If any of you that have recently returned require this in order to rest without medication, I am willing to offer my services.

I did not watch the majority of it, but I noticed the dream world was frazzled last night in particular. It is a dangerous thing to focus too much on the memories that haunt our sleep, a natural balance must be maintained.



[No Subject]

Saturday was my birthday. No, it's not that important. I appreciated nobody knowing last year but there are SOME PEOPLE who think I should still celebrate it despite me not thinking it's important.

So, it was supposed to be a small group, but I decided for my birthday, I want to treat people with booze and cake and food this year because I know how it was the first time around. Good work on killing Incellus Prime again, by the way.

Everyone is invited to the birthday. Get your happy birthdays out now, so the day of, we can just stick to partying.

When and where will it be? No idea, I'm leaving that to Kate Bishop because she wanted to do something in the first place. Good luck, Kate.

And fine, yes, I'll wear the birthday crown.

And Kate has spoken. This Saturday at our house.



[No Subject]

Is it possible to have another day or two off from classes after the events of the weekend? Just asking for a friend.

Filter: House of Hawkins
I think I'm going to be sleeping in the living room again tonight, just a heads up. Don't worry, my entire 5'3 self is not going to take up too much space.

Filter: Rogier
You are a godsend. My hair is going to surpass in quality compared to Steve's in no time.