
Layout By

September 12th, 2022



[No Subject]

I am aware nine in the morning is early for me (adulting for the win, motherfuckers) but even my sleep till noon ass knows the sun should be up by nine. Lord knows I've thrown enough shit at the window over the years yelling at it to go away.



El #1

Hi. I'm El. I'm not really good at this stuff, on account of growing up in a commune without phones or social media or even running water half the time and then spending the last four years in the void where's there's not much chance of mobile coverage, but whatever, I'll give it a try.

So from what I've been able to work out, there are occasionally monsters and things here, but there are also plenty of wizards people with magic who don't live in constant fear of being eaten by things? As in, it's not a constant threat?

Also I'd like to do some research into how alternate dimensions work, if anyone has any tips, or like, preferably a Dewey Decimal reference or whatever you use here.



[No Subject]

Kamala & Carol
WHAT: A soft little chat at the end of Kamala's birthday party
WHEN: Backdated to Sunday, August 14th
STATUS: Complete

“Happy birthday, Ms. Marvel. Glad I got to spend it with you.”
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[No Subject]

Saturday, 10th September | Physical Kids Cottage, aka: Home | Tame, Complete

SUMMARY Is it really a date if you don't call it a date?.
So. Many. Feels. (Mostly Quentin being all up in his feels). Language maybe.