
Layout By

April 15th, 2022



[No Subject]

Hi! For those I haven't met yet, my name is Perfuma. I work at Yasha's Flower and Bug Shop, though honestly much more on the Flower side.

To keep from going on too much about what I can do with plants, I've learned there's a particular plant that's incredibly popular here and I've been producing a lot of it. People seem to have so many names for it! But I think it's just called cannabis? It smells really b Anyway, if you're in need of any, we have a literal endless supply at Yasha's!

I was thinking that if we're moving to Brightmoon that you really don't need to move back into the room you think of as a holding cell. There's plenty of room where I was staying. I mean, if you don't mind. I know my things and my routines can be a lot. I know they are a lot. BUT if you wanted? You could??



[No Subject]

I woke up and chose chaos :)))))))))))))) )

Anyone want to try them with me?? It'll be TERRIBLE but it'll be fun!



[No Subject]

Hello again! I had an offer and a question to put out to all of you lovely masses. Firstly, I am quite proficient at restoring old, dead things, if I do so say so myself. Give something new life, making it feel loved and cherished again. I've renovated quite a few houses and things back in our world, before I was run out of them! I don't mean to boast but I do have an eye for interior decorating, so should you have need, my services are for hire. I'm offering discounts to new clients who are willing to put a little trust in my hands so I could build a little portfolio.

Which brings me to a similar topic! I'd found a lovely fixer-upper in the forest, and Dorian was kind enough to inquire within the government for me and they said no one native held claim to it, but they couldn't say for the Outlanders as we're known for strange and unusual things showing up unexpectedly.

If you are the owner of this lovely establishment and have no need of it, perhaps we could make a deal?

Now that we're all getting settled and making new friends, does anyone have any plans to spend time with the de R esteemed members of Vox Machina? Just curious!



[No Subject]

WHEN Night of April 14
WHERE Whitestone, in the Raven Queen temple
WHAT Vax and the Raven Queen have a conversation about his future.
WARNINGS None, really! Thank you for finding your inner death goddess, Jade! 🖤
"You have many roles, and many to follow. So tell me, Vax'ildan, can you fulfill all of those roles and your duty as Champion?" Read more... )



[No Subject]

I had a dream last night about the Raven Queen. I guess it was a dream--I don't know, it felt incredibly real, but it wasn't the same as when we've remembered things, Vex. I was living it, but I remembered Vallo and everything that has happened while we've been here.

Anyway. We don't have to worry about her whisking me away from here any longer. She made it pretty clear that's off the table.



[No Subject]

DREAM PLOT | Old Fillory

Quentin and Eliot find themselves sharing dreams and are back in Old Fillory with their son and some really good memories.
N/A, it's pretty sweet and fluffy, tbh

. . . )



Log: Blue & Essek


WHO: Blue Sargent and Essek Thelyss
WHAT: A dance lesson!
WHERE: Essek's towers
WHEN: Afternoon of April 15
STATUS: Complete
"Any other fancy dances you know? Trick moves? I'm good with waltzing, but if there is some drow two-step, pull it out. And then I can teach you, I don't know. The macarena?" Read more... )



[No Subject]

Due to weirdly vivid dreams this week and then the full moon being tomorrow and all, today's YouTube video is postponed until, like.. Monday, maybe. Maybe I'll talk about immediate post-moon self-care or something. I hadn't done that one yet.



[No Subject]

Adora & Catra + Finn!
WHAT: Catra and Adora get to see the one person they both miss the most in a dream
WHERE: Vallo Forest
WHEN: Tonight
WARNINGS: Nope, all cuteness
STATUS: Complete

There was this squeaky sound - a kitten chirrup - before something (or someone, fluffy and tiny) descended down upon them with a righteous battle cry.

Read more... )