
Layout By

March 12th, 2022



[No Subject]

HEY THERE PARTY PEOPLE. It's your boy, NICHOLAS SEAN MILLER, and I gotta apologize for falling off the face of the Earth. My boy Thian has been showing me the ropes around this Dawn Court of theirs and can I just say that everyone's gorgeous and I feel like an absolute gremlin? I belong in a dumpster.

I'm just popping in to say that St. Patrick's coming up and I need to know where the best parties are going to be because I'm going to be showing my new fae friends how humans(ish, I know some of you are time traveling ninjas and aliens and witches AND SO ON) party.

Oh! And we're holding a session of True American in Morningside's lobby at 9 tonight. So if you don't want to see a bunch of drunks falling off furniture there (or if you want to join us!), avoid the lobby tonight. Rules are simple! Everyone's welcome!



[No Subject]

As some of you have probably heard, The Leaky Cauldron is being moved out of the forest and into Vallo city proper. The transition is being completed over the next few days and we'll be having a "grand re-opening" of sorts just in time for St. Patrick's Day.

With that said, we could use a few more people on staff if anyone is looking for a job.

Additionally, if you enjoy corned beef and cabbage, there will be plenty of it come Thursday. Plus beer. There's always plenty of that, though.



[No Subject]

Today's a very special and wonderful day, because today is Eliot's birthday. I hope you'll all join me in wishing him a happy birthday and have a drink of something in his honor.

El, I love you and I hope this whole weekend is everything you could ever want and more.



[No Subject]

Adam & Adora
WHAT: Adam shows Adora around Castle Grayskull
WHERE: Castle Grayskull
WHEN: Today
STATUS: Complete

“Do you actually…hear the secrets? Maybe that’s a dumb question, but I guess I just don’t understand what these Secrets are supposed to be.”
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