
Layout By

June 27th, 2021



[No Subject]

Hey so Parrish's birthday is on the 3rd and you're all invited to a thing on Friday night. Gansey used his new ~connections~ to get us permission to stay overnight in the Library of Alexandria. I know, it's a fucking sleepover, but hear me out. We can set up a movie projector and a fuckton of pillows and I was thinking somebody could maybe magic up the ceiling with the night sky? Gansey's gonna make a little scavenger hunt thing in the stacks so Parrish can get his nerd on with the books. It'll be good.

Anybody who can help with the movie part or the ceiling or if you have other ideas you wanna toss in the pot, let me know. If you just wanna park your ass on a pillow and be a guest, that's fine too. Not sure what we're doing for food yet. Nothing messy. If I have to hear Gansey warn about "sticky remnants" one more time, my soul is gonna leave my fucking body.
Don't make plans for Friday night. Don't make plans for Saturday morning either. Not even work. I know, it's not your regular day off, but make an exception.



[No Subject]

Margo Hanson
Jake Pentecost
WHERE: Vallo Forest: Physical Kids' Cottage
WHEN: June 24th, 2021 (Backdated)
WHAT: Margo's had a long day, is feeling a little emotional, and whiplashes between 'I don't care about anything.' to 'Hi, just hold me.' Jake's along for the ride and for some answers.
STATUS: Complete
"If you had pissed me off, you wouldn’t be sitting here, sharing a pie with me." Read more... )



Network: Barbara Gordon [02]

Well, guess Vallo decided to get me into the whole wishes gone bad game because I wished something blah blah blah red hair (don't get me wrong, I love my hair most of the time) and no I don't have any hair.



[No Subject]

Dear Caleb & Baz (and valued customers),

Please know that, when I randomly wished my addition to the mural (that I've been adding to one of the walls at Chastity's Nook) looked more realistic, I meant the beach I was painting, not the cartoon dick I'd painted in the sand. It may or may not be fixed tomorrow. 🤷