
Layout By

November 8th, 2020



[No Subject]

I think the play--no, movie, yes? was spot on with the number of explosions. I've seen many plays that could have been completely improved if only something would have blown up. It sends a message, and that message is 'pay attention, now.' I also appreciated the music, it's very, ah, stays in your head. Tranavian music tends to be so punishing, even when it's quick music meant for dancing it is like you are meant to suffer.

Are you able to track someone on these things? If anyone has seen Tranavian's Greatest Idiot Serefin Meleski wandering around, may you please tell him that "five minutes, Ostyia, I'll be right back" have come and gone and I am still waiting in this apartment for him? I think I have found a map, but Serefin would not know how to use these, as his way of navigating tends to be "Ostyia, I am going to sleep, hold my hand and direct me, oh, and you fight off these assassins, and set up camp for us, and communicate with our troops." Honestly.



[No Subject]

Sara Lance & Carol Danvers
WHEN: October 29, last karaoke at Galahd.
WHERE: Galahd
WHAT: Discussions of 90s music and training backgrounds
Read more... )



[text] kara danvers

Why does Vallo always send my friends away? I hope Syd will be okay at home.



[No Subject]

Reminder to the defence teams that training tomorrow starts at 8am at the training grounds. At some point we'll stop to feed you. Please direct all complaints to Shiro.



[No Subject]

Anyone who wants a job makin' somethin' hard to find, come send some sugar my way.

Movin' on. Some of you might have picked up that I was gonna be openin' up a legitimate business here. Finally sussed up a name for it: Bombshell. If you're DOA, you get a discount, but if you're a civie, well, love don't pay the bills and I ain't runnin' a charity. 18 and over, please; I only break the fun laws. I sold most of these in another place before this, so you can know they're tried and true.

Bombshell's Merchandise, Under the Cut )

This here's a preview; I'll be having my grand openin' in a week or two, assumin' weird shit ain't goin' down. Who'm I kiddin'? Of course weird shit'll go down. Let me rephrase - I won't open if whatever's happenin' interferes with business. Give me a holler here in comments if any of my wares appeal, and I'll make sure to stock it up. Y'all have yourselves a nice day.



[No Subject]

So, ah, looks like my business from back home's showed up here.  Called the Pit Stop.  Anybody needs any car repairs done, I'm hoping to be open for business soon.

[Filtered to Courtney]

STRIPE armor's there too.   Looks like it's in pristine condition, but I'll want to give it a once over before I say for sure.  You up for a flight when I do?



[No Subject]

WHO: Alexis & Cullen
WHAT: Dancing and enjoying Cuddles on the Beach mocktails, of course
WHERE: Skyhold, for the wedding reception
WHEN: Saturday night
WARNINGS: Negatory, just PG-rated fluff
STATUS: Complete

The pumpkin spice latte I had the first time we met was excellent. )



[No Subject]

How are you and Harry settling in?

I think by next week, we might actually be move in ready. Want to have a get together with friends to break the place in?



[No Subject]

Being an adult (adulting?), is taking home pizza from the wedding and eating it for breakfast the next day because you can.

Does anyone here have room/availability to teach a complete beginner self-defence? And preferably not bringing my siblings into it.

You talked about working with students with powers. Do you still do that, and do you only work with kids or teens?