
Layout By

August 6th, 2020



[No Subject]

Wynonna Earp
Raylan Givens
WHERE Galahd • WHEN July 26th, evening • WHAT A meeting of the gunslingers
WARNINGS Some light cussing, mentions of violence, and the implication of too much tequila in the future
“To new friendships, to names with legacies, some unwanted, and to hoping we don’t make a damn fool out of ourselves after this.” Read more... )



[No Subject]

Just a reminder, Sabrina managed to get us karaoke at Galahd's at 8 PM tonight! If there's enough interest, it'll become a standing tradition. And I think if we get enough people asking for it, the owner might even sing for us.

Ready for a night out, mama?



private message - dinah lance

Do you have room for someone to do, say, a magic act at La Sirène? I've got one going at another nightclub in the city but I kind of like the idea of supporting another fellow kidnapped person.

And a lot of the act is flashy and visual, more a performance than engaging with an audience necessarily - I can do a demonstration for you first, if you'd prefer.



[No Subject]


Get your Sing On

WHEN: Thursday, August 6
WHERE: Galahd; Vallo City
WHAT: Karaoke!
Karaoke night hosted by one Sirius Black. Magically any song someone might want to sing is available, regardless of the world it comes from. The drink for the night is the Karaoke Jack - Jack Daniels whiskey with amaretto liqueur, a dash of apple juice and a cherry garnish finished with a twist of lemon. Half price if you go up to sing.

Since this was Sabrina's request, those 16 and up are able to join but only 18 and over will be served alcohol.

Did yours come? Did they sing? Were they terrible? Sound off in the comments! © tessisamess



[No Subject]

I keep - thinking about goats? Or hearing someone else think of goats? I don't even like goats.



[No Subject]

WHO: Doc & Wynonna
WHEN: July 28
WHERE: Their apartment
WHAT: Just catching Doc up on some bad and good news
TRIGGERS: Mentions of character death, general emotions, Doc being sad

When last we spoke on this, you did mention the need for whiskey. Should I assume that is still the case or should I wait for the information to come out first )



[No Subject]

Who else is doing high school once school starts back up again? Or did everyone gradua

Also I need to pick between chronomancy and necromancy as my discipline focus and I'm still not sure which I want to put all of my energy behind. They both have their benefits and depending on the coven I talk to they recommend different ones so idek.

[Magic group]

Does anyone want to host the meeting for this month? I figured it could be nice to do something out of the woods this time.



[No Subject]

Who the hell is Suki and why am I thinking about her? And how much I miss her and how good her hair smells?



[Voice Post]

Okay, so I'm pretty sure it's not a sword, because usually they're a lot more keen on killing things and, and like, blood. And not so many songs.

I dunno who Eddie is, but someone likes your dick a lot. A whole lot.



[No Subject]

Siri Tachi
Dan Torrance
WHO Siri and Dan WHERE The Grind WHEN After this
WARNINGS Brief talk of violence/deaths.
It’s going to be okay. Read more... )



[No Subject]

You know... whatever this is it would be a great idea for a short story and I might be afraid of dolls now.

Was it in the hardware store? What was a doll doing in a hardware store?



Lost creature

I seem to have acquired a pet. He was wandering in the wooded area near the Temple. He's trying to tell me something about an owner, but he can't quite communicate well. Certainly friendly, though.

Is anyone missing a pet animal? Here's his picture. )



[Network Post]

So no one had "migrating thoughts" on the Vallo weird shit pool, so I'm rolling it over. You can still put in if you want!

And hey, now I know what it's like to be knocked up. It sucks. Sorry, dude, whoever you are. Maybe just put a TV in the bathroom so you don't have to get up to pee so much.



[No Subject]

Filtered to Atreus.
So. You got your date.