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Posts Tagged: '%E2%82%B4+inactive:+wen+qing'

Apr. 8th, 2022



[No Subject]

Anyone here a professional at sharpening knives? Not "does anyone here own a whetstone." I can do that. I'm looking for one of those people who can see the edge in their soul and turn it fine as a cloud. A proper "Death and the Blacksmith" type.

This is your monthly announcement that I'm alive, Syd.

Mar. 11th, 2022



[No Subject]

Everyone wish my delightful younger sister Julia a very happy birthday for tomorrow. If you don't know her, she's a skilled bartender at Imperial, she loves pancakes, and is the best Cheeto aunt I could ever ask for. Or be stuck with. Since I am stuck with her and remember that when she was very small I put her in a trash can to see if she would fit. Unsurprisingly, I was scolded for that.

cut for photo )

Here's to another trip 'round the sun, Jules. Hopefully we'll find something more fun to do for your birthday than try to settle the Coke vs Pepsi argument with sticks. I love you to the moon and back, a few times over.

And I will always give you the fuller cup. Probably.

Feb. 17th, 2022



[No Subject]

I didn't even get to go to another world, I want a refund. Just home and then back here? It couldn't have been some cool space world? Infinite Disney World Land? At least if magic is going to yank my chain around it could add in some nice travel benefits and pretty backdrops.

Feb. 16th, 2022



[No Subject]

Okay. So like its not mine. But I found something out in the forest that is giving off seriously bad juju.

Picture below cut )

Does it mean anything to anyone?

Feb. 8th, 2022



[No Subject]

Valentine's Day sale at Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes! Whether you love love, hate the commercialization, or just want some fancy chocolate that might turn you into a canary, we have something for everyone here!

And the next person to ask me for a love potion is getting hexed. Have a great day!

Say, do you happen to have some free time next Monday? Say, around 8?

Feb. 1st, 2022



[No Subject]

I mostly prefer to read all of your exploits rather than post on here directly (and it's been awhile since I have) but - I come on behalf of Asetenarra, whom I officially joined in December. Nothing too long (I'm not very wordy with these) but if you're looking for something to do up to and on Valentine's Day, they'll be hosting a bonfire that I think has been called a 'Boyfriend Bonfire' elsewhere but you don't necessarily have to have a boyfriend - it's merely a 'ritual' wherein you put tokens into a box and, uh, burn it. All in symbolism of leaving a past relationship behind and moving on. It can be any relationship, doesn't have to be romantic.

Dinner will be a part of it too and if you're interested in their very goth recipe please check it out. The cheese is made by them. Looks a bit questionable but tastes delicious - going goth for Valentine's Day is also very Asetenarra. Softly.

But anyway, I suppose I should also note that my office is still downtown, located in the city hospital - when things get insane I tend to pitch in at the ER but I'm currently taking new patients as well. Or just appointments for anything you might need, on the psychiatry front.

private message - marina )

Jan. 31st, 2022



[No Subject]

If anyone wants to come pamper me while I get over this magical cold, please come asap and bring facial masks. I'm all out, delivery services are suspended while shit's all broken and destroyed, and my skin is drier than a dragon's tit.

Mendoza, I still stand by my style choice.

I know both of you are busy saving lives and waiting for your brother to wake up so you can shout at him, but if either of you has a potion to make my sinuses stop feel so clogged, I will promise not to harass you for something this ridiculous next time.

Jan. 21st, 2022



[No Subject]

What's one thing from Vallo unavailable in your home world that you can't imagine giving up now?

I probably should write something selfless like "enhanced medical procedures that can save lives", or even sensible like "indoor plumbing", but instead I'm going to honor the faithful beverage that has kept me company while working a late shift: Diet Mountain Dew. You're awful, and I still feel shame when I think about our nights together, and it's a wonder I still have teeth.

[ Filtered to the Jin Master ]
Greetings, and welcome to Vallo. I've given you time to get settled, but I wanted to reach out personally and introduce myself. My name is Wen Qing. It likely doesn't mean much to you outside of my connection to Wen Ning, who is my brother. I work as a healer here and have found much joy in this place. While we don't know one another, I wanted you to know that I am happy to make your acquaintance and if you ever need medical care, which is likely given the company you keep, please come see me and I will be happy to assist you.

[ Filtered to A-Yuan ]
I have a favor for you, if you'll be so kind as to grant it.

Jan. 12th, 2022



[No Subject]

I need tips on how to survive acc acclimate?? assimilate into WORDS do well in school.

I am looking for help with:
- Organizing binders
- How to handle bullies (I don't think I'm allowed to make them pee themselves but I am checking just in case)
- Slang
- Is cafeteria food safe?
- Are there a lot of old vampires that pretend to be teenagers to go to school?
- Gym sports and what to expect
- Best way to study

If anyone can think if anything else please let me know. I watched Mean Girls and I don't know if what happens there is true. Twilight didn't make sense either.

Jan. 3rd, 2022



[No Subject]

[Filtered to Untamed crew]
Good day to you all. The Lan have conferred, and after some discussion we have decided that to celebrate the New Year, we would like to host all of you and any of your close friends or partners whom you would wish to invite to join us at Cloud Recesses for a banquet on February 1.

I would like to issue invitations by this week's end, to ensure that no one we would like to invite will have prior commitments. Please give your regrets or your list of additions to the guests at your earliest convenience.

[Filtered to Dorian]
How are you?

[Filtered to Will Laurence]
I think my waltz will be ready for you to hear soon. Not just yet, but I wanted you to know I have not forgotten it.

[Filtered to Thurvishar and Bonnie]
I've been looking over the notes, and I think the Brorose (how does one pronounce that?) coven would be a good choice for our next tea engagement. What do you two think?

Dec. 20th, 2021



[No Subject]

[Private To Wen Qing]

I was given your name by a friend as someone who may be able to help another friend of mine. I know everyone is busy with the holidays right now, but I'd like to schedule an appointment at your earliest convenience. Thank you.

[Private To Will Laurence]

Thank you for everything. You're one of the kindest people I know.

[Quentin Coldwater]

I need food. I'm famished. Serve me.

Nov. 29th, 2021



[No Subject]

[ Filtered to Brigitte ]

Well, now that we're in between crises, I was wondering if you were busy on the Solstice? Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji are getting married, and while I'll be running about the day or so before helping out with final things, I plan to just enjoy things day of. Barring disaster. Which is likely, frankly, because them. But I'm hoping for the best. There's a chance my tears will be from happiness, which is always nice.

I wrote too much. Would you like to come with me to the wedding?

[ /Filter ]

Nov. 19th, 2021



[No Subject]

Hello, please tell me of all of your favorite hot alcoholic drinks. Eventually there will be a night of gaming (you are invited if you know of a good game with dice, cards, or lying!) where I intend to win everything and I want to be able to soothe that with alcohol.

I know of the hot toddy (but what a toddy is I still don't know, it's fine) and I know how to make a spiced wine that woos you so subtly you are taken completely by surprise when you find yourself flopped in a bed with only one shoe and a smile on. There is some other drink with butter and rum and spices that is very good as well. I will extra like you if you let me try it in advance!

Nov. 18th, 2021



[No Subject]

I like collecting maps (except all of my maps from home got taken when I was taken prisoner by a bunch of Dewar dwarves, which was rude) and back home I used to make maps too, and I noticed there weren't any maps for the forest (well, none that were any good anyway. One of them told me it would lead me to a fountain of youth but it just led me to more giant spiders, why does this forest have so many giant spiders??) so I thought I'd make my own, but every time I try things keep moving and it's really starting to become annoying.

Back home we have the Forest of Waywerth which moves all over Ansalon, but I don't think stuff in the forest actually moves around (but I don't really know because I've only been in it once. The Wizards don't really like people barging in, which is why it's always moving around), but there are so many cool not-giant-spider-nest things to find in the forest and I just want to be able to find them again!!

Nov. 9th, 2021



[No Subject]

[ Filtered to James, Julia + Leon ]
Now that we all have clean bills of health, I presume there's no need for any follow-up house calls? Let me know if that changes. The Clinic is always open, regardless, if any of you should obtain less shady injuries.

[ Filtered to Brigitte ]
I am very sorry about your friend departing. I know you're busy seeing to his partner, but please remember to take care of yourself as well.

[ Untamed Crew + Friends]
I'm confused on this next upcoming glut of holidays - there's Solstice, some sort of gratitude holidays, Christmas (that one I remember), and the ending of the year, correct? Am I forgetting any opportunity for people to hurt themselves?

Nov. 6th, 2021



[No Subject]

So Sparky's becoming a distinguished 36 today and while we all know he loves attention, we're going to have a small dinner at Lotus Pier. I hope you can all join us, we promise Yanli's in charge of cooking, WWX and I are just going to stick to chopping and peeling.

And then after dinner, I've booked us a suite at Galdin Quay so you can be pampered all weekend.

[ooc; backdated to yesterday morning!]

Oct. 21st, 2021



[No Subject]

WHO: The Barlow Siblings, Leon, and then Wen Qing
WHAT: Breaking the spell on Leon, James gets shot, Wen Qing brings needles and :| face (not all in that order, but you know)
WHERE: James's house
WHEN: Tonight
WARNINGS: Violence (gunshots, a magical choke-out)
STATUS: Complete

Perfodit in tenebris. )

Oct. 13th, 2021



[No Subject]

Hey, Outlanders! I'm a newbie around these parts! Well, not Vallo because I was born and raised here, but this awesome network is new territory! Thanks to Mei for hooking me up, and thanks to the DOA for their approval.

ANYWAY - Hi, I'm Julia, sister of James, which means, yes, I was once with those people but not anymore. It's a long story and I really don't want to get into it, but suffice to say, no curses being cast or minds being read or any of that stuff. Some of you might know me from that fancy-ass queer club downtown, Imperial - I bartend and listen to the woes of the people, most of the time. I may sometimes talk over you, but only if you're really boring.

Right now, I have nothing else to offer you lovely people other than a picture of my cat-nephew who deserves infinite treats and catnip and will be leader of the new world order someday.

Behold Cheeto the Great, surveying his kingdom! )

Oct. 11th, 2021



[No Subject]

So in Vallo, there's obviously a lot of magical creatures and non-magical creatures. What you might not know is that some of those magical creatures (the ones that are native to Vallo, Outlander animals or magical familiars fall under a different category) are afforded sanctuary status, where they're protected from being pets, put in zoos, hunted, etc, unless you're licensed by the govt. BUT yeah, unicorns and phoenixes are on that list!

Most of you probably know I have two of them? One came to me under rehabilitation status and has been getting stronger and healed, the other came to me because it was illegally owned in the city. Neither of them are going to be here permanently, just until they're both ready to be released and attention here has calmed down.

But yeah so the person who illegally owned Hyrrokkin pretty much became the "and I took that personally" meme and I've been under civil suits not to mention the shit Roz had to for like a month now among oth. BUT thanks to Regina being brilliant, it's over as of the judge's hearing this morning and got tossed out and they were told to leave the Sanctuary alone.

Going forward, I'm no longer invited to Vorerra-led Coven functions, so get me all the hot gossip?? I'm in pretty good with most of the other covens and no one else has issued me little "you're uninvited" cards yet or anything so there's that?

Sorry this is really long! I wasn't told to not uh, run my mouth about this stuff while it was still in court because I'm biased and I talk a lot. But Regina's great and you guys should hire her for legal stuff if you need it! And genuinely thank you to everyone else that helped with things along the way, I've got your back in anything (but I don't want to name names in case you want to stay anonymous in all of this I don't blame you).

ANYWAY I'm getting drunk tonight at Ásynja Meadery if anyone wants to join me?

Sep. 22nd, 2021



[No Subject]

If anyone who has turned into a cat can read this, feel free to come to Papa's Pride! I have cat armor if you feel in danger, but I've also set up several platforms to lay on and soak up rays of sun, as well as a pile of catnip toys and I'll even set out saucers of cream. And all the scritches you can handle!