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Posts Tagged: 'critical+role:+fresh+cut+grass'

Jun. 5th, 2024



[No Subject]

Hey. Look at this shit. Cut for images! )

Fucking great, I know.

May. 23rd, 2024



[No Subject]

What's up.

I'm looking to bring in some extra cash to start a nest egg for when. Bartending is lucrative and all that, but I'm a greedy bastard. That said, I'm handy with a needle and thread so if you need any fixes or want something added to a piece or just, I don't know, want something designed, then: hi. I'm Ashton Greymoore. Let's fucking go.

Also, now I'm curious. Anyone else got any secret talents they're holding out on? Now's the time to fess up. Let's be fucking vulnerable.

May. 10th, 2024



[No Subject]

Hey, are you guys going to have time tomorrow to possibly do me a favor?

May. 1st, 2024



[No Subject]

So after my whole earth titan thing had some folk surprised, it had me thinking. We've all got some kind of weird life story, tragic or magical or funky or otherwise, from before we were all forced to live in merriment here in Vallo. So tell me, or the class at large, something about yourself that's shocking. Could be personal, could be weird world shit (though that's been asked about before, so no fucking repeats because that's cheating), could be adventures had. I don't care, I just want to be entertained because I finished this documentary about weird cheese and am real hung up about it.

Also yesterday was my birthday (and no one else's, don't believe the rumors) (also I don't know how old I am so don't ask), so I think by birthday rights you've got to play along. I don't make the fucking rules, okay.

Or also don't play along. I'm not your fucking parent and be grateful for that.

Apr. 10th, 2024



[No Subject]

I've never really had trouble with springtime and the sneezing and runny nose that some folks can get, but apparently my luck ran out. Not too helpful when half your house is full of plants and flowers that you've grown yourself, but here we are.

I also keep Has anyone else been

The sneezing is getting a bit out of control and in the way of my typing.

[...] And I'm also being rather blunt, which I don't know if that is just me being tired or something more than that, but I apologize in advance if I'm more frank than usual. Not that I'm not always klgflklk usually honest, I just am usually pretty good at um diplomacy.

Mar. 27th, 2024



Vallo Prime Network - right after portals appear/disappearances

I know we hate these fucking portals, but there better be one because there is not a chance in the hells that both my fiance and sister disappeared right in front of me and it can't be fixed.

Added later:

No place better to start a list.

Lan Xichen
Violet S

Mar. 18th, 2024



[No Subject]

So, uh.

Are we still looking for the portal guy? Because it just kinda dropped out of the sky from a portal and flew off. The portal isn't there anymore, but just checking that no one suddenly disappeared or anything, because that would be a problem.

EDIT: Witches and wizards and magical folk of Vallo, do you have magical ways to track glitchy, invisible beasts? And ones that can fly. Me and Kratos ??? want to know.

EDIT 2: Anyone who is familiar that sounds so wrong but that's the words that F with the beast, can you come describe it to Fresh Cut Grass?

Mar. 7th, 2024



[No Subject]

Alright so, I've been thinking with these alternate worlds and portals and shit. There seems to just be an infinite number of possibilities, but I guess that was always fucking obvious given how we're all from our own weirdo worlds and some are super samesie but just off axis just a smidge or whatever.

So here's what I'm curious about. Share with the class something about your world that's totally fucking normal to you, but someone from another would stare at you like you sprouted additional heads if you told them. This can be something big (example: the moon is a prison) to something smaller (example: broccoli is sentient), whatever you want. Fucking dazzle me.

AKA I'm pretty sure I've watched every documentary there fucking is and I need to be entertained, let's go.

Feb. 21st, 2024



Space Network

Hey there, newcomers--and also not-newcomers, since I've been told everyone should be connected onto our networks now. Obviously let us know if that's not the case--well, I guess you wouldn't be seeing this if it wasn't, so. Let us know if it is and that's one thing done.

Anyway, I'm Orym and it really is nice to see some new faces, even if it's from strange circumstances. (I say that as though arriving via tree onto a space station is normal, but after a few years it really is.)

If there's anything you need or have questions about, let us know.

Feb. 15th, 2024



[No Subject]

Smiley day, folks! It was sure nice to see you all at the speed dating--there's something magical to me about you soul touched finding connections with each other. That's what makes this flat disc of a planet meaningful!

In between all of that gazing into each other's optic orbs, did anyone happy to notice that creature outside? Kinda looked like the one that came right before the big portal opened up?


Smiley day, Ashton, I was just wondering if you were around? I haven't seen you today yet and maybe you're still entertaining a new friend--don't let me interrupt you if that's the case, good for you, stay hydrated is all!

But...if you were done...and hadn't come home yet?

Jan. 11th, 2024



[No Subject]

Things I wasn't expecting today: a guy just falling from the sky in full armor and nearly landing on me.
Things that happened today: that.

Happy fucking Thursday, you all.

Dec. 28th, 2023



[No Subject]

I may have Druidcrafted a bit close to the sun, because our Christmas cactus is thriving more than anticipated. Does that mean the holiday just continues?

Speaking of holidays, with the new year coming up, it's hard not to think about how this is going to be my second one here with all of you and that's a lot to wrap my head around. It's been an eventful year, so I'm curious: what's your favorite thing that happened to you this year? Do you have anything you're looking forward to in the next year or any goals you're making?


Nov. 24th, 2023



[No Subject]

This week has been quite the vacation from my life. It's not meant to be a brag, but I feel as though I've seen a lot of things in the last handful of months back home but it really doesn't compare to waking up in another world altogether. It's been sort of nice to escape red moon and Ludinus Da'leth business, while also getting to just see some new sights but I'm pretty sure it's about time to get back to said business, anytime now. I miss

I also had something called funfetti cake and I don't know if that sugar is ever going to leave my body, but it was pretty worth it.

So, hey. I figure since it seems as though people actually are swapping back to their regular selves and returning to their business that it will hopefu happen here eventually. I just wanted to say, while I have the chance, that I appreciate you guys letting me hang around. You didn't have to, but you did and I just, you know, thanks.

Nov. 17th, 2023



[No Subject]

I don't really know
Hello, I was told that

I think I've worked out how to use this thing alright, though I suppose no one will see this if I didn't.

So anyway, hi. I'm Orym, though I guess some of you might already know that? It's been a weird confusing impossible bit of a morning, though from the looks of it, I may not be alone in that. Luckily I'm sort of used to stuff kind of taking me by surprise, so it's fine. Sure. Very convincing, Orym.

But, yeah. If anyone has seen Has If you see a tall half-elf with brown hair and a sword wandering around, let me know.

Nov. 4th, 2023



[No Subject]

Calix made me that bank account and it has a bunch of money in it. I very highly doubt it's from him so I guess it's one of those Vallo money things, not fucking complaining. Am complaining that he's gone but

But, you know. Give me an itemized fucking receipt of whatever you're missing, Dorian, and I'll get you your money back.

After that, let's go out tonight. I can only handle trying to be so much responsible and it's been forfuckingever so let's get sloppy.
If you were given like some fucking potion or salve, would you be able to figure out what's in it that makes it tick?

Also uh pretty sure my kid went over to yours when he first got here and was all freaked out about it and me and us not knowing him so, I know you haven't done it yet or anything but a preemptive thanks or some shit for being a safe place for him to drop when he needs to in the future.
I've got a question for you when you've got the time.

Oct. 19th, 2023



[No Subject]

fuck fuck fuck FUCK FUCKING FUCK

Oct. 13th, 2023



[No Subject]

Okay I don't know what the FUCK is going on but I saw some ghost lady literally fucking spider crawl across the ceiling in the hallway and I think somewhere in Exandria Laudna is pissed at me because the hall is now fucked to shit thanks to hammer swings and also I took a chunk out of your door, Chetney, and I'm not sorry because holy shit I was not ready for this today.

Anyway, watch out for ghosts or something.

Sep. 12th, 2023



[No Subject]


I know there's ways to make this whole fucking paralyzed-by-a-basilisk-shithead thing go away, but I won't pretend I know much about magic to actually know how that shit works, so if anyone can point me in a direction, I would really like to use my arm again. It's kind of dead weight right now, which does mean it's kind of great to swing around as a club when you take down the basilisk-shithead that did it to you in the first place, but my body is enough without pretty sure this is going to get fucking old fucking quick.

Oh and thanks in advance, all that.

Also, people that have the joy of living with me, there's a dead basilisk in our backyard. You're fucking welcome.

Sep. 1st, 2023



[No Subject]

Somewhere between my birthday earlier in the week and it being September already, I've been a little nostalgic the last couple of days. It was my second birthday that I've gotten to celebrate here in Vallo (38, before anyone asks) and the sheer amount of stuff that has happened to me and change that I've felt personally is pretty wild to think back on.

It was nearly a year ago that some of us had that wild adventure with cultists and rocket launchers and monsters. I went to hell, traveled in time, spent a week stressing folks out as a child, fought a whole slew of creatures through defense patrols, got my first job that wasn't mercenary work since I was a guard in my hometown, kissed a handsome man for the first time in seven years (which I think was well received, judging from near eleven months later), and just met so many new, great people. I know that things are their own shade of uh terrible? awful? fucked up? eventful back home, thanks to Vallo gifting me the occasional check-in, but quite the ride when you spent several years just coasting.

Anyway, sorry. This is a lot and I usually don't like talking this much, but here's to another year, I suppose. Maybe with less fighting bad guys? We'll see.

Also, to the people who live with me: I told Laudna when my the tree from Zephrah first arrived that we could decorate it come autumn in a seasonally appropriate and spooky way. I know she isn't here to appreciate it, but I still want to honor that for her, if any of you want to join me in getting some decorations.

Aug. 31st, 2023



[No Subject]

Smiley day folks! You know, as we're coming into a season of transition and change, we can focus on change in ourselves! What do we need to change, mentally, or emotionally, or physically? Maybe the first step is talking to someone unbiased! In that case, you can just swing on by the clinic to discuss all of your goals and changes you want to make, and we can create a plan that works for you. Some folks might not have ever seen a health practitioner, or a therapist, and that's okay! It's never too late, and if you have questions about the process, I'm happy to be a guide. We operate confidentially too, you know, asking for help is the first step of what might be a long journey, but you just ask some of my traveling companions, I'm real good at rolling right alongside you and holding things.

Not that there's anything wrong with you all, you have souls that just shine. But just in case!!

Now here's a question for some personal reflection, or you can share the answer and we can all feel a little more connected! What is one talent you've always wanted to have but just can't master yet? Me, it's dancing. It's a little difficult when you operate on one wheel! I got the front to back, side to side, and circular motion down, but the rest is, um, a challenge. Maybe once I master stairs.