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Posts Tagged: 'the+raven+cycle:+ronan+lynch'

Oct. 20th, 2023



[No Subject]


WHO: Ronan Lynch and Adam Lynch
WHAT: Adam fixes Ronan's costume for fight club and they discuss their future.
WHEN: October 20, afternoon
STATUS: Complete!
"I guess what I'm really wondering is if you're happy. If we were boring, I would think maybe you weren't, you know?" Read more... )

Oct. 19th, 2023



[No Subject]


Weirdest spot you woke up in this morning, go.

Oct. 17th, 2023



[No Subject]

I am Harrow the First, the Reverend Daughter of Drearburh, Ninth Saint to serve the King Undying, you cannot keep me in a b I am Harrowhark Nonagesimus of the Ninth House. I appreciate the bed but I shall not need it any longer as I am recovered from my [...] previous ailment.

Just how many of you are dead? This place reeks of it and the thanergenic levels are higher than I would have expected with how much thalergy is here as well.

Is it always this bright?

Oct. 10th, 2023



[No Subject]

Fucking just broke my toe with this goddamn pallet of cheese somebody tell me this shit isn't real right the fuck now PARRISH PICK UP YOUR GODDAMN PHONE.

Oct. 7th, 2023



[No Subject]

I do not wish to overstep myself in asking, but with the recent departures, would you like to stay with me this evening?

I am afraid I must cancel our appointment this evening. Would you like to reschedule for another evening this week or skip?

Oct. 5th, 2023



[No Subject]

Hey half god, it can be really exhausting and you should take some time to relax, take care of yourself.

And probably come by our house slide I'm pretty sure I'm installing this weekend? Maybe? That's an open invite not just to the half-gods, FYI. Might add a ball pit at the bottom.

Hi, are you okay? Just curious if the trapping thing is like... a problem you're having with someone harassing you or..?

Oct. 2nd, 2023



[No Subject]

It's my first autumn in Vallo. On a scale from 1 to 10, how intense is Halloween here? Does shit get wild or what? I've noticed the uptick in pumpkin stuff and now there's search engine crap (getting ahead of this now: I will not be shamed for my fanfic prefs) but I didn't know if it got worse as the month went on or what.



[No Subject]

So that is what kind of Monday it is going to be like, eh? Dragon friend, do not worry, they are all very dangerous and remarkable.

Is there ah- something you wanted to tell me?

Sep. 22nd, 2023



Log: Ronan & Gansey

Gansey & Ronan
WHAT. Gansey has pre-wedding stress and loses his temper at a customer. Ronan, in a complete role reversal, talks him down!
WHERE. The Barns
WHEN. The Thursday before the wedding!
WARNINGS. Just a little swearing and some anxiety.
STATUS. Complete
Read more... )

Sep. 20th, 2023



Log: Ronan & Adam Lynch


WHO: Ronan & Adam Lynch
WHAT: Adam has a rough day at school; his husband picks him up to talk it out
WHEN: Backdated to Monday 9/18
WARNINGS: References to child abuse
STATUS: Complete
I'm not cut out for this. Read more... )



Posted about 5 minutes after the library fight is over.

So by now ah- most of you are aware we had a situation at the Library. We still don't have all of the details - I don't know if we ever will, but what we do know is this:

  • Ashurbanipal, King of Assyria, approached the library this morning, and challenged King Noctis in an attempt to rule Vallo? Unaware that Noctis is not the King of Vallo.
  • He threatened Nancy, and the Library wards went defensive, one of the skeletons was killed in the mess, and the King took that as a challenge.
  • The library went into lockdown mode, and there was a fight. I do believe they underestimated a whole group of librarians.
  • Nancy was able to knock the amulet off of the King's neck, and that was when the skeletons all disappeared? We have it now, but the amulet is damaged, and the king is gone. I put it in a protected vault for the moment but we'd feel more comfortable if one of the covens takes it, so we're going to reach out to them later for that.
  • We do have some casualties and people are being taken to the clinic now, but I don't think anything was fatal. Mike, Darlington took Nancy there just a few minutes ago and you may want to visit.
  • Full disclosure that I am also on my way there now, but I was told by triage that it "should be an easy heal". I didn't even realize I just had a

    If anyone has any other information to share, we'd love to hear it at the library, since we'll be documenting this in its entirety.
  • Sep. 19th, 2023



    [No Subject]

    In war, I'd prefer a dishonest man to a man who was unreliably honest. Predictability goes a long way in tactics: you can't control the players, but you could rely on what you believe them most likely to do in the situation they're in. Which is one reason why Vallo is so maddening to me: the arrivals and departures don't make sense. They aren't predictable. No amount of logic, big brain, cunning or forethought can predict what will happen in the day-to-day, which makes for lousy endings. Heartbreak. Broken relationships. But Vallo gives you just enough to keep you hopeful. Because for some, there is hope. The waiting, the not knowing - it makes everything sharper. Brighter.

    Which is all to say: I was gone for four months, taken to some strange world where I worked in a bar called the Mos Eisley Cantina. Luckily, I was the prettiest one there (save Earl, Earl had these gorgeous magenta fronds you would not believe), and I learned how to fly a spaceship and things were mostly fine, save how very much I missed the lot of you. And then one day, right when I was beginning to think I might never make my way back, I came back to this place just in time to see more departures.

    See? Maddening.

    But I am very glad to be back.

    Sep. 15th, 2023



    [No Subject]

    Hi. I'm back.

    I guess things are still completely fucking lunatic here.


    Thanks for making sure Darlington didn't suffocate in his nautical-themed sweater vests or whatever while I was out.

    Sep. 13th, 2023



    [No Subject]

    Because I had absolutely no signal on our honeymoon (it was planned that way) I just want to say thank you to everyone who made it to our wedding last Saturday. You all looked fabulous by staying on theme. Now that we've been back for a little over 24-hours-ish, I have pictures. You're all stuck having to look at them because my husband (I know I said I would never be this person, but marriage changes you and I am a changed woman) looked good.

    This is an OOC cut. )

    I'm still managing the rest of the week off from Nino's so don't come looking for me there if you want pizza or good customer service. Nothing exploded while we were gone? I feel like I would have sixth-sensed it from our getaway, but worth asking anyway.

    Sep. 9th, 2023



    [No Subject]

    If anybody gets any embarrassing pictures of the bride and groom on their phone, you're required by Barns Law to share them immediately. If they're REALLY good, I'll give you a finder's fee. If they're hilariously BAD, I'll give you a finder's fee and, I don't fucking know. A wheel of cheese. There.

    The bartender says we're out of the old man's favorite fizzy juice somehow so I'm gonna be a minute but I just want you to know that your ass looks criminal in those pants. If you love me even a LITTLE, you'll keep the jacket off and roll up your sleeves before I get back.

    Sep. 2nd, 2023



    [No Subject]

    ATTEMPTED FILTER TO CALEB (it failed, he forgot to do the actual filter)
    [written in Undercommon]

    Hello, husband.

    I just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of you right now. I'm taking a break from knitting to let you know this, so I hope you understand how serious this update is. The drinks are very good, even with the straws. Maybe because of the straws? I require additional information.

    also, I need you to know that you're very attractive even when you put your books in nonsensical places.

    actually you're very attractive then, too. Perhaps especially. It's vexing.

    Also Can you bring us soup?

    Sep. 1st, 2023



    [No Subject]

    How far back in time does Vallo pull people from? I think I saw an ancient Assyrian (possibly Sumerian? I'm not an expert on the period) walking very purposefully through the town this morning. I thought about asking him, then recalled the elephant's 'satiable curiosity and decided I should probably not. (Kipling is problematic, but I retain my childhood fondness for the Just So Stories nonetheless).

    [Filtered to the Great Library]
    The east wing bathroom poltergeist is back. Gansey, do you think you could shoo him off until the exorcist can get here? I've put up the Out of Order sign in the meantime in hopes that no one else gets sprayed in the face by the bathroom sink.

    Aug. 28th, 2023



    [No Subject]

    Message to Ronan and Adam

    Hello, the both of you. First let me extend my apologies for not having come by earlier; I've been slow in recovering from the battle last week. I should be able to resume my duties in the next few days but my appearance has been please don't be surprised at my I have lost

    My horse seems to have followed me here. I found her in the forest this morning. I was wondering if it would be too much trouble to ask if she could be boarded at the Barns with you.



    [No Subject]

    I took several videos of my husband as a kraken, for those who missed it and would like to see. He's very impressive.

    I have been doing research. You said that you did not require a bachelorette party. My research, however, is claiming this is very essential and something that someone in my role or equivalent would plan, so I am checking: are you sure you do not need this celebration? I would be happy to plan something for you, even if.
    About Willi
    I know you have grown fond of
    Do you feel Willi is essential toward your life happiness
    If Willi was at the shop, would you

    Can you think of anything else that you may require for school? I know this is an unpleasant subject, but anything else you can think of that we can get before next week, I would like to hear of it.
    Also I changed my mind. Willi can stay at the house.

    Aug. 22nd, 2023



    [No Subject]

    Looks like I arrived just in time to help people clean up. I suppose it is better than the alternative.

    Can someone direct me to my brother? I know he's round here somewhere.