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Dec. 17th, 2021



[No Subject]

Well, I missed noting it by a couple days, but that just means you've officially been stuck with me for a year and a couple days, Vallo.

And what a forking weird year it's been.

I wouldn't trade it though.

Dec. 6th, 2021



[No Subject]

Pending unavoidable disasters and Vallo being Vallo, we're going to have a gathering for Nyx's birthday on the 18th 17th since there's a wedding going on for the actual day. Start showing up around six? It's pretty casual, he just wants to spend time with you all.

If anyone wants to pitch in to help me make it look nice though, I won't say no to help.

Nov. 29th, 2021



[No Subject]

Who: Eleanor and Laurence
What: Eleanor and Laurence meet in person, and she introduces him to Froyo
When: First week of November
Where: Yogurt Yoghurt Yogurté
Warnings: Not here, unless you count the fact that Laurence doesn't enjoy sleeping in on rainy days.

So don't ask me how, because I have no idea, but this frozen yogurt tastes like experiences. I mean yeah, you could get cherry or blueberry but I will definitely judge you if you do. )

Nov. 21st, 2021



[No Subject]

One year ago, while I was still largely a new arrival, I gave a bit of a speech about Thanksgiving and how I may not be entirely fond of the true history behind it, I still appreciate the holiday as a reason to be thankful for friends and family. Which now includes a large portion of this place. Instead of repeating or rehashing that speech, I'd like to instead put out a general request.

Over the last few months, we've lost a fair number of good people and aside from the pain and grief that causes on its own, it's also thinned the ranks of our defense teams. As it's rare for several weeks to go by without something trying to cause problems around here, if anyone has been on the fence about signing up to help defend others - let me use this opportunity to encourage you. We can always use more good people on the front lines.

Nov. 19th, 2021



[No Subject]

private message - william laurence, lan xichen, marina, and eleanor:

The time has come for me to be officially inducted into Beketh. Next Saturday there will be a ceremony for the new inductees and the council members and our sponsors, then after that there is a banquet that is open to friends. I was told I could invite said friends, and I would appreciate it greatly if you all would join me after the ceremony if you are free.

You do not need to bring a thing, just your appetites. Perhaps your dancing shoes as well. Marina, you may bring your usual disdain for humanity - it will fit right in with my new coven.



[No Subject]

I know there's a lot of, uh... groups? To talk about issues? Is there anything that's sort of like 'A guide to the fact that you're from hundreds to thousands of years ago respectively and have no idea what's going on at any given time?'

Nov. 15th, 2021



[No Subject]

[Kenzi, Dorian]
Tomorrow is Marina's birthday, and while a party would probably piss her off, I figured a non-party consisting of breakfast burritos, trash tv, and cake probably won't. Are you both in?

She knows I'm planning something, but I also promised she wouldn't hate it.

Nov. 10th, 2021



[No Subject]

Beetlejuice starts tomorrow, for anyone who wants to come out and see madness, mayhem, cool-ass puppets, vulgarity, and me locking lips with Loki. Runs until Sunday and I'll happily host a cast/crew party at Skyhold after if we want (hi husbando, surprise).

And in case anyone also wanted to know - popping popcorn in an ice cream bar and oil is a total fucking lie, don't let Tik Tok fool you. I gave that scientific experiment a go and was not pleased with the results.

Nov. 8th, 2021



[No Subject]

KnivesWithFen on YouTube is officially a go. I already recorded my first video which is about my favorite kind of daggers that I own. I will be posting it weekly on Fridays provided there is no full moon during then!

Or giant cicadas attacking.

Or murder turkeys attacking. Whatever else we've had so far.

Also, HI, THOR! You have been missed! Come visit me! ;) ;)

Filter: Ruby
Because I want to be totally candid since we're fucking and all, you should know my husband from my world showed up. Eliot was here before and then disappeared and now he's back again. I guess the marriage was more or less arranged, my father made this blade that could kill a particular being and in exchange for it, I was to marry the king of Fillory, so there ya go.



[No Subject]

It's been a bit since I last saw my frie boss at Rose Apothecary, so that fucking sucks I guess it's probably safe to say that he's not around anymore. Which I'm guessing means I'm probably don't work there anymore.

Maybe it's for the best anyway, since I'm starting my new job this week.

[Filtered to James Barlow]

Hey, you [...] Vallians (???) go on dates, right?

Nov. 5th, 2021



[No Subject]

If you think directly after Halloween is too early to start decorating for Christmas/Yule...I don't want to hear it. Let me have my joy.

Once the new year hits I'm thinking of hosting a Battle of the Bands type event through the Art of Expression. How many Outlander musicians to have present that might be interested in something like that, out of curiosity? Do we have any fully formed bands among us?

Nov. 4th, 2021



[No Subject]

Any Brits* around who want to celebrate Guy Fawkes with me and Evie tomorrow night? We've got enough fireworks to scare the piss out of anyone in a thousand yards and we'll probably muster up some kind of bonfire cake. I know the day means nothing here, but it's our tradition and you can pry it from my cold dead hands.

*You don't have to be British. You can just be fond of us. Or fireworks. Or just enjoy stuffing your face with parkin. Not going to make you take a test or anything, promise.

Nov. 3rd, 2021



[No Subject]

If you were having a bad day or feeling down about yourself, there were few people who could give you an ego boost as quickly as Alexis. After months of working with her, wine nights, gossip sessions, watching her plan an event like almost no one else except maybe my friend Tahani, I'm going to miss my bestie.

I can't even be mad, though, because at least Vallo gave me time to get to know her and knowing this place, it could always bring her back. In the meantime, if you need a similar pick me up, try the Beyonce Compliments Your Hair froyo. It's almost as good as when Alexis would. Almost.

I spent last night watching trash tv and drinking with Marina and generally wallowing, but how are you doing?

Guess I should tell you. I have news.

Nov. 2nd, 2021



[No Subject]

I'll miss Alexis. I hope that she's happy back where she was before.

I have a lot of excess projects and things I was working on for the Apothecary, so if anyone is looking for lanterns, both papier-mâché moon and suns or the ones with recycled plastic, let me know.

Oct. 27th, 2021



[No Subject]

I suppose that living here, one must eventually grow accustomed to having their friends disappear.

Oct. 26th, 2021



[No Subject]

Delia Tamara Hanson.

Oct. 24th, 2021



[No Subject]

Dorian & Eleanor
Saturday morning | Marina's Penthouse

Talking while Dorian cooks breakfast.

Read more... )

Oct. 21st, 2021



[No Subject]

Your high king has arrived. Or you can call me your majesty. Or Eliot. I'll answer to them all. Seems fitting I arrived here during chaotic times. Story of my life. Who has the good vodka?

Oct. 15th, 2021



[No Subject]

Grab a coffee or something stronger. I got a text from Care Caroline about what we can only call Vallo being Vallo. She's got her hands f Some of you are likely already aware, so to head off questions and chaos, the DOA can confirm there seems to be some kind of timeslip event happening. Don't freak out if you suddenly have a kid or someone you know isn't the right age. The latter might be easier to adjust to since it's happened at least once before in the time I've been here - but the kid thing may be a bit shocking.

If you need a hand, the DOA has services to help out. That said, though, in an effort to coordinate and assist, we're asking you to chime in here with any reports you want to share so that we can manage resources and get a handle on expectations.

[ooc | this here's the catch-all post, I offered to get one up early for Meghan]
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Oct. 14th, 2021



[No Subject]

Eleanor, I hate to tell you this, but I don't think I can look at another shrimp for a week. At least. It might be longer.

I'll be sure to go probably the entire summer without eating shrimp for the next birthday. Welcome back to getting old again...for the second time or whatever.