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Posts Tagged: '%7Eplot:+serendipity+hills'

Dec. 10th, 2021





My name is Seth. Some of you probably know me as the guy taking up residence with his laptop at a corner table and drinking all your coffee. Sorry about that.

I hit a wall with my internet based research and I was wondering if you guys had an archive around here, open to the public?

Your town is pretty nice. I like it.



Serendipity Hills Log (viewable on TV)

Richie & Adora
WHAT: Eating cookies, drinking hot chocolate, and Richie shares a vision~
WHERE: Richie's kitchen
WHEN: This morning
STATUS: Complete

“Check this out - pretty cute, right? Right?”
Read more... )

Dec. 9th, 2021



private messages (vallo network)


I've been trying to keep up with the latest television show fad, and am taking notes, but it's definitely a lot to keep up with. Could use some company, if you want to try to sort through it with me?

I'm mainly invested in the small town innkeeper and the spoiled socialite storyline, but I'm up for watching whatever you're interested in. If anything. Or just eating a variety of different popcorn flavors.


Have you been watching the newest really weird yet strangely addicting holiday special?



Serendipity Hills Log

WHO: Will Laurence and Lan Xichen
WHAT: Having some tea and feelings in Serendipity Hills
WHEN: Aired with yesterday's episodes
WHERE: Will's coffee shop, Divine Coffee

He fulfilled his yoga teacher stereotype by being a straightedge vegetarian, but refined sugars remained a perpetual weakness of his - as did the man in front of him. )




filtered: noctis & ignis (viewable).
So.... do I get to ask questions?



[No Subject]

[ Private; Visible to Vallo Viewers ]

- New operations center. MILKMAN suspects nothing. Should vacate between 03:00 and 04:00 hours due to MILKMAN's early-riser schedule.

- TARGET assisting parents with preparations for annual Christmas party. TARGET appears happ hopefu physically unharmed. Parents appear pretentious as fuck.

- Guest list of 200 but well-curated. Won't be able to sneak in with stolen invitation. Will go double-duty as hired help. Catering service?

- Tonight I case the place. Yu Manor. What pieces of work.

- Remember: don't kill anyone. Even if they're awful and literally no one would miss them. TARGET would be sad. Repeat: don't kill anyone.

- These sugar cookies are dope. Good job MILKMAN.

[ /Private ]



Serendipity Hills

Happy, happy Thursday, Serendipity Hills!

Just a quick reminder that if you're interested in participating in our annual cookie contest and haven't signed up, there is still time to do so! Stop down by the bakery and we'll get you sorted. There are so many different prizes up for grabs this year on top of the normal top prize, so I hope you consider taking part, whether you have years and years of experience or you're fresh off the cookie sheet!

And if none of that is for you, we also have cookie decorating kits available so you can take them home and just have fun without the contest! Fun for kids of all ages, including you adults that just want a little holiday whimsy in your life.

That is all from me! Enjoy your days! ❄️ ☃️ 🍪




We've got a pretty damn delicious almond and chocolate bar two for the price of one this afternoon at Galahd's. Goes great with the eggnog latte.

filtered to bucky (viewable).
Right - here goes nothing -
Hey so, my sister and her new boyfriend were supposed to pop into town for dinner tonight but she couldn't get away from work. I've got way too much food for just me, I was wondering if you wanted to come by for dinner? You're more than welcome to bring Lucy of course.



Serendipity Hills

It makes me sad that there is ice skating in park tonight and I can't skate. Knee injuries are worst thing! I still have two more weeks of PT before I even get thinking about putting skates on. (((

But on good side, Ksenia is making gingersnaps and I get to eat them right out of oven! Between my sister and Babka, I will have all baked goods I can stand.

[Filtered to Solaire, visible to viewers]
Want to come by Mama's house for cookies? Cookies taste better than apartment sadness.



A Serendipity Hills Christmas Carol: Part Two

WHO Thom Summer, with special guests Atreus, Wanda Maximoff, Stephen Strange, and Kate Danvers (NOTE: all characters are merely shades/likenesses of their played self taken with permission from their players for the purpose of this nonsense)

WHERE Serendipity Hills • WHEN One o'clock in the morning, Christmas Day! (roll with the funky timeline, guys)
A Serendipity Hills Christmas Carol: PART TWO. WARNINGS: Heartbreak, weird timelines you'll need to handwave, surprising amounts of shirtlessness
"Spirit, what the fuuuuuuuuuuuu-" Read more... )




Why is it always this time of year that students just make me want to lose my mind? (Up in here, up in here.) I desperately need this semester to be over with already!


Babe, are you okay? You seemed really frazzled this morning before I left the apartment.




Thor Odinson
Santa Claus
WHERE: Vallo: Serendipity Hills
WHEN: December 9th, 2021 (In Serendipity Hills it's the night before Christmas Eve)
WHAT: Thor inherits a very important mantle by accident.
WARNINGS: Um, Thor kills Santa? But like in a magical way.
STATUS: Complete
“Don't look at me like that, I didn't know!” Read more... )



serendipity hills (visible to viewers)

Richie, I'm DYING. 🥴




WHO: Anna, Erik and Anka Irene
WHEN: this afternoon
WHERE: Serendipity Hills near the school
WHAT: a car breaks down and a date is planned

Having some trouble? )



Serendipity Hills Animated Special: How Xue Yang and Meng Yao Stole Catsmas

WHO: Cat!Mingjue, Cat!Yao, Cat!Huaisang, Cat!Xue Yang, and Lan Xichen
WHAT: Kitty Yao continues his attempt to frame Mingjue for enough mischief that he gets ejected from the house.
WHEN: Airing right after school lets out, for your childhood viewing pleasure
WHERE: Lan Xichen's house in Serendipity Hills
WARNINGS: Barf. Scheming. Rhymed couplets.

Every mouse in the basement liked Christmas a lot / But the cat in the alley next to it did NOT / Xue Yang hated Christmas! The whole Christmas season! / Now please don’t ask why - no one quite knows the reason )

Dec. 8th, 2021



Serendipity Hills Animated Special: Merry Catsmas

WHO: Cat!Mingjue, Cat!Huaisang, Cat!Yao, and Lan Xichen
WHAT: The secret life of a yoga teacher's cats
WHEN: Airing this afternoon after school
WHERE: Lan Xichen's house in Serendipity Hills

Who's a mighty little hunter? Huaisang is! )



A Serendipity Hills Christmas Carol: Part One

WHO Thom Summer, with special guests Gretchen Cutler, Guillermo de la Cruz, Billy Kaplan, Tommy Shepherd (NOTE: Gretchen, Billy and Tommy are likenesses of their IC characters, and are not actually in Serendipity Hills)

WHERE Serendipity Hills • WHEN Christmas Eve! (roll with the funky timeline, guys)
A Serendipity Hills Christmas Carol: PART ONE. WARNINGS Selfishness!!! Stinginess!!!
"Gretchen was dead to begin with. There was no doubt about that." Read more... )



Serendipity Hills

It's been a long time, Serendipity Hills. I'd forgotten how pretty this place is all dolled up for the holidays.

[Private, Visible to Viewers]
So far, it seems genuine. Mom asked about my work and actually seemed interested in the subject matter, not just the ROI. Dad asked if I was seeing anybody and seemed like he cared about the answer even though the answer wasn't "one of your business associates' daughters."

I just hope the answer I gave him is still right. Murderbot didn't say he was dumping me if I "answered the summons," but he definitely didn't like the idea. Not that I can blame him. My folks don't exactly have the best track record. But it's Christmas, right? Maybe this is the Christmas Miracle where Mom and Dad start acting like real people. And I know it's stupid to think that based on past experience. I know. But if this is my one chance at having a semi-normal family, I can't just walk away without even trying.




Mistake number one was getting talked into "let's go look at the cute animals, Uncle Lance" by a seven year old.

Meet Montery Jack Taquito Alvarez aka Monty.

Mistake number two was letting aforementioned seven year old and her brother name the dog I got roped into adopting for them.

filtered to atreus (audience viewable)
You don't have to come tonight by the way. Sofia will probably even forget she asked you by the time it rolls around and no one should be forced to watch grade school kids butcher already terrible Christmas songs.



~serendipity hills


Look, don't judge me. I'm doing my job.

Because my boss can't rub two brain cells together I've been put in charge of the holiday adoption - again. We're doing the 'Pawliday Wishes' these fucking PUNS all day today at the mall and throughout the month to get furballs out of the shelter. Show up and adopt something. Gonna just walk through and window shop on strays and talk about how cute they are and go home without them? Shame on you, you're dead to me and your Christmas spirit is fake.

We won't say no to volunteers but remember that you're not getting paid, though the cuddles you get in exchange (not from me, don't touch me just because I have cute ears) are worth it.

And for people who already have pets - yes, there is a Santa that your dog/cat/goat/goblin can take pictures with. Here's a sample. They make good holiday cards or whatever. Proceeds go to the shelter.

Questions? Complaints? Concerns? Too bad. I don't care. :)