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Posts Tagged: 'assassin%27s+creed:+jacob+frye'

Aug. 30th, 2023



Log: Fryes

Evie & Jacob Frye
WHAT. Evie tells Jacob the ~news~ and they have a nice sibling moment.
WHERE. Jacob’s firestation.
WHEN. Backdated to the weekend!
WARNINGS. Just some thoughts about period-typical homophobia but very tame!
STATUS. Complete!
Read more... )

Aug. 25th, 2023



[No Subject]

To whoever sent the edible arrangement, please know that was incredibly thoughtful of you. Really, just so selfless and kind. I have a feeling it was sent from someone who is only soft and truly considers me to be a close, loving friend and confidante. Rest assured that Trinket and I ate the shit out of it.

Anyway, I'm truly bored. I don't know what was promised to Rodrigo, but I have never been bossed around more by an Unseen Servant. Tell me tales of the outside, because I fear I'll be laid up in this bed forever, if this floating vest has anything to say about it.

And, you know, kraken fucking suck and yeah okay thanks, Diego, for making sure I didn't get eaten by one for the second time in my bloody existence and have to have another meeting with my goddess. Also trying to decide if this means I should eat more or less seafood?

Aug. 19th, 2023



[No Subject]

I had a change of heart recently and thought burning my brother's journals, literally, which have been burning a hole in my mind, figuratively, would help with the intense desire I have felt to read them as of late. But it is raining and burning a book inside the train seems ill-advised given children. I'm taking the rain as a sign that I should wait on the burning.

And I have moved them to a child-proof location in Evie's quarters in case Graciela decides to start teething on one.

Aug. 18th, 2023



[No Subject]

Are there any rules against having certain animals at the apartment complex? My Carpathian lynx from home somehow followed me here and she spends some of the time outside but prefers to be with me a lot? I have a job now, so I can pay for any damages but she's well-behaved as long as I get a jungle gym for her.

But if I have to find another place to live, I can. I'd just like know so I can prepare.

Oh! Here's a picture.

This is Irene )

Aug. 17th, 2023



[No Subject]

Coming at you all real hot with some more satisfying jif gefs aw shit things.

Obviously this is not Chetney but you know, theater of the mind )

Can't show too much on account of I don't want to take away from the hashtag wolfpack in my DMs.

I say be the satisfying thing you want to see in the world.

Said that about thirst traps yesterday. Don't know which one is more poignant.

Anyway, show me some of the shit you're making, c'mon now. Doesn't have to be wood. Wood is preferred, but I got a lot of respect for the entire crafting line. Long as you make it with your hands, long as you had a good time, you were successful. Don't let no one take that shit from you.

Jul. 31st, 2023



[No Subject]

So I just get to keep this phone? And everyone can just see what I post here all the time?

Jul. 27th, 2023



[No Subject]

Hello. I’m Tiberius, but you can call me Ty, everyone does. I'm new here, and I have a lot of commentary and/or questions so I will put them in list form for ease of reading. The office was loud and

1. Has anyone successfully avoided being taken into the Department of Outlander Affairs office and remained unseen on arrival? I am not used to being seen when I don't want to be, that part was strange.

2. Do the words Nephilim, Downworlder, Shadowhunter, or Clave mean anything to anyone?

3. Has Sherlock Holmes ever been here Have any communication attempts back home ever succeeded? I assume people have tried many times.

4. Can anyone tell me more about the Covens? Is it true there is one dedicated solely to necromancy, and that is magic used here a lot, and is not forbidden or against the law?

5. Has anyone here traveled to the faerie realm and if so what was it like? I’m curious how it compares to the one in my world but I don’t have as much experience there either, just what my siblings have told me.

6. The library is very nice. I like it there.

Jul. 4th, 2023



[No Subject]

This is your last minute-ish reminder that the Arcane Trickster summer camp is coming back this year--three Sundays, starting on the 9th--and if you and/or your child have yet to sign up, there's still time. For ages 6-16, Caleb and I (and friendly volunteers) will be teaching the basics of wizard-ing and rogue-ing, all while being safe and responsible about it. Participants just need to bring themselves, though dress in good, old outdoor fun attire, as lunch, snacks, water, and other necessities are provided.

It's been a lot of fun the last couple of years we've done it, so this year will hopefully be more of the same. If you want to join up but haven't signed up already, let us know and one of us will get paperwork to you.

Also, if you haven't volunteered to help out yet and want to, this is your chance. It's for a good cause, you get a free t-shirt, and I'll, I don't know, give you a high five or fist bump. What more could you want, come on now.

Jun. 17th, 2023



[No Subject]

Mass email sent to everyone who gave Henry their contact info for Prom Photos:
Good Morning:

To everyone who was at Prom last Saturday, I'm almost done with the photos and should have them ready to send to people later today and tomorrow. I'm sorry it's taken me a little longer than I would have liked, but there was an issue at my apartment earlier this week with one of those damn hands and a window.

Thank you very much for your patience.

-Henry Townshend

Private Message to Rocket Racoon

Good Morning Rocket, I got a lot of pictures of Groot with a lot of people during Prom last Saturday. I wondered if he might like to have them in a photo book, or something?

Jun. 15th, 2023



Log: Jacob & Serefin

Jacob Frye & Serefin Meleski
WHAT. Dancing at prom and being saps
WHERE. The hotel ballroom
WHEN. Prom night
STATUS. complete
Read more... )

Jun. 10th, 2023



posted late 6/10 (just after prom)

How many drunk ~incredibly powerful~ magic users does it take to teleport home?

(more than three apparently)

And thank you to everyone that came to prom! This commo commm community never fails to impress me with the support and just know that the kids appree appreciate you just as much as I do. I'm incredibly grateful.

Also I hope you all took food because duck fuck me there was so much of it.

Jun. 8th, 2023



[No Subject]

Darlings, on a very spontaneous note, and not at all because I walked in on Vax doing this very thing, please, for the love of the gods, do not use a knife as a tracing line for eyeliner. I understand that the result may be effective, but at what cost?

Given that Prom that will be raising funds for my beloved's youth center is around the corner (which, darlings, you should all be attending!!) try these tips instead.

For a winged look, create the flick at the outer corner first and then connect to the line along the lash line--and to create a balanced, even look, start small with the wing and use a card or tape to measure the angle. You can always build out the wings, but it's difficult to reign it back in. You'll also want to keep your head titled back, and steady your arm or elbow on a flat surface. In a pinch you can use your little finger on your cheek. Don't worry about getting one flawless line in one application! Draw a few dashes or dots along the lash line, and then connect those. Those smaller strokes will give you much more control and comfort with your eye shape.

If you've made a mistake, which certainly happens, take a breath and let the eyeliner dry before attempting to clean it. I, personally, line my lower lid as well but that's because I have been accused of being dramatic and doing the most, and I don't shun these labels.

Above all, if eyeliner doesn't jingle your jangles, don't bother! If you want to experiment with colored liner, do! If you like how something looks on you, that's what you should be sporting, regardless of what anyone says is the 'right' color for you or the 'right' shape. What looks best on you is what you feel the best in, and that's true of makeup and clothing. That confidence and joy will outshine any accessory--I say, as someone who wears enough jewelry to accidentally blind low flying birds.

May. 18th, 2023



[No Subject]

Wow, look, I once again just found some random stuff in my stuff this morning when I woke up, how very strange and coincidental:

- a set of dice, I think? One of them looks like a dice, but the rest are interestingly shaped *
- a marker that says COPIC on it *
- an eyepatch *
- just a fuck ton of daggers that I'm pretty sure are your make, Fen *
- a little friendship looking bracelet *
- a book that I think might be in Zemnian, Caleb *
- several sets of keys that can probably be identified by keychain *
- two different chapsticks, both vanilla latte flavored
- a black bucket hat that says "Raccoon Whisperer" on it
- a nearly empty pot of what I assume is body glitter (this is becoming tradition and makes me think younger me should have had more access back home)
- one black fingerless glove
- jar of crunchy peanut butter that might just be from our kitchen, now that I think about it
- a sewing kit with all the black thread missing, apologies
- a rainbow scrunchie
- two empty flasks this year, oh ho
- a belt that isn't one of my many belts

There also are a number of items here that I recognize from a certain shop. I will return them to you, my glorious fiance, when I bring you lunch.

Anyway, I do apologize--my fingers were incredibly sticky as a teenager due to a slew of father-based issues that we don't have to get into right now. If any of the above sounds like it belongs to you, let me know and I'll get it to you, alongside my deepest apologies and an offer for a round somewhere, because wow.

[ooc note - if an item is marked by * then it has been volunteered by someone, otherwise feel free to claim any of the other items! also poke me if you'd like to add anything to the list.]

May. 12th, 2023



[No Subject]

Jacob Frye
Serefin Meleski
WHERE Their room on the train
WHEN Thursday morning, May 11
WHAT Jacob and Serefin wake up much older, with a ton of memories from home, and some really awkward revelations.
STATUS Complete!
WARNINGS Some talks of violence and mentions of eye things.
"I care for her deeply but it isn't like it was with us. I hope for more for you, honestly. A torrid steamy affair. Come on. Spill." Read more... )



[No Subject]

I suppose that it's high time I've introduced myself on this, though I'm not so sure that now's the best time. I understand that events like... this happen often here though, so perhaps it is.

I'm Tom Badgerlock. I arrived here about a week and a half ago, and have spent the last week acquainting myself with... all of this. It's all very different than where I'm from, but I think I've been getting the lay of the land.

I also suspect the money I was given on my arrival won't last too terribly long, so if anyone has any work, I would be grateful for it. I can do scribe work, though I don't suppose I'll be able to try my hand at creating inks for it without better acquainting myself with the local flora. I've done work in the past as a farmhand, and can do manual labour. Most recently I was employed as the valet and bodyguard of a particular lord, and then was recruited into the Queen's guard. I'm most proficient with an axe, though I can use a sword if necessary.

May. 11th, 2023



[No Subject]

Alright I've wandered about and remembered a bit more. I have missed the food. And the lack of horse shit on the street. And I suppose all the layabouts living on my train.

Or at least I would've missed those things if I remembered this place yesterday. Anyway, let's not talk about the eye patch, alright? I've felt sorry for myself enough for one day. Come by the club for a drink on me. Or a punch if that's more your style. I doubt I'll be here long enough for the matches to roll around.

May. 8th, 2023



[No Subject]

I am not from a world with things like high school and pep rallies (this is something I just learned about, in fact, and am certain I would have absolutely hated every second of it as a teen), so I didn't know what prom was until it was explained to me and hey, guess what. We're having a prom for so-called grown ups.

So: as long as we aren't displaced in time or space or fighting monsters, anyone 18+ is invited to adult prom on June 10, the theme being Under the Sea, which I was told is one of a handful of popular themes for these kinds of events. All proceeds from ticket costs will be going to the youth center, as well as any added donations and such at the event itself. The usual suspects will be there: good food, open bar, music, and other surprises.

There will be a contest for best Proprom ProposalPr Promsal Promposal to go along with this. This is another thing I had never heard of, but here we are, learning things together. If you make a bit of a fun fuss asking your date to prom with you, record it, send it to vvessar@vcyc.org, and there will be votes during the event on the best promposal. The couple/pair/duo that wins will get bragging rights and a weekend package for two at Galdin Quay.

All right, questions? I'll try to answer them or make something up. Otherwise, hope you'll be there.

Apr. 30th, 2023



[No Subject]

Didn't expect to wander into an alternate (different?) dimension when I woke up the other day. Then again at this point I should probably expect the unexpected.

At least I'm not the only one here whose done that - at least that's what they've told me. So, I guess, this is my attempt to say hello to my fellow Outlanders I hope that's the right word. My name is Leon, I'll be serving on the Defense Team, as soon as I get my assignment. By what I've been told, that should be interesting. To my fellow Defense Team members, any advice you can throw my way?

Apr. 24th, 2023



[No Subject]

So. let’s say you were taken in by the woman who had your birth parents killed and then she raised you to be the very best time traveling assassin/fixer there is, and now you’ve got a tiny tot and you're trying to leave wet work in the past. What the hell do you put on your resume? I’ve never looked for a proper job before. It’s a ridiculous farce, isn’t it? Most of my references are either family now or very very dead.

Actually. Anyone have a band in need of a drummer? One getting paying gigs, not just sitting around in someone’s garage sweating bullets over their equipment, that is. If you have a drummer but they’re mediocre, consider punting them to the curb in favour of yours truly? I look really good in thigh high fishnets and tiny shorts, if that helps my cause any.

Apr. 5th, 2023




For years now, Brenda has been trading Outlander information for her own power and safety. Powers, abilities, known locations, friends, and family. Those people often became the targets of Interitus' control and became thralls or were killed out of fear.

I have documents and voice recordings, if anyone wants proof. She did it under her own volition, not out of fear or blackmail or coercion.

Brenda's dead now.

I have a cache of sleep darts and smoke bombs for tomorrow, if anyone would like to nip a few. I plan to take as many thrall'd people out of the fight safely as I can with the darts, in hopes that none of them have to die before this is fixed. If anyone touches Jacob, you'll join Br