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Posts Tagged: '%E2%82%B4+inactive:+arthur+curry'

Feb. 17th, 2021



[No Subject]

Anyone else in the special hell of having a song stuck in your head that you only remember about five of the words and doesn't exist in Vallo? Even the guy at the coffee shop who started randomly singing it to me had to hum most of it. Stay weird, Vallo.

Feb. 16th, 2021



[No Subject]

i guess daddy-o one uped us. somehow?

dick, you better be here because if i'm stuck here alone, i am going to be so pissed.

and where the hell are my swords?

Feb. 9th, 2021



[No Subject]

Well, I've been here less than a week and chaos reigns supreme, so well done Loki??.

Rather than say this on 300 separate forum entries, I'll just say it here as a catch-all - if you need quick transportation away from the Foul Fowl Danger Zone at any point during this nonsense, send me coordinates and I'll open a portal to take you wherever you need. Likely the hospital or the clinic, judging by what you all have been getting up to and how much you're bleeding.

It's a circle that has gold sparks outlining it, just step through. Thanks so much. Go team.

Feb. 4th, 2021



Network: Clark Kent [01]

Is there someone here by the name of Bruce Wayne?

Jan. 14th, 2021



[No Subject]

If you get a chance, visit the pet rescue here in Vallo. Not only are you going to find a bunch of loving animals in need of a home, but the customer service is really some of the best I've come across. A+++ would shop again.

Anyway, say hi to Clarity.

Jan. 7th, 2021



[No Subject]

Took me most of the day to confirm, but looks like I latched onto some of this power trading stuff, too.

Thunder and lightning? ✔️
Flight? ✔️
More Super strength? ✔️
More Super durability? ✔️
Summon a hammer? ✔️

Just call me ArTHOR. Sorry buddy, enjoy your swim? It won't last more than a few days, tops.

Dec. 17th, 2020



[No Subject]

Arthur of Atlantis
Diana of Themyscira
WHO Diana and Arthur • WHERE Doing a tour of Atlantis • WHEN While it was still SUNNY
“I cannot pass up being a mermaid at least once.” Read more... )

Dec. 10th, 2020



[No Subject]

Hello Vallo people! Alexis Rose here, to inform you about our Apothecary specials this holiday season. We have nourishing goat milk lotions and soaps, special coconut oil lotion bars for the shower, a nifty coffee body scrub, and a Miracle Salve that will solve all your dry skin problems (itchy hands and windburn are the worst this time of year). All handmade, locally sourced, not tested on animals! And in a variety of winter scents as well - peppermint, orange clove, sparkling pine, gingerbread waffles, and more.

Also, we'll have a bin at the Apothecary for the toy drive. Pick up a few stocking stuffers or pampering doo-dads while you're there! And we're also ready for all your white elephant needs. My fabulous associate, Tal, has put together a good many already-prepared gift baskets, to pick up for white elephant contributions, in a variety of themes! We've got "Peppermint Delights," "Keep Your Hands/Claws Moisturized," and a "Help, I've Partied Too Hard" basket featuring a hangover helper tea (rooibos), coffee, a smooth milk chocolate bar, homemade detox juice (it's a secret recipe), a cucumber cooling mask, and a rose and chamomile cleanser.

So yes, come see us. And stay fabulous and warm!

filtered to friends, idgaf who replies to this filter :D )

Nov. 23rd, 2020



[No Subject]

So um, they told me I was here before and I guess I don't have a good reason not to believe them since I can see my name on the network. I'm not going to rea I might read Uhhh what was I Right so yeah, if I knew you and I don't anymore, sorry? If you have no idea what I'm talking about, good.

I'm Noctis.

I really shouldn't be here

Anybody know any good fishing spots? Or maybe the least sticky arcade?

Nov. 16th, 2020



[No Subject]

Damn it, Ray.

Nov. 15th, 2020



[No Subject]

Greetings, Vallo denizens of all persuasions! I have a couple of announcements I wanted to share with the class before I enjoyed my Cinderella latte, which is a pumpkin spice latte where you substitute half of the pumpkin spice sauce pumps for white mocha. You're welcome for the life-changing tip.

1. If you're looking for a good place to eat after the epic hockey match today, Café Tropical is now in the city. It's from my home turf, Schitt's Creek. Really good food sometimes, and the smoothies are an adventure.

2. Into the Woods! Opening night is November 19th. The show runs 'til the 22nd, 7 PM each night with a 2 PM show on Sunday. We've been rehearsing hard, come see us!

3. My Womb Eviction Day is 12/19. I'll be throwing a party someplace so mark your calendars now! More details later, when I get potentially the right permits I'll need for this blowout.

private to cullen )

Sep. 28th, 2020



[No Subject]

Who here likes to watch stuff blow up?

Y'all are business people. I'm a business person. Now, what might a sweet young thing like myself do to secure some investments to start my own legitimate, going-straight business here? Really, it's an investment not just for me and my artisan, homemade dynamite, but also for y'all, considering if I'm kept busy and moral I won't have as much time to get the funds the old-fashioned, slightly-less-pleasant-for-everyone way. I just need a little boost. Honest.

I'll make a wide range of explosive devices. Maybe even custom orders if you give me some sugar.

Sep. 20th, 2020



[No Subject]

[Caroline and Sara]
Atlantis is in a bit of a panic, but secure. They called me out yesterday because someone said they saw something large swimming around. No luck spotting anything yesterday, but it showed up attacking the city core today. I'm not exaggerating when I say it's like warship huge. I don't know what it is.

But it wasn't expecting me, so we managed to run it off. I have a feeling it isn't over, so please keep some people on tap. Atlanteans are willing to bypass the checkpoint if it comes back. I'll give a shout if it returns, whatever it is, it isn't responding to my abilities.

Sep. 14th, 2020



[No Subject]

Okay, first of all, super grateful to those who came out to do some speed dating and to those who helped with the event - those who did help, you are shining stars and I appreciate you. I'm pleased to have brought people together for hookups and/or blossoming new friendships and if you didn't have at least one decent conversation, well, maybe your personality is just terrible but that's okay! It takes all types to make a world, especially a Vallo world!

Speaking of that Vallo world, I'm having a little problem in my apartment right now? And I snapped a photo with my phone because while everyone else gets Pokemon, I got this which is literally a floor-to-ceiling portrait of the fam, and yes, I realize we all look miserable but that's because we were. Whatever.

The problem is that this monstrosity barely fits in my space and if I leave it there it might just go through the ceiling. Is there like, someone who can do a little shrinky-dink with magic or shrinky-dink technology because I don't hate the creepy dead eyes of my family following my every move, I just would rather it be in wallet-sized.

ALSO - fall scents including pumpkin, cinnamon apple, black pomegranate, and berry + fig are now available at Rose Apothecary, in a variety of products! Pamper yourself for autumn and then grab a PSL from Starbucks, because sometimes it's fun to be basic and we should just let people enjoy things~ And if anyone can help with the aforementioned Rose portrait monstrosity, I will give you free hand cream, TIA.

Sep. 13th, 2020



[No Subject]

Who: Carol Danvers & Arthur Curry
What: Beers and karaoke
Where: Galahd's
When: Thursday night
Warnings: nope!
Status: complete

Oof, it really has been a while. Next you'll be asking about pagers. )

Sep. 10th, 2020



[No Subject]

I guess Sherlock's gone. That's really disappointing. I wanted to try and fix I'm really going to miss him and his daughter but, at least, they're back home.

Was there karaoke tonight or is that next week? If it's tonight... who else is going? Ooh! Did we ever decide on a game night?! I may have missed everyone and you should all be super prepared to be sick of me. Especially a certain someone in a trenchcoat.

Filtered to those working in the Science division of the DOA )

Aug. 31st, 2020



[No Subject]

He wasn't on the network much, for anyone that knew him, Dick Grayson has been sent home.

If anyone needs me, I'm going to be getting drunk as shit. Vallo seems determined to fuck me lately.

Aug. 25th, 2020



[No Subject]

Someone was talking in what I think was old Egyptian the other day. Missed the name, not wanting to spend time searching this busy network. Anyone know who it was or want to point him my way? Found something I think might be his.

Aug. 7th, 2020



[No Subject]

I told myself if some of these migrating thoughts (good term, Cass, I like it) ended up in my head that I'd just keep it to myself instead of putting one more person's business out on the network for everyone to see but then I woke up this morning with some stuff that made me change my mind. So it felt kind of important to say something and my dad was always good with some advice when I needed it, so here goes:

Dear Lonely Girl,

I don't know who Scanlin is, though I did know a Thomas Scanlin and he was something else, but don't be mad at yourself for caring about him leaving. I don't know if you had a thing or if you were just friends or hell even enemies because all of those leave an impact and there being a sudden hole is going to hit you in the gut whether you like it or not. Let it out. And hey, you're not alone. I'm sure you've got plenty of friends here, like this Sara & Ray you're thinking about. Others, too, right? Chin up, things'll get better. Plus who knows, we've got at least one god here, maybe yours will show up, too.

Anyway, I'm no therapist or advice columnist, but I'm literally thinking about you right now and hoping life gets better for you. And if you're into beer, I'll buy you one. If you're old enough.


Aug. 1st, 2020



[No Subject]

[Boyd's Body & Paint]
You guys take appointments over the network or should I just show up? Vallo's doing it's thing and my old truck showed up sometime last night. Largely just glad it didn't give it to me while I was underwater, but it still needs a lot of work. I got it running, but it got hit with a tidal wave some time back. Long story.

I've been back above water for just over a week and I've already bought a suit and going to a fancy dance party at a castle that wasn't here a few months ago. For all it's changed in the last year, Vallo's still as unpredictable as ever.