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May. 2nd, 2021



[No Subject]

journal entry to those with the viga-maðr
I'm going to say our best bet is having them take us with them tomorrow. I somehow doubt if they leave us behind there'd be much in the way of boats left to get off this island. Whatever battle they're expecting should give us cover to make a run for it. Unless anyone else had any bright ideas?

journal entry to steve & james
Should hopefully be on mainland tomorrow. I'll try to regroup with you when I am. You're both okay?




[A hand-drawn inked lotus, with pink watercolors made from flowers he found.]

Happy birthday to my shijie! I am sorry I am away for now but I am sure it is only a matter of time before we are home. Jiang Cheng, you must spoil her extra for me, please. Yanli, there is a gift for you in the jingshi, a little white and purple box under the bed. I love you!

Lan Zhan, if you can read this, do not worry about me too much! It's not too bad! The people here don't like us very much, and there are traps everywhere, and we do not have much freedom but we are slowly winning them over with our charming behavior and baking skills. I made some paints and I'm going to share them, we will see if that will curry favor! Now if only I didn't have to deal with having a new golden core that's uncultivated and untrained, and no flute

Is anyone taking care of the bunnies and Apple back home?

May. 1st, 2021



[No Subject]

WHERE Somewhere on the island of Viga-maðr
WHEN Saturday, May 1st (morning)
WHAT The boys wake up lost ~in the past~, Nursey ends up in a trap, and Bitty gets up in arms at scary men with weapons. It goes about how you would expect.
STATUS Complete!
WARNINGS Mentions of medication for anxiety.
“I’m really not looking to be a cannibal’s dinner guest so if you can help me down, Bits, that would be cool.” Read more... )

Apr. 23rd, 2021



[No Subject]

If you're out by the big park by main street, be warned they got a bunch of sprinklers and super soakers out and have made it into a water splashtown over there. It was nice to hit post-run, but I wasn't in much to begin with so if you're in work clothes you may want to steer clear.

Bitty's birthday is coming up in early May. Since he's gotten an all clear from the doctor I'm thinking... party at Faber on the 1st? We can do a pickup game, some fun ice games, eat a bunch of cake and pizza?

Apr. 6th, 2021



[No Subject]

Let's hear it for Nursey!

Apr. 3rd, 2021



Log: Zimbits

"I appreciate you worrying sweetheart, but do not think I am too busy with that Easy Bake Oven that Nursey left on our nightstand to know you are not resting either.”
The Haus | PG - worried husband syndrome mostly.
Read more... )

Mar. 23rd, 2021



[No Subject]

I imagine it's quite common around here to say something like "not exactly where I expected to end up", so add mine to the mix I suppose.

Cheers to those that helped me this morning in the forest - I'm not sure what the beast was that attacked us, but it certainly regretted that it tried. I'm Ignis, obviously a new arrival, but sadly not one that could fully benefit from the video they show newcomers, but I think I got the gist of things. No way home, stipend, an apartment in exchange for name and species, a free drink, and proper sunlight?

I don't want to put them on blast, but if anyone knows a Noc Gladiolus Amicitia or a Prompto Argentum, I would appreciate being pushed in the right direction.

Mar. 20th, 2021



[No Subject]

SOS I need someone to come be my photographer and take thirst traps of me. Actual photographers, welcomed. Pervs, go home.

Mar. 18th, 2021



[No Subject]

Trying every sore throat remedy today and politely asking the Gods of Spring to give a bro a break. Everything itches and I can't sing and blow my nose at the same time.

Yo Annie's is here. Got myself a triple soy vanilla latte no foam and didn't even drop it on the way out.

Mar. 11th, 2021



[No Subject]

[ Texts to Nursey - that get sent to the Haus Group Chat instead all in one go ]

» You might as well move into my room at this point lol
» 🪒 I'm too old for emoji, who's going to use this? Sweeney Todd?
» I was looking online and I found that some places sell hair growth portions or spells?
» *potions
» I hope this kiln doesn't explode on me.
» Have I done something or are you just busy?

[Five minutes after those sent]

» oh shit

Mar. 9th, 2021



[No Subject]

Some clarifying points:
  • This is not my fault.
  • Assume nothing technological works, from filters to BCCs to contact groups.
  • Could something work? Fuck if I know.
  • Now is not the time to share secrets or sexts, or secret sexts. These appear to be going to all residents, including minors. Please, think of the children, I write non-ironically.
  • Yelling at me will not fix the problem.
  • The problem is magic, which is not my scene. I am not capable of fixing this problem.
  • Don't yell at the magic-people either. A small but not-insignificant portion of them are cool.
  • I stand by every goddamn thing I searched for.

Mar. 6th, 2021



[No Subject]

Hey y'all! I know you've been waiting for a menu change for Rose Apothecary, and I have some terrible news. There will be no new pie menu for this month. :( We'll be keeping the same ones from last month, mostly because I think y'all are sleeping on Strawberry Cream and Shitty will agree with me! But the reason for this is because my wonderful and beautiful husband has helped me start renovations on a storefront for a full-time pie shop! Name pending, but I'm always open for ideas!

I'll still be supplying baked goods to Rose Apothecary, but an extended menu will be available at the pie shop. Stay tuned for an announcement! I hope y'all are as excited as I am!

This is a reminder to y'all that Tater is bringing Solaire over for brunch tomorrow, so don't forget to be on your best behavior and be on time!

Feb. 18th, 2021



[No Subject]

[Filtered to Jack Zimmermann]
I have

[Filtered to the Haus]
I am

[Filtered to Shitty]
It was

[Filtered to the Haus]
I need to say

My malyshka has stolen grocery bag! )

[Filtered to Jack]
There is something I am needing to tell you that I could not tell anyone at home.

I don't think you will be mad, but you might be mad.

If you are mad, you get one punch free. Okay? More than one punch, we are having fight, but one is fair.

[Filtered to the Haus]
(Added after Jack says he is not a tabloid, tyvm)
Remember I ask about if Faber is open yesterday evening?

Was for date with Solaire, knight in shining armor who rescue me and Dex from bat things.

It was good date. )))))))

Feb. 15th, 2021



[No Subject]

[Papa's Pride Crew + Jester]
I am SO sorry. I just looked up and noticed it was 2/15 and I've been-- well, I haven't left my room at the Quills for anything short of Morgan's party because I have had the greatest collection of ideas. I was talking with Bucky Barnes about a grenade launcher arm, see, and then I was thinking about all of the other things I could do. Machine gun legs? Embedded blades? Laser emitters? Rockets? Flamethrowers? So I've been in here sketching and building blueprints and I think I've come up with a few ideas.

Then I did some research online and discovered a culture called Cyberpunk and they have so much on sci-fi prosthetics that I want to see if I can make a lot of it reality. BUT that means I missed uh, any dates you guys planned. Did I miss messages? Did I accidentally stand someone up? I'm sorry! Please tell them I'm sorry!
Did you all have a good Valentine's? I uh, got distracted but I've come up with a lot of ideas for new services. The wonderful guys I work with (hi guys!) were going to try and score me a date but I think I ruined that for them :(

STILL, I just got a ton of discount candy and the pure amount of sugar is going to fuel my creations for weeks! So, my nearest and dearest, if you could have any one kind of cybernetic bioengineered body alteration, what would it be and why?

Feb. 14th, 2021



[No Subject]

WHO The Bittle-Zimmermanns
WHERE A shop for lease in Vallo downtown
WHEN Valentine's Day (February 14th), evening
WHAT Jack has a surprise, and Bitty gushes about linoleum
STATUS Complete!
WARNINGS No, it's just unadulterated fluff.
"It’s easy to do stuff for people you love." Read more... )



[No Subject]

Y'all! I know this is the day of love, but it doesn't have to be romantic love! It can be any kind, and if you're eager for something sweet, I have an assortment of mini-pies ready to go for either sharing with yourself or with a loved one. ♥ Pick them up at Rose Apothecary!

We all have plans today, but y'all better make sure you're home to wish a happy birthday to Nursey! There is a delectable caramel carrot cake with thick layers of cream cheese frosting waiting, and you only get a piece if you're here to sing! :)

Feb. 13th, 2021



[No Subject]

Today I'd like to commemorate my cat, Potya. When one of the fucking insane turkeys got into our flat the other day and I was busy grabbing a knife from the kitchen it must have gone for me and she went for its throat and murdered the murder turkey. I feel like a failure in my own flat but I am a proud father today.

Potya is okay, but there's still blood and feathers everywhere and I do not know how to deal with this.
picture below cut )

Feb. 9th, 2021



[No Subject]

Um, terribly sorry to add to your troubles, but-- I would like to request a daring rescue, please? There were more, lots more than I had thought there were -- I hadn't checked the network since this morning so I didn't know it's a suboptimal time to pick wildflowers, and --- anyway! Yes! Please save my stupid arse, thank you! I took down a lot of them but there were so many...

Oh, and don't worry; it's red velvet cake I'm covered in, not blood.

Wait, no that's definitely blood; the turkeys got the cake. Bitty, I am so sorry. It was beautiful. Richie, I tried to get you a cake. It was very romantic; Bitty outdid himself. Surprise!

Feb. 3rd, 2021



[No Subject]

Y'all. It has been a time this January, honestly! And for all of you that came out to the hockey game on Sunday, your support is always appreciated. Win, lose, or tie! We're working out another time for a re-match against the Eagles, but until then y'all can swing by Faber to watch or join hockey at any time! We'd love to have you! ♥

While I have y'all here, it's February, and I just know you're looking for your holiday pies for your loved ones or to share with yourself because you deserve it! All our pies at the apothecary this month can be ordered early and sent ahead as a care package or as a secret admirer! And the strawberry cream has been heavily vetted by Shitty because I wouldn't serve y'all subpar strawberries!

If you're new to Vallo, especially y'all from the snowglobe, and you haven't gotten your welcome pie yet, you know what you have to do :)


Jan. 28th, 2021



[No Subject]

[DOA Leadership]
As of early May, I'll have my Juris Doctor Law Degree. I was already prepping for the MPRE before I showed up in this place, and I've kept on top of that along with furthering my degree and dealing with the strange inconsistencies of this place that we call Vallo. I have a few questions that I'm struggling to get answered:

1. Since there's no Multistate here for the Multistate exam, is there an equivalent or do we just bypass the Responsibility Exam? Since it's difficult to transfer credits to or from home (or provide much in the way of legal precedence), is it more of an honor system?

2. With the MPRE out of the way or completed, that leaves the Bar Exam. I assume Vallo has some kind of exam you need to pass in order to practice law within the city limits or even within the geographical confines of the island - or possibly under, if Atlantis wants to share any sort of jurisdiction.

3. Once I've completed those two things, there then comes the matter of employment - does the DOA have a need a lawyers, specifically those with a strong grasp of property law? Or should I request a loan to go into private practice? Firms needing junior partners? Are there actually any Outsider lawyers here?

Thanks for your time and I look forward to any responses.

Byron S. Knight
OK I wrote my motherfuckin letter to the DOA about finishing my degree. Professional and everything, be proud. Now I need a fuckin beer and some karaoke. Who's in?