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Posts Tagged: '%E2%82%B4+inactive:+will+byers'

Aug. 17th, 2020



[No Subject]

In case anyone was wondering, there is a limit to the amount of ice cream you can eat in one 48-hour period. Lactaid pills only do so much before hubris comes for you. Don't do it, kids. Eat your fucking veggies and hydrate.

Filtered to friends of the Losers Club* (viewable to the Losers)  )

[ *ooc: assume away! they know all know a LOT of people and i wasn't sure where to even start in naming them all ldjgjkl ]

Aug. 16th, 2020



[No Subject]

I thought I saw someone mention movie theaters here and whether or not we have one. Do we? I'm not really looking to go, just curious. I've been dead for awhile and I'm handling being here and not dead just wonderfully but I have been thinking about the things I've missed out on. Like movies. So, who has a favorite movie they can recommend? Or a movie they hated and want to take the opportunity to complain about?

Filtered to Bobby Drake )



[Voice Post]

“Δεν με νοιάζει, όλα αυτά είναι ανοησίες. Μαγεία?*”

“[...] και μου λες ότι δεν είναι αυτό που ήρθε πριν* ”

[...] I mean I can understand you [...] what do you mean? [...] Maláka [...]

(A Few Moments Later)

Chaire [...] strange device. If you are of Those Who Came before I stand ready. So know me, for I am Kassandra of Sparta and I have seen what you do to innocents. My [...] well someone with authority on the subject has told me plenty. I know how to fight [... ] you.

(* please pretend this is Ancient Greek)

Aug. 9th, 2020



Network Post

Okay, the thought-sharing thing has been really weird. I'm hoping no one's been hearing me, but since I was hearing someone, that's probably not true. So whoever, you are, I'm sorry? And I'm glad you like horses so much? And other things.

[Filtered to Losers + El]
So I got distracted with the Ball and everything. But thanks for playing the game, everybody. You all did great and I'm really glad you seemed to have fun. It meant a lot that you didn't think it was kids' stuff. If you ever want to play again, just let me know!

And uh, maybe lock the windows? I don't think he means it, but the guy in my head thinks about how he can get in windows to get the drop on people a lot.

[Filtered to Zatanna and Sherlock]
I was wondering if it would be okay if I had to change my hours when I worked? I might not, but I was going to look into maybe going back to school when it starts again, or at least taking some art classes, and I'd still like to work for you. If you still need me to.

Aug. 6th, 2020



[No Subject]

I keep - thinking about goats? Or hearing someone else think of goats? I don't even like goats.

Aug. 5th, 2020



[No Subject]

Is there like, an age restriction on how you old have to be to on one of the defense teams? Or help out at the DOA? There's probably not much of a call for superheroes around here.

[Filtered to Will]

I got the Cosmic Staff with me now. You should totally come and check it out.

[Filtered To Ambrose]

Hey, I know you said you wanted to look at the Cosmic Staff if I ever got it here. It showed up about a week ago if you want to come look at it.



[No Subject]

A Jedi Temple has appeared in the forest outside of the city, the one used during the last great war with the Sith centuries ago. It appears to be completely intact and somehow accepts my authorization codes as a member of the high council. There's a waypoint on the front promenade.

I know this is likely a stupid question, but do you want to relocate to the temple?

The temple is a resource beyond value to help with your Jedi training, would you like to live there?

[Defense Team B]
If anyone would like to live out in the country the temple has plenty of quarters to spare.

Aug. 4th, 2020



[No Subject]

Alright, boomers (and boomers-at-heart). I'm going to college in a month which is INSANE to think about and I need tips. What should I be buying? I'll have a shitload of first-aid on me and enough hand sanitizer to choke a moose, but like ... what else?? So far I've got:
1. Granola bars
2. Refillable water bottle
3. Notebook(s)
4. Pens/highlighters
5. Stress ball
[...] Christ, I'm gonna need a huge fucking fanny pack. Need reccs for that, too. Hit me with your suggestions, Vallo people.

Jul. 28th, 2020



[No Subject]

Are we automatically signed up for school when we arrive here? Or do we have to do something to get registered?

Jul. 25th, 2020



[Losers Club + El]

I think I've got everything ready for the game nearly, if you guys still want to play. What two nights would be good for you guys? The first night'll be just getting characters set up and showing you how to play and stuff a little. And then the next night we'll play. I'm gonna try to keep it from going too long!

If you guys have ideas about what you want to play, just let me know, and if not we can figure it out then.

I'm not sure about everyone's schedules, but I thought maybe next Wednesday and Thursday if that works. If not, then we can hold off until after the ball.



[No Subject]

Okay, like, announcements:

1. Six has been awesome and if you haven't seen it yet, get yourself to the theater for some culture and flashy costumes. Tomorrow's the last night!

2. Visiting Atlantis was luckily not a one-time thing! Our resident Atlantean Ambassador and Shirtless Model, Arthur Curry, has worked with the kingdom down below to broker an entrance to and from Atlantis. There's a checkpoint you'll need to meet at where you can basically get your fins and be escorted into the kingdom, and tech-savvy people are going to work on underwater communications, but it's like totally this beautiful unification of two dolphins forming a heart shape so no one should ruin it by being all "I want to speak to the manager." Just enjoy it for what it is.

3a. To celebrate this momentous occasion, if you spend $10 at Rose Apothecary for any purchase, you receive a free glitter pot! This glitter is biodegradable and cruelty-free. It also comes out with a dab of olive oil and a cotton pad, so if you want to incorporate it into your sexy body paint activities, be aware. See Klaus Hargreeves for details.

3b. I need an iced golden ginger coconut milk drink immediately.

That's all! Have a super great Saturday out there, Vallo~

Jul. 24th, 2020



[No Subject]

Do you have to have a fancy dress to go to the ball?

Or a date?

I don't really have anything fancy and my boyfriend is not here but I'd really like to go.

Jul. 23rd, 2020



[No Subject]

Does anyone here believe in runic magic? I have to plan out my next markings and I need to know if I have to do it where only I can reach or if someone else can.

Also does anyone want to go on a date tomorrow night out to dinner and to the musical? I've never been on one before and I asked a bunch of people advice but everybody they suggested is alrea it didn't fit for me so I'm just

asking here!

Hi, I'm Atreus. Is that Odin's ugly fucking beard that was

Did I mention I've never done this before?



[No Subject]

So I guess people were right then.
image behind cut )

The Admiral seems to think everything is normal.

Spoilers for The Magnus Archives )

Jul. 17th, 2020



[No Subject]

So Artoo has, helpfully, informed me that no one here, or next to no one here, understands him. He's actually feeling a little lonely. He's used to having other droids around or people who can understand him. In the absence of that he always had Threepio around to translate for him.

I was sort of injured in that whole giant bunny thing which means I have some down time. I'm not sure if it's possible or not but, if anyone's interested, maybe I could try and teach you how to understand him. He might appreciate having someone to talk to other than me.

I also wanted to thank Jo for saving me from the smaller, deadly bunnies.

Jul. 9th, 2020



[No Subject]

Why is there a huge bunny and much smaller bunnies Or are we not talking about that?

I think I know I got here, but how do I leave? Or is that not something we're doing right now because this place seems to be covered in bunnies?

I swear I didn't do this.

Are you here? Like, really here?

Jul. 8th, 2020



text post: kara danvers

There should NOT be killer bunnies. Bunnies are supposed to be adorable fluffy cutie pies. Not...whatever these are.

Is anyone in need of a rescue?



Network Post

So where can you work when you're not over sixteen yet? Because I think I should probably do that.

And I know everybody said when I got here that school is optional but can you go for just some things? Art?

I feel like I should say something about how weird deadly bunnies are, but it's kind of not even close to the weirdest thing I've seen so I'll just say I really hope it doesn't ruin the cute ones for everybody.

Locked to Losers Household )

Locked to Cloud )

Locked to Eddie )

Jul. 6th, 2020



[No Subject]

If you see this sheep walking around, DO NOT INTERACT. Her name is Chewbacca (also responds to Chewie) and she's mean for no fucking reason. Don't be fooled by her cute face. She will STOMP YOU. I've given her so many goddamn treats and she still hates me, so good fucking luck making friends with the sheep from HELL. (Not actually demonic as far as I can tell, but don't hold your breath. This is Derry we're talking about.)

Anyway, Mike, come collect your cursed child. I don't know why Chewie showed up to harass me when she's yours?? Probably making her rounds. She's glaring at me like she's got nothing to lose and I swear to God, I'm not above chasing a sheep.

Jul. 2nd, 2020



[No Subject]

I guess with my ancestral home appearing on the edge of the city, and all the necessary stuff going through for me to do a magic act in a nightclub (just a magic act, not really my own - most of mine is verbal and in a club it's a little more difficult to be heard, so I'll be relying on colors and loops and swoops), that means I'll be staying awhile, probably? Go figure.

But the club is called Fireflies and I'll be there Wednesday-Sunday nights, come out and see me sometime.

hazel )