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Sep. 23rd, 2023



[No Subject]

This social network thing has a severe lack of memes being shared and I'm a little disappointed. But also it feels weird to know that anything I write is going to be read by a bunch of people I don't really know instead of like followers or something. So what's up, everyone? Are memes a cool thing in this universe? Like a great way to cope with finding out we're in an infinite universe?

What about quality-of-life questions to start discussions? Example: since like anyone can show up here, what fictional (to you) character would you be very chill to meet? I'll go first - I want to meet Megamind.

Sep. 22nd, 2023



[No Subject]

Barely a month into being on a defense team and we got to fight skeletons. I've been here long enough, and have lived the life I've lived, to not really be surprised by that.

Now that I'm rested and recovered (not that I was as hurt as some--I hope you're all doing okay?), a question: what's your favorite Pokemon and why?

All this to say: Pokemon Go date tonight? Eat across the city and catch Pokemon as we go.

Sep. 17th, 2023



netpost - lydia martin - september 17th

Good morning, Vallo.

This coming Saturday, the 23rd, is the 18th birthday of one Stiles Stilinski. I've booked a room on the third floor of Spire by Fire Inn for a private celebration, complete with catered food and all their drinks, starting at 8PM. Everyone's invited, you obviously don't have to stay the entire time, maybe drop by for a bit and then leave. There will be music and dancing too!

Filter: Against Stiles
And now I need help figuring out a gift for someone who has been your friend for a bit before turning into your boyfriend for the first time. Kind of hard to get him the "perfect" gift, because I'm sure that would be his dad and Scott McCall coming through to this world, and I can't exactly make that happen.

Sep. 10th, 2023



Netpost: Stiles Stilinski (Sept 10)

It was my best friend's birthday yesterday, and I'm pretty sure this is the first year I haven't actually seen him to tell him happy birthday. Which really sucks and kind of puts things into a depressing sort of perspective.

So. Good things about being here and not home? Dramatic reduction in things trying to kill me. A 100% reduction in instances of possession. Less rain. Recent fun with flooding aside, I mean. But that was an anomaly right? So it doesn't count. Because in Beacon Hills that's just a standard week. Maybe this place just needs better soil drainage. I don't know what that entails, but probably something involving a lot of sand.

I should probably be writing a paper on the etymology of the term serial killer instead of wondering about soil drainage but everyone knows that was that guy from the FBI in the 70s. So that's boring.

Hey Lydia, want to help with my paper?

Sep. 3rd, 2023



netpost - nancy wheeler

Okay, I am pretty sure there are not many people in the world as ecstatic and motivated about schoolwork than I am -- I mean I can list some people here but that's also why they're one of my closest friends -- and normally, if I'm giving extra coursework and I know it'll give me more credit than I would otherwise get, I would be all for it.

But seriously, who decides they're going to email all their students before the classes have even begun and the summer vacations have even ended to let us know about any required reading to start before the first day of class? And to strongly suggest we get started on researching term papers?? I was supposed to be looking forward to Media Law And Ethics class, damn.

Sep. 2nd, 2023



[No Subject]

Was I the only one to see a skeleton walking out of Starbucks looking so dejected?

If he'd just waited a few minutes I would have paid for his latte.

Aug. 30th, 2023



netpost - lydia martin - august 30th

I know that flood was hella doozy and all and some cleaning is still going BUT... I am still down for doing an end of the summer group BBQ and bonfire night if anyone is up for it.

Aug. 20th, 2023



[No Subject]

[Texts to Revy and Leon]
>>A bunch of us got ambushed by those elemental things
>>Where are you?
>>Are you both ok??

[Texts to Lydia and Stiles]
>>Are you in the city still or have you gotten the hell out?

[After some hesitation, a text to Nadja]
>>Are you and Laszlo alright?

Aug. 18th, 2023



netpost - percy jackson - august 18th

Well, it was SUPPOSED to be bright and sunny. I was going to go ride some waves. This is a shit start to this day already.

Aug. 16th, 2023



netpost - lydia martin - august 16

I know it's only halfway through August and we still got a full month before the official end of summer but. I'm thinking of doing a little something for the end of the summer vacation at least.

August 31st. Beach side evening party? Nothing too fancy, one giant group BBQ, volleyball, swimming, bonfire later in the night.

Honestly, party-throwing was my jam back in my world, especially either end of the school year or end of the summer before school began. At least it was before my friends ended up being fully immersed in the supernatural world after my boyfriend's best friend became a werewolf. And, yeah, I guess there was also a huge ass supernatural tree in our woods too that contributed to that. BUT, I digress. Anyone in?

Filter: Stiles Stilinski
We seem to have a whole extra room that we should figure out what to do with.

Aug. 11th, 2023



[No Subject]

I require dish ideas for zucchini, particularly those that hide it enough that a young kenku might not realize they are an ingredient.

I will also accept people willing to take some zucchini themselves.

Basically, I may have planted too much zucchini. And the golem is staring at me and I know it is irrational, but it feels as though they are judging my gardening hubris and


Aug. 7th, 2023



[No Subject]

Do people like riddles? I know MANY riddles. Here's one to start: what word of five letters has only one left when two letters are removed?

I would also like to try some in return, thank you! They help keep my brain sharp, because my d guardians are very smart! Kiri is also VERY smart so, it's important that I keep up!

Talon to Night Owl and Eagle Eye

I have a very important question and the question is this: what are the rules about keeping...not pets but maybe something LIKE a pet?

Jul. 27th, 2023



[No Subject]

Hello. I’m Tiberius, but you can call me Ty, everyone does. I'm new here, and I have a lot of commentary and/or questions so I will put them in list form for ease of reading. The office was loud and

1. Has anyone successfully avoided being taken into the Department of Outlander Affairs office and remained unseen on arrival? I am not used to being seen when I don't want to be, that part was strange.

2. Do the words Nephilim, Downworlder, Shadowhunter, or Clave mean anything to anyone?

3. Has Sherlock Holmes ever been here Have any communication attempts back home ever succeeded? I assume people have tried many times.

4. Can anyone tell me more about the Covens? Is it true there is one dedicated solely to necromancy, and that is magic used here a lot, and is not forbidden or against the law?

5. Has anyone here traveled to the faerie realm and if so what was it like? I’m curious how it compares to the one in my world but I don’t have as much experience there either, just what my siblings have told me.

6. The library is very nice. I like it there.

Jul. 25th, 2023



[No Subject]

I'm down to five boxes of sticky notes from the twenty "Ella" ordered and I'm ready to give them away. Who needs to adhere their lives to every surface around them? They'll come with bonus glitter pens!

Jul. 20th, 2023



netpost - lydia martin - july 20th

Dear friends and family of one Henry Townshend: Please someone go check in on him, in case he's accidentally bumped his head or become cursed by a malevolent spirit or something, because he is being particularly vicious and I know that's not him.

Jul. 19th, 2023



[No Subject]

I hope that the wonders of what people can accomplish in this place will never cease to amaze me. A week ago, I woke up with nearly six years of new memories - and a collar around my neck that suppressed all of my magic.

We had uh- a potentially catastrophic event happen at home, though I am not sure of how it will go from here and Vallo did not see fit to give me memories that far ahead. Perhaps I am dead, I- But the important part is that friends here were able to help me out of my annoying predicament and I am feeling more myself now. I am very thankful and hopefully my gifts found their way to you via Frumpkin.

I am a little more settled in age now. Ronan has already commented on my little slivers of gray hair but Essek assures me they look "distinguished". I have a few more tricks to teach my students, so this is a good reminder that if you would like magic tutoring beyond a university or school, I offer that to anyone who would like to learn. My brand of magic does not require you to have previous magical abilities, you may start from nothing.

And finally, if you are in the market for a job and happen to like books, I am once again hiring at Chastity's Nook. We specialize in smut and rare books and do not judge, so you must keep an open mind. Please come save Matthew, though he is getting very good at faking his enjoyment of pirate shafts.

Jul. 18th, 2023



[No Subject]

At the risk of having my internet access restricted again, I bring you all today's holiday (at least in the States): National Sour Candy Day!

In the spirit of this holiday, I bought out the sour candies at the Walgreens closest to the house (Sour Patch Kids, Airhead Xtremes, Haribo Sour Goldbears, Jolly Ranchers Gummies). I fed one of the gummy bears to Lucky and he made the best face, but I missed the chance to take a picture because I couldn't stop laughing.

Anyway, this message brought to you by Chaos. Now I'm going to go load Frankie and Morgan up and get them sugar high! (Hi, Pepper!)

Jul. 17th, 2023



[No Subject]


CHARACTERS: Lydia Martin and Stiles Stilinski
SETTING: Their apartment
SUMMARY: Deciding what “this” is
CONTENT WARNING: Awkward questions, PG making out
“Are you saying you’re never distracted around me?” Read more... )

Jul. 16th, 2023



[No Subject]

Okay, so! Things I have figured out being here so far:

✨ Emojis. Maybe I should say this phone but I feel like emojis are sort of a crowning achievement for me.

✨ Car doors. Way more complicated than they look. Worse than those circle doors that only turn one way. If you pull on the handle at the wrong time they don't unlock. But also sometimes they just unlock or lock whenever. I didn't even see the driver push the button, but he looked really annoyed when I asked so I just sort of stopped. But I think I got it now.

✨ Microwaves. Not a fan. Does anyone else feel like they're kind of yelling at you if you don't pull out your food in time? Also they're not very good cooks.

Things I am still trying to get a handle on:

✨ Washing machines. I feel like the bathtub works for now, you know?

✨ A job. Right, so I'm a really good cook and if someone would like to enlist my services, I would be really grateful.

✨ Friends. Where do people "hang out"? Is that weird to put "hang out" in quotes? It's just I haven't really had friends until I went on this quest but there's like... I'm also good not questing you know? So

I'm feeling really good about this. Like really good.

Jul. 15th, 2023



[No Subject]

Alright, tell me something about yourself that might surprise someone to know.

And I don't mean some kind of big fucking secret about how much of a piece of shit you were back in your home or something like that, because I don't really give a crap about anything like that. I want to hear about some kind of surprising talent that people wouldn't peg you for or something cool you did as a kid or about your pet guinea pig or I don't know, fucking good stuff like that.

Come at me. Blow my fucking socks off, let's go.