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Posts Tagged: '%E2%82%B4+inactive:+robin+buckley'

Mar. 20th, 2023



[No Subject]

Hi friends! I have A TOTALLY HYPOTHETICAL situation and I would LOVE to hear your advice. 💗 SO LIKE say you go out with a friend to a musical! And ahead of time you don't specify it's a "date", you're just out with your friend having a good time!

AND THEN at the end, they call it a "date". And you internally have a little spasm and freak out but don't say anything because maybe they just mean "date" like, friend-date, right? 🤔

But then like, you still continue to do regular things together! Occasionally go shopping! Mani/pedis! Hang out all the time! Go out for dinner! And the occasional handholding!👩🏻‍🤝‍👩🏼But no kissing. No other moves! VERy mixed signals.

WHAT DOES IT MEAN? Should I the person on the confused end make a move?? Hypothetically?? Should they just ask? But what if they ask and then the person was like "Relationships and feelings are meaningless." and then they get utterly heartbroken and have no one to talk to after that?? Does this feel like FRIENDS or something MORE?

Hi did you know there are like TWO death covens in Vallo? 💀💀 I scored us an invite to the Ankou celebrations this Saturday to kick off the magical thing or whatnot and I wanted to know if you wanted to come with me?

Feb. 2nd, 2023



[No Subject]

Is there a point at which the notifications start getting easier to deal with? Just asking for a friend.

Filter: Robin Buckley
Hi. She just Do you want I don't I have lost all motivation to study for the night.

Jan. 27th, 2023



[No Subject]

Filter: House of Hawkins + Friends
So. Guilt, huh

Does anyone

How the hell do you broach that topic

So. Two things.. 1, please check in... and 2, I'll be free this weekend so I was thinking of getting in some shooting practice and make myself available to anyone who wants to be taught.

Jan. 24th, 2023



[No Subject]

I've sort of been surprised before about just how long I've been here, so I'll skip that part of this post and instead focus on how in that time I've met way more people than I would have ever expected. I spent a number of years traveling on my own before a bunch of wild adventurers shook up my life, so maybe I should be used to that. The difference between that and here, though, is how we're all from such varied, different places. Back home we were a scattered group across continents, but here in Vallo it's worlds.

I know this isn't news to literally anyone here, but it just had me thinking and I wanted to ask: what's your original home like, wherever you were before you were here? From those I've talked to, it's been a real variety with some having similar to Vallo itself, others from places with no magic, some in space. So, if you're so inclined, tell me about it.

Oh and I should add that the last thing I want is for anyone to get too overwhelmed or bummed with homesickness, so don't feel like you need to answer this if it'll be too much. I'm curious and want to get to know folks, but not so much that I want anyone to feel bad.

Jan. 5th, 2023



[No Subject]

Boggy is and always will be the best frog, but I think maybe I've been here long enough that I'm ready to adopt a pet. This is a big house and having something fluffy around might be nice.

Do you have any need for someone to work some extra hours? If not with the Enchanted side, for Chastity's? I just need distr don't want to be thought I'd see if I can help.

Dec. 22nd, 2022



[No Subject]

Hey so it's Eddie's birthday. Give him stuff. At least say 'happy birthday' cause having one the week of Christmas probably sucks.

Also we're dating. If you've got a problem with that, then you can fuck off. But this place seems cool about that shit so, yeah.

There's a fucking HORSE SKELETON KNOCKING ON THE DOOR please tell me this is a holiday themed door dasher.

Dec. 21st, 2022



[No Subject]

There's got to be other Christmas songs other than Last Christmas, right? I can't say I've ever been much for Chirstmas tunes in general, but please, for the love of all that is good in this world, let me listen to literally anything other than Wham.

Dec. 12th, 2022



[No Subject]

I woke up to this.

Cut for image )

Should I be worried?

Dec. 1st, 2022



log: nancy and robin

Nancy Wheeler
Robin Buckley
WHO Nancy and Robin
WHERE House of Hawkins
WHEN Early November after Time Slip ends
WHAT Two girls have a conversation on lots of things and Nancy struggles with some feelings
STATUS Complete
So tell me what's bothering you at this hour of… wow, nine o'clock at night? Read more... )

Nov. 22nd, 2022



[No Subject]

Okay. Okay Okay. Okay.


No, it's okay.

I need to breathe. Okay. I fell asleep in the living room today, you know nothing completely out of the norm. But I had the greatest dream. Robin wins the lottery. Oh, it was the best, you guys.

But then I woke up and Robin hadn't won the lottery. HOWEVER, remembering how Vallo works, I immediately braved the snow and went and bought a lottery scratcher because I figure, why not? It's only $5.

But but but okay. I need a another set of eyes. I WON, RIGHT?! Tell me I won. Please. I'm hyperventilating.

Nov. 21st, 2022



[No Subject]


Jackie Daytona, American Yankee Doodle Dandy, salt of the earth, volleyball aficionado, and, he would want me to stress this because it is the most important part, REGULAR HUMAN BARTENDER is now.........A POTTED PLANT


and I have been having a very passionate, intimate, and carnal affair with him!!!!!!!!!! Was it the blue jeans? The toothpick? His remarkable accent from Arizonya Arizon Aryzynya Arizoninaia a place? Or the sheer and absolute lust between us? We may never know, the hormones want what the hormones want and as we all know I am irresistible with my pheromones and my singing and my bosom and even though I had to talk of human things such as pizza and it being wine o'clock somewhere (the actual fuck that means, I do not know) and how leggings are in fact pants (??????????) NOW IT IS OVER BECAUSE HE IS A PLANT!!!!!!


Nov. 1st, 2022



[No Subject]

So never wear a costume again. Got it. Shoutout to the Black Widow, Robin, and was that the Crow?? For the assist against the killer Jack-O-Lanterns. Getting covered in pumpkin guts officially killed my love for PSLs.

Hey Lord of Dreams and Nightmares, can Gregory come over and play? I made something for him.

I want to say than- no fuck this

Thank you for your he-gfhlkjf NO

I'm glad you weren't enough of a bi- Ugh gotta be nice NICE

Thanks. For the blood.

Oct. 29th, 2022



[No Subject]

I feel like I've had my Halloween spookshow already, but I could really use a handful of garbage candy to get over it.

I missed the Barns event, and I was looking forward to that. AND I have two days to figure out a costume? AND my pumpkin spice bread tastes like mint so this day is a complete wash. I'm going back to bed.

Oct. 27th, 2022



[No Subject]


that was a wild nap. what year is it???

Oct. 20th, 2022



[No Subject]

Great Scott. I've gone back in time.

So, update me please. What's cool this year? Are regular D&D nights a thing yet? Is Wren here? How old are my dads

Oct. 17th, 2022



[No Subject]

Well, this fucking sucks.

Filter: Mike Wheeler
Where are you?

Oct. 10th, 2022



[No Subject]

Is it possible to have another day or two off from classes after the events of the weekend? Just asking for a friend.

Filter: House of Hawkins
I think I'm going to be sleeping in the living room again tonight, just a heads up. Don't worry, my entire 5'3 self is not going to take up too much space.

Filter: Rogier
You are a godsend. My hair is going to surpass in quality compared to Steve's in no time.

Oct. 4th, 2022



[No Subject]

[Hawkins' Heros]
OKAY. So, let me break down a few things here. I need everyone's attention here, it's very important and well at least it's in written form so you can refer back to it later and not feel like you really missed anything. Which I guess kind of ruins the 'hey it's important, pay attention' vibe I was going for, but maybe we can just flag it with an exclamation point or something? That way it's something you can come back to and--

Sorry, sorry, getting off-topic.

Steve. I was able to track down a few of the more important things I threw out of your car, in case you still need them. The tire iron and a few cassette tapes, specifically. Burrito is long gone. I think a raccoon stole it.

Nancy. Clothes trip! We gotta get ready for the speed dating and I do not have my coolest clothes from home. We can maybe find a pretty dress for you, too.

Eddie. I found a gift for you, please bang your head appropriately! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gimmemobile&hl=en_US&gl=US

Chief Hopper. I am still very sorry about the tire iron! But at least it didn't slow you down? As an apology, I got you a Jim Croce CD, but then realized you might not have a CD player, so uh, I've got you a shiny metal disc that may be useless.

El & The Gang. Hey I found a big box of dungeons and dragons books at the thrift store. I really don't know much, or anything, about it or if you already have these or anything, but I thought you all might like to have them so boom, purchased and I even talked some guy into bringing them through the waypoint for me. Now they're all strapped to a luggage cart for easy pulling. All yours! -- any chance it's enough of a bribe to get some help prepping my store for Halloween?

Sep. 25th, 2022



[No Subject]

Okay, I am ready to get one of those magical sped-up healing for my leg... for both my sake and my brother's, so 1. this pain could go away when I get overly enthusiastic about the races and forget about the cast, and 2. so Mike stops getting so damn stressed out.

But besides that, congratulations to all the winners! Eddie, sweetheart, don't worry, you won't have to do too much to clean up the girls' bathroom at least.

Sep. 22nd, 2022



[No Subject]


How many of you are out there, and are you looking to potentially be not single, or at least have a few drinks and meet new people?

I am looking into the possibility of hosting the next speed dating event, and want to figure out if there's any interest in it.

For those of you who are concerned that a Norse goddess who grew up in a dome in the Apocalypse who ended up with one of the other people stuck in there (shock) and has never had to really date in her life, has no business hosting a dating event, no worries. I'm supplying the space and alcohol, and bringing in someone who knows what they're doing to consult on the actual event logistics.

Please advise.