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Posts Tagged: '%E2%82%B4+inactive:+george+weasley'

Jan. 13th, 2022



[No Subject]

Does anyone here have experience with helping creatures to fly? Dragons, specifically, is my interest, but that is probably a rare skill set.

I have witnessed several crash landings today, including into a tree and a river.

Jan. 10th, 2022



[No Subject]

Thank you for the message device. I have watched your music story and listened to your words. I also thank you for your strange money and patience.


[auto-translated from Mandarin]

Dec. 31st, 2021



[No Subject]

One downside is that Stella isn't here. I hope Fabimy friends are taking care of her now that I'm gone. Poor girl probably keeps wondering why I keep disappearing. It does make wonder if I should adopt another dog, it is a little too quiet and boring in my flat. I don't know the idea of "replacing" her when it's only been a few weeks seems harsh.

At least I have a nice new job now! My very awesome best friends George and Fred took pity on me, so I'm working for them!

Filtered to HPverse
Any plans for New Years?

Dec. 18th, 2021



[No Subject]

The going rate around here for signing away privacy is apparently a flimsy $1k, but for the sake of dignity I hope they compensated better for the humiliating musical video introduction.

That's it. That's the tweet.

Dec. 15th, 2021



[No Subject]

So not too long after I arrived in Texas, I thought it'd be fun to post some questions and answers as a quick get-to-know-you and I think it went pretty well! Thought it'd be a good way to introduce myself here since there are many of you that I don't know. I hope that changes!

not an ic cut )

Dec. 14th, 2021



[No Subject]

I have a great many cookies, should anyone have a sweet tooth that would like to take some!

How are you doing? I wish I hadn't missed so many days so close to your wedding, so I want to check in on how you are and see if there is anything last minute you would like my aid in.

Dec. 4th, 2021



[No Subject]

Okay well, at least this time I didn't have to get a shot and quarantine. I guess that's something?

The video is a nice touch, points to those all involved!

It's Katie, and I'm going to need my people to check in because this definitely feels off from the normal portal "field trips". I'm not panicking

So Charlie? Gwen? Buffy? Fabian? Ras? James? [...] I'm not naming all of you.

Dec. 2nd, 2021



Log: George Weasley & Jiang Cheng


WHO: George Weasley & Jiang Cheng
WHAT: Testing out George's new wand and talking magic
WHEN: December 2nd
STATUS: Complete
It sings of you now. Read more... )

Nov. 27th, 2021



[No Subject]

Pending Vallo nonsense, from December 22nd to December 27th, the Weasley family garden and Quidditch field will turn into a magical winter wonderland! We will host a Santa's Village with Santa and his elves, an outdoor skating rink, a market (selling food, alcohol, and gifts), and live music. There will also be rides including a Ferris wheel, carousel, roller coaster, a swinging Santa's Sleigh, floating bumper cars, and some smaller rides for toddlers and younger kids.

Entry will be free and only thing you have to pay for is the stuff at the market.

Other Vallo owned businesses! If you're interested in hosting a booth, ride, or some kind of attraction alongside the rest of this, please join us! We love collaborations and outside input. Fred and I are hard at work making this happen, so I suspect you'll only see us surface for the wedding (Hi, Wangxian!) and work at WWW, from now until then.

Nov. 19th, 2021



[No Subject]

[ Filtered to Wei Ying ]

It feels like we're getting away with something.

I am very happy.

[ /Filter ]

Thank you to those who have sent their regards in honor of my upcoming wedding with Wei Wuxian. Your kindness brings joy to our home. I realize that I have not been easy to work with regarding the planning of the event; it took me a while to determine the meaning of 'Bridezilla' I humbly apologize for being opinionated with how I wish the day to go. We would not have had such an opportunity back home. I did not want to hide it beneath a curtain. We are fortunate to be here, among such friends.

Nov. 17th, 2021



[No Subject]

With Hannah and Neville gone, the Leaky Cauldron is missing a proprietor. One of you magic folk should probably come claim it before it turns me into a frog or a womp rat or something.

Just let me know a day or so in advance when I need to be out so I can get my stuff together before class.

Nov. 9th, 2021



[No Subject]

[ Filtered to James, Julia + Leon ]
Now that we all have clean bills of health, I presume there's no need for any follow-up house calls? Let me know if that changes. The Clinic is always open, regardless, if any of you should obtain less shady injuries.

[ Filtered to Brigitte ]
I am very sorry about your friend departing. I know you're busy seeing to his partner, but please remember to take care of yourself as well.

[ Untamed Crew + Friends]
I'm confused on this next upcoming glut of holidays - there's Solstice, some sort of gratitude holidays, Christmas (that one I remember), and the ending of the year, correct? Am I forgetting any opportunity for people to hurt themselves?

Nov. 6th, 2021



[No Subject]

So Sparky's becoming a distinguished 36 today and while we all know he loves attention, we're going to have a small dinner at Lotus Pier. I hope you can all join us, we promise Yanli's in charge of cooking, WWX and I are just going to stick to chopping and peeling.

And then after dinner, I've booked us a suite at Galdin Quay so you can be pampered all weekend.

[ooc; backdated to yesterday morning!]

Oct. 31st, 2021



[No Subject]

Unlike some (more reasonable) people, Wei Wuxian likes attention on his birthday. Please wish him well and good luck. In an unfortunate bit of bad timing, his greatest nemesis has arrived.

I will do my best to train him to keep his distance. Happy Birthday.

Oct. 25th, 2021



[No Subject]


It looks as if the dragon is getting ready to hatch, just like Rina said. If anyone is interested in witness a dragon being born, you should be able to make it.

Oct. 20th, 2021



[No Subject]

Hello, yes, I'm looking for this beautiful lady so I can slowmo run into her arms and she can tell me how pretty I am. Will also accept any uncles (chaotic, serious, angry eyebrows, ginger) and cousins that might be around.

Thank you for your help!

Oct. 16th, 2021



[No Subject]

This isn't quite what I'd meant when I suggested we shake things up for Fight Club this month.

Evie Frye. Should you find yourself out of time and place, feel free to come signup to punch out your frustrations at The Underground this evening. It should be especially interesting if there's a fair number of signups either younger or older than usual, or miserable if some of you are still nursing hangovers today?

Oct. 13th, 2021



[No Subject]

Reminder, WWW is reopening later this week. Buy things, thanks!

Hello, I'm recruiting you two to help me. My wand core is broken so my wand isn't really salvageable and the store is reopening this week and I can't be cut off from my magic like this.

I need to go hunt down a core that speaks to me~ (whatever that means, the book was not clear) and I need a vessel for it (aka a wand).

Jiang Cheng, you're like a bloodhound when you get something on your mind. Help me find a core? And WWX, you're skillful at whittling. Can I commission you to make me a wand?

Oct. 6th, 2021



[No Subject]

I apparently need stronger wards around the pub. This is just absurd at this point, though I have a whole pack of them petrified out back if anyone wants to help me get rid of them somehow.

Oct. 5th, 2021



[No Subject]

I've been here ten months. Never has it felt more like home.

[ Filtered to Wei Ying ]

I have selected a set of robes for our wedding.

[ /Filter ]