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Posts Tagged: '%E2%82%B4+inactive:+dustin+henderson'

Jan. 30th, 2023



[No Subject]

Okay, wow, so Hell is by far the worst vacation I've ever been on, and the last time I went on a trip I got hit by a train and framed for murder. 0/10 stars, Do Not Recommend.


Hey. Thanks for coming to get me.

EDIT: [Roz]

Hey, I just heard we have similar taste in vacation destinations.

You okay?

Jan. 27th, 2023



[No Subject]

Filter: House of Hawkins + Friends
So. Guilt, huh

Does anyone

How the hell do you broach that topic

So. Two things.. 1, please check in... and 2, I'll be free this weekend so I was thinking of getting in some shooting practice and make myself available to anyone who wants to be taught.

Jan. 19th, 2023



[No Subject]

Your onboarding is efficient, I’ll give you that.  Government red tape at home would’ve had me sitting in a waiting room and filling out forms for at least three days. And the apartment is, well. No offense, but it’s kind of ridiculous. I’ve spent months on entire spaceships smaller than that apartment. Your budget probably needs a massive overhau

Anyway. Uh I’ve never been very good at social media Thank you. For explaining the situation and telling me where to find Tennal Halkana. A few more days and he’d probably have charmed his way to the head of a gang or been exiled into the woods and tracking him down would’ve been a lot harder. I’m better at catching farm animals than people.

Oh. My name’s is Surit.  So. Yeah. Hello.

Dec. 22nd, 2022



[No Subject]

Hey so it's Eddie's birthday. Give him stuff. At least say 'happy birthday' cause having one the week of Christmas probably sucks.

Also we're dating. If you've got a problem with that, then you can fuck off. But this place seems cool about that shit so, yeah.

There's a fucking HORSE SKELETON KNOCKING ON THE DOOR please tell me this is a holiday themed door dasher.

Dec. 12th, 2022



[No Subject]

I woke up to this.

Cut for image )

Should I be worried?

Dec. 5th, 2022



[No Subject]

Hello everyone. For those who don't know me, I'm Steve Rogers. And as strange as it feels to say this, we're coming up on my third Christmas in Vallo. It's my personal favorite time of year, and I mean that as a season and not any particular holiday. Even where I'm from, there's so many different reasons to celebrate in December, much less adding in more dimensions, worlds, galaxies, and universes. The best I can hope for is that we all find at least one reason to spread joy and love to those we care for and maybe, just maybe, our community as a whole.

I'd welcome anyone who is throwing general parties this year to share the details here, so they're in one place for anyone to find and plan around. I half suspect Sam will be offering up his place again either for Christmas or New Year's, but I can't in good conscience volunteer him. A little public pressure is okay, though.

And finally, I'll be spending afternoons from today until the 23rd as Santa in Starcourt Mall. Bring your kids, pets, or even yourselves if you want a photo and ask for gifts this year. I'll do my best to relay those requests to the right people to make it happen, if I can.

Happy holidays, my friends.


Nov. 19th, 2022



[No Subject]

Okay, quick question: what do you do if your housemate turns into a houseplant?

I've been trying to keep her away from these monsters, except I can't stop singing and I'm pretty sure it's just attracting more of them to me? It's not great singing so you'd think it would do the opposite but nope, they just love these spidey-tunes. Maybe I should set up a Spotify account.

Nov. 5th, 2022



[No Subject]

You'd think school where would be more understanding when you spent two weeks being a literal child. How the fuck am I supposed to find the time to do all this back homework and makeup exams?

[Filtered to friends]

Turns out I had a big fucking mouth when I was a kid, so guess there's no sense in ignoring it.

Yeah, my name's Yue. You can call me that if you want to, I guess. Yuu's also fine.

If I hear any cracks about how I've got a girly name, I'll kick your ass and revoke given name privileges.

[Message to Adam]

Hi, it's me, the brat who looked at cows with you. Though I doubt you even remember

I've been told you do like, tutoring.

Nov. 4th, 2022



[No Subject]

I joined the volleyball team last week while everyone was old and had kids or whatever - and we have a game tonight at the school. 7pm. Come cheer us on if you're bored and check out our snazzy new uniforms some rich dude bought us.

Oct. 31st, 2022



[No Subject]

H A L L O W E EN!!!

I have recovered from being old.

Oct. 29th, 2022



[No Subject]

I feel like I've had my Halloween spookshow already, but I could really use a handful of garbage candy to get over it.

I missed the Barns event, and I was looking forward to that. AND I have two days to figure out a costume? AND my pumpkin spice bread tastes like mint so this day is a complete wash. I'm going back to bed.

Oct. 22nd, 2022



[No Subject]

Dustin + Peter
Oh, they’ll absolutely flip
WHAT: Building a drone and friendship
WHERE:Peter's place
WHEN: Earlier in October
STATUS: Complete!
Read more... )

Oct. 20th, 2022



[No Subject]

Great Scott. I've gone back in time.

So, update me please. What's cool this year? Are regular D&D nights a thing yet? Is Wren here? How old are my dads

Oct. 17th, 2022



[No Subject]

Well, this fucking sucks.

Filter: Mike Wheeler
Where are you?

Oct. 4th, 2022



[No Subject]

[Hawkins' Heros]
OKAY. So, let me break down a few things here. I need everyone's attention here, it's very important and well at least it's in written form so you can refer back to it later and not feel like you really missed anything. Which I guess kind of ruins the 'hey it's important, pay attention' vibe I was going for, but maybe we can just flag it with an exclamation point or something? That way it's something you can come back to and--

Sorry, sorry, getting off-topic.

Steve. I was able to track down a few of the more important things I threw out of your car, in case you still need them. The tire iron and a few cassette tapes, specifically. Burrito is long gone. I think a raccoon stole it.

Nancy. Clothes trip! We gotta get ready for the speed dating and I do not have my coolest clothes from home. We can maybe find a pretty dress for you, too.

Eddie. I found a gift for you, please bang your head appropriately! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gimmemobile&hl=en_US&gl=US

Chief Hopper. I am still very sorry about the tire iron! But at least it didn't slow you down? As an apology, I got you a Jim Croce CD, but then realized you might not have a CD player, so uh, I've got you a shiny metal disc that may be useless.

El & The Gang. Hey I found a big box of dungeons and dragons books at the thrift store. I really don't know much, or anything, about it or if you already have these or anything, but I thought you all might like to have them so boom, purchased and I even talked some guy into bringing them through the waypoint for me. Now they're all strapped to a luggage cart for easy pulling. All yours! -- any chance it's enough of a bribe to get some help prepping my store for Halloween?

Sep. 30th, 2022



RP Log: Dustin, Max and Will

Who Max, Will and Dustin
What Fox Way is under attack! This trio attempts and succeeds at badassery.
When During the Darkness Plot
Where Fox Way
Rating/Warnings Imp Violence

Endless night was bullshit, reminding Dustin of being in the Upside Down all over again. )

Sep. 6th, 2022



[No Subject]


🕸 🕸 🕸 🕸 🕸
🍫🍬 🍭 🍬🍫
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I know with people from a bajillion different worlds there have to be people with great spooky songs I haven't heard, so give me suggestions to add to my Halloween Playlist, which I will be listening to at least twice a day for the next six weeks.

In non-Halloween news, who wants to have a sign-making party for the race? Even though I am obviously Team Scientia, making signs together is fun and I want to see what all you other race fans are doing.

Sep. 5th, 2022



[No Subject]

Woke up this morning to find my van waiting for me on the street here. Gotta say, I'm really digging this 'random gifts from home' thing that Vallo's got going on here.

Check her Out )

The waypoints are nice, but it's going to be nice to be able to get out and drive again.

[Kate Bishop]

She's very roomy. Want a tour? I can come pick you up.

[Hawkins Crew]

She's going to need a little TLC if I'm going to have her ready for the race at the end of the month (she'll definitely be ready one way or another), if any of you want to help out a bit.

[Max Mayfield]

Want to be my copilot?

[Billy Kaplan]

Hey, so I've been working on an open campaign, but I don't want to step on any toes with what you've already got set up. Mind if I pick your brain a bit?

Sep. 1st, 2022



[No Subject]

OK this is not where I was expecting to end up and orientation is a bit of a joke. It's an info dump that ends with someone handing you some money and telling you where you can stay. I guess that's better than leaving you on the street to figure it out yourself.

Now if someone could help me find a rabbit to get a message to my friends so they know I didn't just bail on them that would be great. Thanks.

Aug. 22nd, 2022



[No Subject]

Okay, like. How's this work? Is this an oversharing type of social media platform? Are there A/S/L's shared?? Does Timmy post how he hate a sandwich while sitting on a toilet? Food porn? NSFW food porn? Are we NSFW in general? Not that I personally work but I'd like to know if there's going to be the occasional nip slip photo or a weenie to mentally prepare myself.

Also if I'd known that getting yoinked into a completely different world (hi, what the eff is that even about) would make me fast cash I would have done it ages ago. Thanks for the new shoes, Vallo Government.

Unrelated: I'm broke.