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Posts Tagged: '%E2%82%B4+inactive:+dream'

Apr. 23rd, 2023



[No Subject]

There is a Mare (also known as mara, mahr, mahrt, mårt, trud, drute, night hag - to name a few) loose in Vallo. They are evil spirits that ride on the chest of sleeping people, bestow nightmares, then feed from the fear it elicits - it is not my doing, in this case.

Back home, I am in charge of nightmares and demons on this level, but we maintain a balance that does not include the overuse of power, and we do not harm mortals that dream. She has been steadily gaining power that she's drawn on her victims thus far and it does not look as if she will stop anytime soon. I can help protect those that sleep, but my reach does not extend far past that.

It is not as simple as hunting spirits in the forest. She may need to be lured, or caught in the act. Suggestions are welcome.

Apr. 20th, 2023



[No Subject]

Before the marijuana enthusiasts take over the day, I thought I'd share something else April 20th is known for. One of the first careers I considered, and may still pursue, is celebrated today. And has been since 2019.

National Death Doula Day. Appealing alliteration aside, it's an interesting role. You get to witness someone's eventual decline into and after the end of their life. In return, all you have to do is be present and help them be at peace with the situation. Fair trade.

Mar. 28th, 2023



[No Subject]

» Are you bored?



JOURNAL POST 2033 ⇆ 2023

Hello from 2033.
I know there are some anxious people on your end wondering what's been going on - everyone who decided to travel forward with Caleb and Essek have arrived safely and are now situated with us.

As you can see we are able to communicate across the timelines at the moment using the journals some of us managed to keep over the years. If you'd like to check in with your friends and family who travelled feel free to use this entry to do so.

While the journals will be usable for the next while here we are asking for everyone to refrain from spamming too much. All magic usage is a risk, this included. We are also asking that no one mentions any specifics to the plan, the journals on our end will not leave our safe zone, but should we be ambushed here we do not want any details falling into the wrong hands. As well please keep in mind our journal stock is limited and we are all sharing only a handful, your conversations may be viewed by others.

If someone can give me a quick "hey I see this" that would be great. We are fairly confident this should work but let us know for sure.

(( note: timeline wise today this will be written once everyone is back at the outpost and has had enough time to get sorted, so late afternoon/early eveningish ))

Mar. 25th, 2023



Log: Kenzi & Dream (Future times!)

Kenzi & Morpheus
WHAT. Chill downtime for two sad goths.
WHERE. The Barns
WHEN. 2032ish, during a quiet time.
WARNINGS. Sad thoughts, about losing people and friends and bleak times.
STATUS. Complete!
Read more... )

Feb. 18th, 2023



[No Subject]

What are you hoping/wanting/expecting your "afterlife" to be like?

Feb. 14th, 2023



[No Subject]

I don't know who ordered the killer cupids but honestly? Fuck you very much.

Feb. 1st, 2023



[No Subject]

It's disappointing that I missed out on seeing hell simply because I do not feel guilty about my life choices.



Gift Delivery

Left on Kenzi's nightstand for when she wakes. Click through! )

Jan. 29th, 2023



Log: Ronan Lynch & Dream

Ronan Lynch & Dream
WHAT. Ronan basically (accidentally) kicks in Dream's back door in the Dreaming and gets invited to stay for a tour.
WHERE. The Dreaming
WHEN. Backdated to before the hell plot (idk please don't make me figure it out)
WARNINGS. none that I can think of
STATUS. complete
Read more... )

Jan. 28th, 2023



Narrative: Dream in Hell

Morpheus, Oneiros, The King of Dreams, of the Endless
WHAT. The King of Dreams is trapped in a Hell Loop
WHEN. This week
WARNINGS. TW: Pet death, grief, child loss, suspect parenting, sadness.
STATUS. Narrative Complete
Read more... )

Jan. 20th, 2023



[No Subject]

Question, Vallo.

How long do you think is long enough to pay for whatever crimes you might have done in the past? A lifetime? A couple hundred years? A thousand? More? Less? Does it depend on the crime?

Also, why is paperwork the absolute worst?

Jan. 11th, 2023



[No Subject]

bro some of them explode with acid

not the drug kind

but i am on drugs

just not acid.

bo did i tell you that your cleavage looks banging today?

Jan. 5th, 2023



[No Subject]

Okay so

Before Vallo swooped us up there was this incident with a chainsaw and a got some magic mumbo-jumbo spilled into my arm that became this rash. It was gross, tried putting stuff on it to make it go away but it kinda just stuck around but then Christmas happened and my skin absorbed the rash and now I have what I think are glamour powers??

Whaddup, 2023. Miracles happen.

Currently playing around with hair colors since I have no idea what I'm doing what's happening but I'm keeping my wig collection for now.

Nov. 30th, 2022



[No Subject]

Anybody know anything about trains and train tracks? Thinking about making a big Polar Express across the barns and I can dream that shit but I don't want to fuck up my farm.


Nov. 14th, 2022



[No Subject]

PROS FOR MONDAY: Got my entire wardrobe from home, finally.

CONS FOR MONDAY: My room is overrun. This closet space is only big enough to hold a fart.

Throwing it out there, but if dinosaurs are your thing you should subscribe to my channel where I pose hotly in an inflatable t-rex costume and dance around the pole. There's no nudity. Think it's ridiculous? You're absolutely right, it is, but I promise you I've been making a killing off people being into weird things so judge me all you want. I'm flush with $$$$$. Best job I've ever had.



[No Subject]

What's something you've always wanted to do, but just haven't yet? And why? If it's not too personal--if it is, you can just send cute animal pics.


I remember.

I'm going to go for a walk, I think.

((here there will be Greywaren spoilers, y'all))

Nov. 3rd, 2022



[No Subject]


Are you really all mortals?

Er. Sorry. Is that a rude question to ask? It's probably a rude question. I've only met one mortal before and it was just for a short while and she seemed quite fine, if not a bit taken aback but I like to think that had only a little to do with me. It might not have, I don't really know. I have been told that the Feywild can be a bit much for those not used to it, which, you know, I can totally understand. Though, in fairness, this realm is also a bit much, though the video I watched was quite informative. And entertaining! It was like a play. Do they have plays here? They must, right?

And now I am rambling. Apologies. Uh

I have been told muffins are very good. Where might I procure some muffins?

Nov. 1st, 2022



[No Subject]

So never wear a costume again. Got it. Shoutout to the Black Widow, Robin, and was that the Crow?? For the assist against the killer Jack-O-Lanterns. Getting covered in pumpkin guts officially killed my love for PSLs.

Hey Lord of Dreams and Nightmares, can Gregory come over and play? I made something for him.

I want to say than- no fuck this

Thank you for your he-gfhlkjf NO

I'm glad you weren't enough of a bi- Ugh gotta be nice NICE

Thanks. For the blood.

Oct. 28th, 2022



[No Subject]

I've been around for a few weeks now and seen all kinds of shit, but this is the first time I'm seeing this guy around. He tried to use my drone as a piñata, but couldn't keep up with it in flight.

Does he belong to anyone? He won't get off my balcony and I don't know if I'm suppose to feed it fuck I'm hungr- or what.