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Posts Tagged: '%E2%82%B4+inactive:+courtney+whitmore'

Oct. 12th, 2020



[No Subject]

Oh what a feast for the eyes! This world is just FILLED with glorious things and such kind and caring people. Thank you, to those that escorted me from that lovely forest and thank you to those that taught me how to use this and were EVER so patient with my many many questions. Is it true it can connect to everyone, as instantly as talking to one's face? There is no need for glorious paper and spilled ink?

I am terribly rude and Marilla would have my head for it, I am so, so, sincerely sorry, please accept my humble apologies from the bottom of my heart for not making proper introductions right off the bat. I'm Anne, I was supposed to be starting at Queen's University soon but surely it's more important to explore than it is to worry about my education at a time like this. Adventure IS education and a glorious, much-needed distraction! I can't very well get in trouble when there is no way home, now can I?

Just how "dangerous" is this forest? I have quite the mind for direction and exploration and would like to go for a walk, but have no wish for people to need to rescue me if there are monsters and creatures lurking. What did you all do first when you arrived?

Anne Shirley-Cuthbert

Oct. 10th, 2020



[No Subject]

Courtney Whitmore
Pat Dugan
WHO Courtney Whitmore and Pat Dugan • WHAT Courtney and Pat face the Overlook Hotel • WHERE The Overlook Hotel • WHEN 10/8 Evening • WARNINGS Mentions of death and abandonment issues.
“Creepy place, huh, Court?” he asked. “What say we don’t stick around?” Read more... )

Oct. 9th, 2020



[No Subject]

So, back home, I used to be a basketball star at my school, and then I got into baseball in Anima City and well...   kind of missing that kind of thing.

Any sports teams or anything around here?

Oct. 8th, 2020



[No Subject]

Okay, I need for everyone to explain everything about Halloween to me, because what I've found so far? Sounds really amazing. You dress up in costumes and go around and get free candy! Why isn't something like this more popular across all the universes??

Sep. 17th, 2020



text post: kara danvers

First Alex, and now Hope and Emma are gone. I wish this place would stop taking away people I love.

Sep. 11th, 2020



[No Subject]

Getting new memories from home will definitely hurt your brain.

[Filtered To Pat and Yolanda]

Starman's not my dad.

My real dad is a giant jerk.

Henry died.

We defeated the ISA.

Mom knows everything now. So does Mike.

It's definitely a lot.

Sep. 8th, 2020



[No Subject]

Hearing about the spectral animals that visited people has been interesting.

Everyone seems to have different feelings on the matter.

old guard.
I picked up a bottle of raki. A woman mentioned Makkgeoli and it made me feel nostalgic for things we have not drank in some time. I considered getting that, but Turkey called to me. I will make dinner and we can share it.

Would you want a pet, mio amore?

We have not been in one place for this long in quite some time. Perhaps it would be nice.



Network Post

So umm, I think the animals that were with people are mostly vanishing? That's what I saw people saying?

Because mine ... didn't. He's still just hanging around. Does that mean I get to keep him? Because then I'm going to name him. He's pretty cute!

Maybe someone who knows stuff about magic should look at him and see if they can figure out why he's still here? Maybe it will help us figure out why some people disappear and some don't too. And how to stop it. As long as it won't hurt him, I mean.

I'm kind of out of one job now. But that's probably better anyway since I have school. I liked it, though. I learned a lot from Sherlock just by listening to him talk.



[No Subject]

Yo. This is bullshit. I had things to do. Morgana is going to effing kill me -
You can't just like take people like this without asking.


The video was pretty cool though. The explosions were sweet.

Sep. 2nd, 2020



[No Subject]

So, ah, I was walking my dog Max in the woods and I came across a big blue, I dunno, tiger, I guess?

Looks like pretty impressive technology though.   Wonder what it runs on?  

But I'm guessing it probably shouldn't just be sitting around like this.  Especially if somebody left the keys in the ignition. 

Sep. 1st, 2020



[No Subject]

Okay, so the video answered most of my questions except where are my friends but it definitely didn't tell me if Pokemon Go was a thing. It's already going to be disappointing because I had so many back home and I have to start ALL OVER. Oh no. Is this a place run over by Captain Americas Pidgeys? The potential disappointment is serious. This feels like a place where there'd be a lot of Pidgeys. Are Tsumtsums popular here? I lost all of mine apparently. Ugh. And if any happens to see a black cat with a crescent moon on the side of his face, can someone tell me? He should respond to Rufus.

Runaways & Co )

Aug. 29th, 2020



text post: yolanda montez

Courtney! Guess what was on my bed this morning after I got out of the shower?!? My costume!



[No Subject]

I'm so very tired of the woods. They aren't even the right woods.

The people who found me tried very hard to be kind, but I don't know if I can believe what they've told me.

I've lost everything all over again, haven't I?

Aug. 28th, 2020



[No Subject]

Greetings, fellow adults!

I gotta say when I woke up this morning as an adult a trip to another reality didn't seem like a possibility. This is pretty cool though, right? I think it's cool.

Aug. 26th, 2020



[No Subject]

Hello?   Hello?   Is this thing on?   I swear, this thing's worse than one of those smartphones...

Ah, anyway, if this thing's working, someone want to explain why my house and dog are here?

Aug. 24th, 2020



[No Subject]

Why do adults want to know what I'm going to be when I get older?

I'm fourteen. I just got a chance to be a kid. I don't even know what I like to do.

Aug. 20th, 2020



[No Subject]

Violet got sent home. This sucks. All of her stuff from out apartment is gone, and it's like she was never here. I know this is something that happens here, but it had never happened to me before, so I guess I didn't think about how it would feel.

I'm going to take the staff and go flying, I think.

Aug. 12th, 2020



text post: yolanda montez

That video was very...informative. Hey everyone, um I'm Yolanda. I guess I'm stuck here now. Doubt my family will even notice

I heard there might be someone I know here?

Aug. 9th, 2020



Network Post

Okay, the thought-sharing thing has been really weird. I'm hoping no one's been hearing me, but since I was hearing someone, that's probably not true. So whoever, you are, I'm sorry? And I'm glad you like horses so much? And other things.

[Filtered to Losers + El]
So I got distracted with the Ball and everything. But thanks for playing the game, everybody. You all did great and I'm really glad you seemed to have fun. It meant a lot that you didn't think it was kids' stuff. If you ever want to play again, just let me know!

And uh, maybe lock the windows? I don't think he means it, but the guy in my head thinks about how he can get in windows to get the drop on people a lot.

[Filtered to Zatanna and Sherlock]
I was wondering if it would be okay if I had to change my hours when I worked? I might not, but I was going to look into maybe going back to school when it starts again, or at least taking some art classes, and I'd still like to work for you. If you still need me to.

Aug. 6th, 2020



[No Subject]

Who else is doing high school once school starts back up again? Or did everyone gradua

Also I need to pick between chronomancy and necromancy as my discipline focus and I'm still not sure which I want to put all of my energy behind. They both have their benefits and depending on the coven I talk to they recommend different ones so idek.

[Magic group]

Does anyone want to host the meeting for this month? I figured it could be nice to do something out of the woods this time.