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Posts Tagged: '%E2%82%B4+inactive:+cassian'

Sep. 18th, 2020



[No Subject]

This is mostly for the Defense Department, but I'm sharing with everyone in an effort to not miss anything important.

I'm looking for anyone who can help with an air search to collect information on the Pterodactyls. The goal is to find where they're coming from, but I'd also like a clear idea of where they can mostly be found, and if they're causing any damage. I'll need people who can fly (powers, tech, ship, it doesn't matter how), to help with a coordinated search that will start tomorrow.

Let me know if you're interested. The search will start at 8 am.

If anyone has a piloting experience but no ship, let me know. I have a jump ship that can be taken up in the search.

Aug. 29th, 2020



[No Subject]

“I don’t know where my place or future is in Velaris.”
WHAT: Well, they were watching fireworks when Feelings and Emotions™ struck.
WHERE: Morningside Apartments
WHEN: Tonight, August 29
STATUS: Complete!
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Aug. 5th, 2020



Log: Cassian & Nesta

August 1st - Evening
"Where they went from here was tenuous and unsure, but in the moment Cassian was content to be like this."
The Ball! | PG-13
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Aug. 4th, 2020



[No Subject]

The defense department is growing, which is great, but with that, I need to set up some more organization for my own sanity.

So I want to select coordinators for each team. This isn't a hierarchy addition for new leadership that everyone on the team is going to have to start following orders from. I'm looking for a person on each team who is willing to do things like check-in with me after patrol, call in anything we need to know, arrive a few minutes early to pick up comm-links, stay a bit later to make sure they're all returned, keep track of their team members during patrols or during an attack, or to be the person your team calls into if they can't make it for patrol.

Each team can pick their own, or I'll just select one if you'd prefer. How ever you all want to decide is fine with me.

Team D, I can just do it for us if you'd prefer.

I'm also looking for a person who might be interested in taking on a position as our eye-in-the-sky through tech during attacks. The last few times we had to deal with issues I've stayed back to keep an eye on things and make sure nothing was missed. I really want to punch things again, so if anyone has any suggestions for someone who might be interested in that gig, please give me some names. It will only be for when it's all hands on deck so they wouldn't have to leave their day job. They'll have Gideon, the AI from my ship, to work with if they want.

Questions? Please discuss.

Team A Candidate: Cassian
Team B Candidate: Obi Wan Kenobi
Team C Candidate: Daisy Johnson
Team D Candidate: Nyx Ulric

Eye-In-The-Sky (or whatever they want to be called): Jonathan Sims

How do you feel about being my second-in-command/ next in line if I vanish officially-officially on paper? Do you have any interest? I'll find someone else if you don't want it, but I'd feel better if I knew it was in your hands (Please do it).

Jul. 29th, 2020



[No Subject]

There's someone who keeps changing their mind on whether or not to ask a specific someone to the ball: you should. It will work out well, but only if you do it soon. Otherwise, they'll think they were a last minute thought.


Please don't wear that. Let me help you.

Jul. 26th, 2020



[No Subject]

Anyone here interested in sparring with me? I promise to take it easy.


We're going to need to replace the lamp.

Jul. 14th, 2020



[No Subject]

First of all, thank you all SO much for all of the interest in Caleb's idea for the mystery book delivery! We have so many super interesting titles in stock at the Nook, so there's plenty more where that came from. Second of all, Caleb is the very best business partner ever and this is me publicly telling him that he's as pretty on the outside as his brain is. :'')

Now that the housekeeping is out of the way, he texted me earlier and said there was a LOT of interest in having maybe a book club? And I think that would be a most excellent idea. So--who's interested? And would you prefer a book club where we read whatever we want and swap reviews about what we've read and exchange books? Or would you rather have a book club where we all read the same book and then talk about it?

Personally, I like the first idea. It might be chaotic, sure, but it also sounds fun and we could do additional mystery exchanges so you never know what you're going to get next! There's room to host it at the Nook, so we are super happy to offer that up for this club. 😊😊

Jul. 11th, 2020



[No Subject]

I'm trying to get a complete list of injuries. Not just for the defense teams, though I do need that to ensure each team is still okay.

If you can, let me know of you (or someone else if you need to respond for them right now) is injured.

Also, let me know if you're going to need any help in the coming days and don't already have someone available.

Jul. 3rd, 2020



Log: Cassian & Nesta

“Is it me? The reason I can’t keep anything?
WHAT: Nesta comes home after a very bad day.
WHERE: Their apartment.
WHEN: June 28th, evening
WARNINGS: Depression, thought of lacking self-worth, a lot of angst and some darker thoughts here. Nothing graphic, just very hurt/comfort.
STATUS: Complete!
Read more... )

Jun. 22nd, 2020



[No Subject]

there are hearths

in each hearth there's a fire

in some, the flame roars

in some, the flame flickers

in some, the flame seems to have gone out entirely. There are embers.

in all, the fire will return and it will be warm again.

Like magic.

Jun. 18th, 2020



[No Subject]

  • Black-armored helmet that doesn't look very practical.
  • A leather bracer, well made.
  • A pink contraption with wheels like Adam's motorcycle, but a very light frame and it has pedals to push it? I'm trying to figure it out.
  • A notebook with hearts that have letters on the inside of each one. .... Not all of the hearts have the same letters?

    If any of these are yours, let me know!

    Also, if you go into the forest a lot, follow Gilmore's advice on avoiding any shambling undead, BUT ALSO if you go by the lake that's near my house, be aware there's an occupant in it! His name is Jörmungandr, and I promise, even though he's large*, he's very friendly! He talks, but it's an ancient language that's not widely known back home. I don't know how good I'll be at teaching it, but I can try if you want to talk to him? Please, he's lonel

    Anyway just-- he might look scary, but he's actually smaller here than he would be at home. A fraction of the size! And I promise, friendly. Unless you're Thor. But don't worry, Torunn, I told him about you and he's okay as long as the Thor from my world doesn't show up! but I've been wondering if this world is prepping for

    Hi! Hey! It's Atreus! You guys were looking for a flying ... bison? This morning in the field by my house there was a large white creature grazing, but he took off when he saw me and he went flying north. I've tracked him a little, but if he's yours, he might not take off running? Do you want me to show you where?

    [OOC:* For OOC comparison's sake, Jormi is about the size of the movie Anaconda's snek, but is grey/blue and looks like this. But really he is friendly if your character wants to meet him/run across him.]
  • Jun. 17th, 2020



    [No Subject]

    I'll add my name to the list of people who have found [...] something. A silver canister?

    I apologize, I'm not certain at all how to describe this or what it is, that isn't helpful at all.

    Jun. 8th, 2020



    [No Subject]

    "You might learn a thing or two if you read it."
    Read more... )

    Jun. 3rd, 2020



    [No Subject]

    I have a greater appreciation for books than I do people, I'll admit to that. They tell stories beyond just what's written on the page. The spines are like rings on freshly cut wood, and just one touch can make someone feel or learn something they didn't know, even before your eyes hit the words inside. They offer quiet solace like not many can.

    After securing permission and paperwork from the DOA, I've taken over management of AZ Fell & Co. Bookshop - which was owned by an Outlander who is unfortunately no longer here. I've spent the week dusting, organizing and attempting to make sense of taking inventory of the books, and it will be officially reopened for business on Friday, June 5th. I have no desire to change it from how it was before, just to continue offering it to the people of Vallo to appreciate the eclectic mix offered on the shelves. I hope others can appreciate it as well.

    From here on out, I'm making my sister Elain do any publicity for it.

    May. 29th, 2020



    [No Subject]

    I'd like to inquire about AZ Fell & Co. Bookshop in Vallo City. I was told it was Outlander owned but the owner left. What would it take to become the property and store manager due to the owner's absence?
    My library arrived from home. Elain, as always, you're welcome to borrow as much as you like. Cassian - you ask permission first and keep a ledger of borrowing and returning.

    May. 21st, 2020



    [No Subject]

    [Sent Directly after the Goblin Showdown~]
    » What happened?
    » I know you're injured. I can fe Where are you?
    » I swear on the Cauldron if I have to

    May. 19th, 2020



    [No Subject]

    I'm told I'm not the only one fascinated by this magic way of communicating, but truly! There's something beautiful and personal about letter writing so I would be loathe to ever give that up, but this is certainly much faster!

    I'm Elain. It will be lovely to make everyone's acquaintance.


    Nesta? Cassian said if I send a message to you, you can see this? He did ask that I tell you that he found me while on patrol, has been making sure that I am safe, and will fly me to you as soon as he can.

    (He's already asked if I need anything to eat, he's offered a shawl, shoes, a map, a garden, and oh, many other things, he's been very attentive.)

    May. 14th, 2020



    Log: Nesta & Cassian

    "I would keep you safe. If you would just let me. And maybe, maybe, the nightmares would stop for a time."
    WHAT: Nesta draws on someone else’s nightmare and it makes her own worse. Cassian barges in
    WHERE: Nesta’s apartment
    WHEN: Middle of the night on May 13th/14th
    WARNINGS: Nightmares, angst angst angst, some PTSD and a strong case of denial.
    STATUS: Complete!
    Read more... )

    May. 11th, 2020



    [No Subject]

    I'm aware that I haven't formally introduced myself here, and that it would be polite to remedy that but I haven't particularly cared to. I'm Nesta Archeron.

    There, good, now that we're on friendly terms - is anyone here able to winnow? Every attempt I've made to leave the bathroom over the last twenty minutes has resulted in me just walking back into the same room and I've become frust bored with these silly games.

    May. 9th, 2020



    [No Subject]

    A reminder for anyone looking for a place to train or workout, Steve had previously found land that could be used as training grounds, and it is still available for use now. [ location ]. I should be able to withstand people with powers, so don't worry about destroying it. If you're interested in learning self-defense, combat, or are interested in picking up a weapon, I'm on the grounds most mornings. I've made time for classes Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings. I'm happy to teach anyone who wants to learn.

    Secondly, for anyone new, or anyone who has just been considering, the Defense Department operates daily patrols to deal with threats that come through the Waypoints. If you're interested in joining up, send me a message or come talk to me.