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February 25th, 2024



Shared Network

Uh What do you say when you are seeing if another world can see what you're writi

Hello, this is Orym of the Air Asha Beketh Squadron, Communications. I know that there is a lot going on around the ship and everything is confusing and bad, but there might be a bit of good news for you new folks.

With our comms back up, we almost immediately received a signal that was first theorized and then confirmed to be coming from your side of things. It's gotten stronger as we've drifted closer to the proximity of the assumed portal. Long story short, I've been told that they should be able to see this and you lot should be able to communicate with one another now.

So uh if anyone not currently on the V.A.L.L.O. could confirm that, that would be super helpful. I'm sure your people will be relieved to hear from you.



Shared Network

Let me preface this post by saying I know what I'm discussing here will make people uncomfortable. Trust me when I say it's necessary information, and I am not letting any command withhold any more vital information.

Captain Alarie has been found on his ship. Unfortunately, he's long dead - I'd guess for weeks - and covered in slime. We've also confirmed via this morning's autopsy that Daud's body was filled with slime. Between this and the intel we've received from other Vallo, I think it's safe to assume the slime Saferra has been working with may be responsible for V.A.L.L.O.'s troubles this week.

Whatever measures we may take to deal with this problem, I'd advise finding a buddy. Don't let your close ones out of your sight.