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January 23rd, 2024



[No Subject]

This June will mark three years since we launched my podcast, which is a sentence that I would have never imagined stringing together four years ago, let alone knowing what many of those words meant. I have covered numerous magical and non-magical topics alike, as well as had several guests talk about their own brand of magic and overall it has been a good time and I am looking forward to continuing into 2024.

However, I am curious: does anyone who listens (or does not, but just has suggestions) have any specific magical topics or questions that they would like to hear a drow go on about for 45-60 minutes? And that said, do you have any non-magical topics that are not simply rooted in my soup preferences and fashion opinions? Because while I talk a lot about magic, it is a bit of a catch-all in that regard.

Very important business aside, after a lot of griping that my husband has to hear every night, I might just be having a minor success in the orchid department: Cut for image! )



[No Subject]

Kara & Catra
WHAT: Supportive sister talk re: Theo!
WHERE: Darla's backyard
WHEN: Today, afternoon-ish
WARNINGS: A smidge of anxiety but nothing crazy
STATUS: Complete

“There’s something about having this little person that thinks the world of you that’s pretty awesome, if you ask me.”
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