
Layout By

October 7th, 2023



[No Subject]

I'm coming back home.

Lena, this doesn't change anything about your birthday plans for tomorrow, so don't even bring it up.



[No Subject]

what the hell give him BACK! he's my it's not fai he's supposed to approve my spooky music list for all of you freaks.



[No Subject]

Who needs what? I'm serious. Give me things to do, even little or stupid things.



[No Subject]

Atreus, where are you? Anybody have eyes on him?



[No Subject]

I do not wish to overstep myself in asking, but with the recent departures, would you like to stay with me this evening?

I am afraid I must cancel our appointment this evening. Would you like to reschedule for another evening this week or skip?



netpost - fen - october 7th, late evening

I guess I have a smithing/weapons repair business now. Papa's Pride Workshop has been left to me since I'm the only remaining employee. Brigitte put her heart and soul into this and I don't want to see it going to waste. So... if anyone is still looking for employment anywhere, there are plenty of openings. I've got smithing down with a specialty of knife-making but this place can definitely use an expert on cybernetics.

Hopefully some time in the future, she comes back and the workshop will still be here for her.

Also, Vallo? Fuck you.

Filter: Sophie
I guess this is going to keep me busier than usual. So.. hugs and kisses, see you when I come up for air?