
Layout By

September 5th, 2023



[No Subject]

First day of school, and we've got a bunch of skeletons just chilling on the school lawn. And I don't mean plastic "somebody got excited about Halloween early" skeletons. I mean actual bone skeletons that were walking around like they own the place. Carrie in my literature class said one of them asked her if she had any "tomes of power and might." (Apparently her math book doesn't count.)

So, thanks for making the first day of junior year good and weird, Vallo. Now I can think about how the hell skeletons are capable of talking instead of listening to anybody drone on about the syllabus.

Added Slightly Later:
Also, say I wanted to dampen sound around my lunch table at school so it's not so loud that we have to shout our whole conversation. Are there magic items that could do that? And if they do exist, how much would it probably cost to get one? (Specifically, could someone with "part time at the gaming store" money afford a Bubble of Quiet or whatever?)

[Filtered to Vallo High]
Hey Outlanders. Are we sticking with our lunch table from last year, or are we trying for one of the ones up by the windows?



[No Subject]

Note to self: When the little piece of paper in the geocache box tells you, "don't put the ring on, it's cursed" - don't put the ring on, it's cursed. Sure, it's the curse of a thousand hives and not something terrible (like death) but still. Make better choices, Kate of the Future.

But thanks, Adam! Geocaching was fun, let's do it again.

I miss you. 🥺



[No Subject]

You know what's great?

Just getting to lay in bed, sleeping in all day, not needing to get up. Just lounging around, without an ounce of responsibility on this fine, totally unremarkable Tuesday.



[No Subject]

One of the kids at the center alerted me that this is bisexual month. (Color and italics required, I don't make the rules.) They explained there's an awareness week and a visibility day coming up, so they figure that means we should get the whole month and frankly, I agree.

Let's go, fellow bisexuals. September is our month. Maybe October too, on account that I really like Halloween.

Okay okay, I'll share October and the Halloween joy. November, though? I'll report back.



[No Subject]

I have been spending this first week of the month harvesting the vegetables ahead of the coming fall. While I have plans to preserve much of it, there is still quite a bit left should anyone be wanting anything. I have an abundance of tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, carrots, potatoes, and peas. As well as some fruits - most notably blueberries. Please come take some blueberries.

Yrsa's pumpkins continue to grow, the largest is bigger than her head which she finds absolutely delightful.