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July 14th, 2023



[No Subject]

The staff down at the Wiz's asked me to pass along that they're hosting some races on the 23rd this month.

There will 3 races - an A and B Pool and then a fun run. A and B are based on skill so if you've had experience riding chocobos, or just a similar animal, A pool is probably for you. B if you're new to the whole thing. The fun run is for anyone, silly outfits are required.

(( sign up sheet here ))



[No Subject]

I have always enjoyed the cathedral ceilings--not the cathedrals themselves, of course, never that. There is something to be said for the increased light and it very much makes a place feel larger, even though it is not useable space.

And I know this because I no longer have a ceiling. I had one, and then for some reason it turned to ash and there is a large hole above me.

Is it perhaps a vaulted ceiling? Hmmmm. Morningside residents, do be cautious of this newfound perk. Perk for me, at least, for the person above me I am not so certain they want a hole in their floor, but, perhaps.



netpost - kamala khan - july 14th

In exactly one month, I'm going to be 18. THE BIG ONE EIGHT! One month left of me being underaged and being limited in what I can do without guardian permission and afterwards?

... afterwards, I'll likely still be getting guardian permissions, LBR, this is just something that's kinda carry over from my own parents' household. You don't suddenly become your own adult at 18, for brown parents

BUT ANYWAY, before that, I'm going to hit one year of being here in like 12 days. What are the standards for celebrating that day? Is it usually celebrated or is it sometimes met with "aw hell it's been a year, why am I still here?" I would assume not too many would be thinking that because Vallo basically takes all the bad from previous worlds and tosses it out (bigotry, xenophobia, etc) while the bad you usually deal with here are zombie mammoths or something which are still better than dealing with bigotry.