
Layout By

January 30th, 2023



[No Subject]

is anybody free to transport a small tentacle creature to the clinic?

or possibly something else

i think i got the flu

and i'm having a hard time holding a form

it keeps changing when i sneeze

this is the first time i've been able to type all morning

please help



[No Subject]

Normally I'm quite adept with customer service. Even dealing with the difficult ones! (I have plenty of practice, thanks to one Ronan Lynch.) But right now I find myself at wit's end with two particularly bothersome demonic patrons at the library and I haven't been able to successfully convince them to leave.

My next step is to remove them forcefully but I'd prefer someone used to this brand of demons before risking any damage to the library. Lucifer? Rory? Sabrina? [...] Bueller?



[No Subject]

I find myself worrying for those dealing with Hell that's come to Vallo. I don't know anyone affected by it, but if anyone should need a friendly shoulder to lean on, someone to to talk to, or someone to simply listen, I'm around.



[No Subject]

I can't possibly thank you enough for making this day special. I truly would have been happy with a card and cake while Hell is so literally being visited upon these poor people.



[No Subject]

Okay, wow, so Hell is by far the worst vacation I've ever been on, and the last time I went on a trip I got hit by a train and framed for murder. 0/10 stars, Do Not Recommend.


Hey. Thanks for coming to get me.

EDIT: [Roz]

Hey, I just heard we have similar taste in vacation destinations.

You okay?