
Layout By

January 27th, 2023



[No Subject]


This isn't sustainable. To all those feeling soul-crushing guilt, I beg of you, let me get rid of it. I had to call out of work (fine) and couldn't even get an iced coffee (NOT FINE) without getting locked into a haze of someone's outsized self-loathing. Either get help for your trauma or stay away from me. I think my head's going to explode.

The next person to have an episode in my vicinity is getting manipulated. Trust me, it'll be more pleasant for us both.

Heroes, fix this. It's what you do. Christ.



[No Subject]

Filter: House of Hawkins + Friends
So. Guilt, huh

Does anyone

How the hell do you broach that topic

So. Two things.. 1, please check in... and 2, I'll be free this weekend so I was thinking of getting in some shooting practice and make myself available to anyone who wants to be taught.



[No Subject]

Thor Odinson
Goes to Hell
WHERE: Vallo: New Asgard, then Lucifer's Hell
WHEN: January 27th, 2023
WHAT: Thor gets sent to Hell.
WARNINGS: Death, Loss
STATUS: Complete
Because this was what he deserved. Read more... )



[No Subject]

Okay. Hoping this isn't the case, like, REALLY REALLY HOPING, but.. Peter and I had plans today and he hasn't shown up. He also isn't answering my calls.

Has anyone seen him? Can anyone help look?



[No Subject]

Everyone okay? We should establish a check in timeline so no one goes unaccounted for if something does go down.



[No Subject]

Lucifer, my father is now missing. Please check your nightmare kingdom. If he is there, I will lay waste to any demon who goes near him.

Trapped include:

1. Thor
2. Roz
3. Stiles
4. Peter
5. Dream



[No Subject]

» I need you to come home. Now.
» Can you get away?

» Hey. You saw?



[No Subject]

I can't find Roz.

She hasn't slept in her bed. I thought maybe we just missed each other yesterday because of her school schedule but I think it's something else.

And there hasn't been a notification thing so I don't think she went home.



Narrative: Eliot Gets Pulled Into Hell

Read more... )



[No Subject]

So, no offense or anything, but you all have a bunch of issues. How's everyone doing here with this shit?



[No Subject]

This place seems to attract the most fucked of them all so asking if everyone is okay is probably out of the question. Even if you thought you were okay, being told 'don't feel guilt' brings back all those memories.

I used to feel guilt for the many lives I had ruined. (At least until Leon told me to suck it up in a very Leon-version-of-nice way.) I get it, it wasn't me... I was mind controlled by a psycho, I was raised from childhood that way along with a bunch of other young girls to become killers and spies. It didn't makes me feel like the losses were not at least partially on my hands too. But I'm dealing with it. I have been dealing with it. And I am fully prepared to let everyone know all the things about Dreykov in case he comes through and somehow gets in our heads again. So you can help deal with him.

I just have to keep telling myself I'm not a killer. I was just robbed of a life, of a childhood.

I have slowly started to come to terms with that part of my life, that now I can fully confess my other guilt which is that the sweater that Kate lost months ago along with Natasha's high heels were borrowed by me and I lost them along the way. I let them think there were Vallo gnomes that made their way in and stole them.



[No Subject]

OK This is NOT Good! Eliot is usually home by now and he's not. I'm trying real hard not to be paranoid here but with all this talk about "hell" and "guilt" I can't help but think the worst possible outcome.

Has anyone seen him?



[No Subject]


WHO: Serefin Meleski, Jacob Frye, and Evie Frye
WHAT: Serefin is in his Hell loop and it takes the combined forces of the Fryes to convince him accept his shit and snap out it.
WHEN: Friday, January 27
WARNINGS: Discussions of blood and torture
STATUS: Complete
"War tends to bring out the worst in people. Fathers tend to bring out the worst in people too in my experience." Read more... )