
Layout By

October 20th, 2022



[No Subject]

Hi. I'm Adam Parrish.

I'm lost I woke up in a big strange house and Is anyone else looking for people who know them? How do I tell my parents where I am? They'll get mad if I



[No Subject]

This is a very odd dream that I am going to entertain for a moment as being reality, despite that it's so clearly a very odd dream.

Mum? Are you actually here?



[No Subject]

Part of me really thought everyone who claimed to have visited the past last year was either high, or playing the most elaborate prank ever and did not invite me to participate (which, rude).

HELLO VALLO OF 2022. (This tech is so old, are you kidding me.)

DAD! Bàba! 'Tis I, Min Weasley, your perfect, talented, fantastic daughter that you never get mad at ever because I'm brilliant, and you love me. Where are your baby faces?

PS no one go the bougie coffee cart in the plaza in the arts district for at least an hour.



[No Subject]

Kipp, I need pants again.

Dad? You around?



[No Subject]

So, whatever is going on today hit Yelena. She's like sixteen (maybe??) and freaking out that she's here. She ran off and Natasha went after her, but keep your eyes open for a frantic blonde teenager. I'd recommend staying out of her way as much as you can - she knocked me into a wall to get past me, and that's not the worst she can do.

EDIT: We found her! All is well. Back to your regularly scheduled chaos.



[No Subject]

To whoever is in charge:

1. Does kidnapping kids or teens looking for their parents get a thrill out of you or something?

2. You need to send me back right now. You have no idea what'll happen if



[No Subject]

Oh I love when Vallo begins to feel like an episode of Maury.

The results are in and you lot are all mothers and fathers to be, congratulations! Free drinks at Lux tonight for 18+, Shirley Temples for the rest of you.



[No Subject]

[ FILTER: FAMILY & FRIENDS (even currently changed) ]
How are we all doing? Any existential crises needing managed? It's An Offspring cigars needed? Food and alcohol requests? Shoulders and/or hugs needed? Secure hiding places with options for any of the above?

» What do you need?
» "Nothing", "I'm fine", "Don't worry about me", "Other things are more important right now", and other answers like them will be screened for the BS that they are.



[No Subject]

Great Scott. I've gone back in time.

So, update me please. What's cool this year? Are regular D&D nights a thing yet? Is Wren here? How old are my dads



[No Subject]

Hi, okay, I have the following things:

--a knitted scarf and hat set (olive color, pom pom on the top)
--someone's keys (car, I think)
--an energy drink (it's not bad, I've had many of this brand)
--tissues (important given the events taking place today)
--lip balm (vanilla mint and strawberry)
--a library book (privacy prevents me from telling you the title)

Oh wait hold on
--a sword (not mine, weirdly???)

If you're looking for any of these, you know what to do.

Or. You don't because, hi. Owen Sargent. If you are my parents, please sent a message when it's okay to come home. Maybe send a few. I just found the Library and it's singing its siren song to me.

Not an actual siren, that only happened once.



[No Subject]

Adora & Catra
WHAT: After a fruitless search for their spawn, Catra decides to impulsively pierce her ear because why not?
WHERE: Darla, then a tattoo/piercing place in the City
WHEN: Tonight
WARNINGS: Some "no baby for us" sad feels but that's it
STATUS: Complete

“Kinda thinking about getting my ear pierced tonight? I mean, we’re kid free - what the hell is there for us to do?”
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