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October 13th, 2022



[No Subject]

The Enchanted Nook will be having a Halloween event on the day of. There will be candy and treats and toys, along with book giveaways, prizes for costumes, and spooky* group readings.

*Matthew is doing at least some of the readings so I do not forsee them being too scary for young children.

And uh, in other news our Monster (S)mash display at Chastity's is being regularly restocked as it has been selling much better than I anticipated. We do not judge.



[No Subject]

It's been a few days. I watched that...thing forced on people and I

I'm right in assuming that my wife being the love of my life and also a recently turned zombie, the head of her first victim being our housemate and kind of a dick in our basement, and my teenage daughter blowing up a fracking site is probably not even the strangest thing that has happened here or does happen here.

It's almost nice.



[No Subject]

Prom can you just start singing that damn song in your head or something? I need something to drown out the nerves here before someone starts getting suspicious.



[No Subject]

I need tomorrow night off from filming the documentary for personal reasons.



[No Subject]

Catra & Adora
WHAT: Catra's been falling asleep during inconvenient moments and the two talk about it
WHERE: Darla
WHEN: Today
WARNINGS: Mild sexual references
STATUS: Complete

A pattern was beginning to form and Adora was starting to get a little insecure about it.
Read more... )



[No Subject]

I've been here a couple of weeks and I guess I'm as settled in as I'm going to be. So, it's time I started making money. Does anyone have a use for a photographer? I can do other things too, if you don't need a photographer...



[No Subject]

Calendar wonkiness aside, today is the day that I chose to represent Night of Ascension, which is a holy day back home that marks the day that the goddess I champion, the Matron of Ravens, ascended to godhood over the domain of death. Despite that, it's a bit of a cheerful holiday for her followers, as the belief is that the honored dead should be celebrated. At least, that's how it was in Tal'Dorei; I know other places did their own thing.

Anyway, I realize that's a cultural history lesson no one asked for. I'm know that I'm alone in this sort of fellowship, but I'm sticking by what I said last year. Do me a favor. Show some love to your favorite people, by literally saying it or giving a little extra attention. Think of those you might miss. Treat yourself to something you haven't been letting yourself enjoy for one reason or another. Live your life. All that good shit.

That's all I've got. Thanks for enduring me another year, Outlanders.



[No Subject]

Lucifer Morningstar
Aurora Morningstar
WHO The Morningstars • WHERE Forest/Hell • WHEN During the daemon attack
The Morningstar's are idiots and try to rescue a Cerberus rather than kill it. Hell things. WARNINGS Hell Idiots
I suppose this would be an inappropriate time to ponder keeping it? Read more... )



[No Subject]

I thought long and hard about what I want to do living inside a huge castle that is mostly empty space and echoes because Margo isn't all the inhabitants from Fillory are not here and it's literally just me and my adorably fat cat.

So I decided the main ballroom will be an area used to rent out to like, big parties and such. Hell, maybe a coronation. There used to be cursed thrones on the dais but they were long since removed and the whole castle is relatively curse free.

So. Tell your friends and family or something?

Filter: Thor
Hi. I'm checking in because I know it sucks when people leave.