
Layout By

August 15th, 2022



[No Subject]

» Hey Scorpia. I know it's been a while, and I should have said this sooner, but I wanted to apologize for snapping at you.
» During the Baby Catra incident, I mean. And probably in general, too.
» It wasn't anybody's fault, and I shouldn't have taken my frustration out on you.
» I'm really sorry.



[No Subject]

HELLO it is me, NADJA here. Perhaps some of you have seen or visited the Night Market (it is a bit of a misstatement since they are open all the time but you know, BRANDING and all) or perhaps you are very curious. Either way, I, NADJA have some very important tips for you.

1. There is a hag, her name is Celestina or something like that, TOTAL BITCH. When you go by her booth, you spit on the ground and say 'Nadja sent me.' Women have to stick together, but when you are a hag named Celestina, you may ROT.

2. The Night Market will only allow for bartering (goods, services, your soul) or for spending gold, silver, gems, your left eye, things like that. But honestly, bartering is your best bet because OF COURSE someone will be like, oh no, I can't make change for 35 gold coins I may as well just keep the whole thing and then you are up the river of shit without a way to row.

3. NEVER TAKE THE FIRST OFFER. Put a very disdainful look in your eye and surmise that perhaps the goblins down the way would take less. Then huff, shimmy your bosom, and prepare to walk away.

4. If you are a human DO NOT GO ALONE. They can smell it on you and will be on you SO fast. Do not let anyone take you anywhere. There is a bandersnatch, that if you sneeze in front of him, he will think you are now a part of his harem.

5. It is so fun!!!!! There are so many things to barter for, and if you enjoy slightly offensive t-shirts you will be AMAZED!!!! Just be careful because you may accidentally purchase a cursed item and then, well, too bad for you.

If your name is Al or my darling cupcake kitten Catra or Peel you are in VERY GOOD LUCK because we are going on a field trip to the Night Market very soon!!! And you may pick out something as a treat.

The end? I still don't know how to end these fucking things. Goodbye?



[No Subject]

Pre-orders for the Outlanders and Animals calendars are now available! Please support local arts, models, and animal charities by making a purchase through the Art of Expression website. With the impressive skills of our graphics artist, the calendars are fully modular, allowing you to select one of three options for each month and thus tune it to your own preferences (and to allow you the enjoyment of multiple versions, should you so wish).

[OOC - Here find a sample calendar page: JULY, featuring Lucifer himself with two water monitor lizards on leashes, going for a run in the park in the shortest allowable running shorts]

With Elsa's departure, The Art of Expression is once again in need of a Director of Youth Programs.

This position includes the management of arts activities for young people between the ages of 5 and 18, including Art Camps, classes, and events, as well as facilitating mentorships/apprenticeships in the local artistic community. The work involves more management than it does direct teaching, so while experience with art is preferred, it is not so necessary as experience managing children.

Should you be interested in this role, inquire here or at the office of the Director at The Art of Expression.



[No Subject]

Anyone else doing the college thing in a few weeks? 'Cause if you need to feel better about yourself, I've got no idea what I'm going to do with my life. I think I'm going to focus on like...


...okay you can't see it but I just did like a full body shrug. How do people with ambition do anything?

Anyhow, hey, I'm Nick. Also officially looking for a part-time job that I can balance with school, whatever that winds up being like. I'm good with kids and can cook?

[ Filtered to FF Crew + Abi ]

Thanks for the help today! Happy birthday one more time, Abi!

[ /Filter ]



[No Subject]

Spider-Man & Ms. Marvel
WHAT: Peter and Kamala run into each other, literally
WHERE: Somewhere in the skyline of Vallo City
WHEN: Backdated to August 2nd
STATUS: Complete

“I… don’t you usually sense when something is in your way?”
Read more... )