
Layout By

June 1st, 2022



Log: Dorym

WHO: Dorian Storm and Orym
WHERE: Outside the Crossed Quills
WHEN: Morning of June 1
WHAT: Orym gives Dorian a lesson in sword yoga the Zeph'aeratam.
STATUS: Complete
ART CREDIT: here, here
WARNINGS: yearning
"Feels only right for an air genasi to learn something of the Air Ashari." Read more... )



[No Subject]

*Catra, Cullen Rutherford, Gladiolus Amicitia, Ignis Scientia, Iris Amicitia, Leon Orcot, Lucifer Morningstar, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Prompto Argentum & Vex'ahlia

Hey everyone!

I've realized recently that I've been team coordinator for about a year and that, outside of training, we haven't done much team bonding. I'd like to change that because you guys are awesome and deserve it, and I appreciate that I barely ever have to fill out crazy incident reports.

So, I was thinking team dinner? I'm looking at next week when we're off shift, either the 10th or 11th. Catra gets a good rate at The Canteen (the little cat chefs think she's some kind of Cat God or Queen or something), so if that's okay with everyone, I can call for a reservation.

Let me know any thoughts, conflicts, etc., and we can work something out. Thanks, guys!



[No Subject]

Anybody doing this beard thing on the 10th? If I go two days without shaving, I have more hair on my face than my head. The alpaca will get confused and probably make me bribe them, but at least I can't hear their dorky thoughts anymore.

Tempted to grow a handlebar mustache. Or a really creepy goatee.



[No Subject]

So, Wanda and I are getting married this weekend. She's been working on catering the whole thing (including baking the cake) because my diet is very weird these days. But I wanted to give a snippet into what it looks like, catering your own wedding reception:

cut for pics )

The last one was right when something literally crawled away from her and the second to last is my new phone background, mostly because it was accompanied by "get the fuck away from me, Stephen."

(Yes, I'm helping and not just being a snarky asshole taking pictures.)

[filtered to friends & family]

We'll see you Saturday on the mountain around sunset, just meet at the base and transportation up will be provided unless you want to climb a mountain for some reason. Plus ones all invited, you can bring multiple plus ones if you want. I'll be working some magical physics to allow for enough space and then just walk through the portal(s) back to the Sanctum for a party once we nervously say vows and probably cry. Cloak will conveniently be a hankie for me, and I'm grateful for that.



[No Subject]

Mimosas crew
Idk about anyone else's week but mine was a lot better when it started with a mimosa brunch. Anyone else up for making it a weekly occurrence? Probably at different locations.



[No Subject]


WHO: Serefin Meleski and Jacob Frye
WHAT: Patching each other up, after kicking each other's butts at Fight Club
WHEN: Night of May 21st.
WHERE: On the Frye Train
WARNINGS: None, really!
STATUS: Complete!
"But getting a rise out of Diego is one of my favorite hobbies." Read more... )



[No Subject]

I have to admit that it was nice having the weirdest powers for a while especially because I made bank on parents getting their kids the most specific stuffed animal they can get (Kate, my personal Etsy shop, was a great help). But it is also really great not to sit around and listen to random animals in people's heads all day.

Especially one of you who would not stop thinking "badger badger badger" repeatedly. You know who you are.

Anyway, here is your monthly Mango the Parakeet check-in. She's helping me with laundry.