
Layout By

May 21st, 2022



[No Subject]

Adam & Adora
WHAT: Adam's homesick and in his feelings about Teela; Adora listens and tries to distract him
WHERE: Darla
WHEN: Last night
WARNINGS: Just some sadness
STATUS: Complete

“I keep wondering about why it would send back Eternia’s Sorceress without her Champion.”
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[No Subject]

We were walking back from our campsite this morning and came across this sign.

Atreus, we need this sign for the Sanctuary. )

My one year anniversary of being here is coming up on the 25th and while I'm normally not sentimental about anything focused on me...being here has changed my life for the better. I want to celebrate that.

So I'm commandeering the roof on the 25th and we're having a party up there. I'd like to see everyone there, but I get it if you can't come since it's like...midweek.



[No Subject]

"To our future and all the beautiful things it holds."

WHAT A stargazing date + magic
WHEN Backdated to April 25th
WHERE The Fillory cottage
WARNINGS N/A, but it is fluffy af
STATUS Complete
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