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February 9th, 2022



[No Subject]

Carol & Peter
WHAT: Chatting over Lucky Charms breakfast
WHERE: Carol & Emmeline's Morningside apartment
WHEN: Backdated to not too long after Peter's arrival
STATUS: Complete

“Spider-Man, Spider-Man, does whatever a spider can…?”
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[No Subject]

Adora & Dan
WHAT: Adora comes to Dan to recalibrate
WHERE: Snooze Room at the Chakrabarti Clinic
WHEN: Today, late morning
WARNINGS: Just a lot of anxiety/mental illness talk
STATUS: Complete

“Feeling on edge, irritability, anger - those are all indications that there’s something going on, a deeper issue.”
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[No Subject]

Okay, so I just got hit with a new app development project. Since this is something I have even less experience with than romantic relationships, congratulations, you're now part of my market research.

The basics:
  • With an ever-rising population of dead folks and the discovery of some misfiled items from about fifty years back, Ankou Coven's ended up with a significant backlog of "unfinished business" cases
  • Ankou's personnel are overtaxed as it is, and spiritual triage dictates that they focus on the most pressing unfinished business first, so a lot of non-emergent but still significant cases are left waiting in line
  • ...but luckily, we have a large untapped well of personnel in the form of Helpful Outlanders
  • ...and with a little bit of cooperation between Enki, Ankou, and your friendly neighborhood app developer (who can actually stay in human form again, hooray), we think we can create an app that would put these Helpful Outlanders in touch with Spirits In Need.

So, here's phase one of my market research, to which any and all answers are appreciated:

  • if this app existed, would you put a profile on it?
  • If you were/are dead, what would you be looking for in a living problem-solver?
  • If you were/are alive, what would you be looking for in a case to assist with?
  • Thoughts on the name Medium? Better ideas?
  • General thoughts and feelings on the project?
  • Ideas for imagery to avoid, imagery to use, etc.?
  • Would you be interested in assisting in a more official capacity? I'm perfectly happy to just make an app and walk away when it comes to you people hooking up and/or finding people to eat sushi in silence with, but we could probably use a little more involved community management here and a list of resources to contact in addition to what Ankou already has in place.
  • Do you think we'll need to update the dick recognition algorithm for this?



texts to catra

» So
» Dan says he thinks I should start seeing someone.



[No Subject]

✔️ Confirmed I'll be able to graduate from my undergraduate here.
✔️ Confirmed my application to law school has been included in the application process despite being late due to time jumps. No word on acceptance or anything but it's something.
✔️ Moving this weekend into a new apartment. Let me know if I can bribe you with snacks to help me with my stuff.

❓️ Is anyone celebrating the superior Galentines Day?

I have less than welcoming news I need to tell you. You free for lunch today?

[No Subject]

Okay, so, here goes.

Awhile back, a few years ago or so-- I was bit by a spider in a lab that I shouldn't have been in. It gave me powers.

I'm Spider-Man.

edit: AMA

[No Subject]

Yes, hi, hello. I've been wandering around a bit. I did talk to someone, they gave me this device. The city is beautiful. And the rats are so nice. And I have a home!! I'm very excited.

My name is Cleo. I've survived a shark attack, have a bomb in my neck, and I used to rob banks with rats. I won't rob banks here. If you meet me in person, you will meet Sebastian as well, he's my best friend.



Log: Adam & Gansey


WHO: Adam Lynch & Gansey
WHAT: A little magic practice, a little frustration, a little knowledge and a little resolution.
WHEN: Feb 9th, afternoon.
WHERE: Boyd's!
WARNINGS: Anxiety and self-doubt, otherwise a-okay.
STATUS: Complete!
“Do you happen to have anything not doing well, or have you turned into full-on Plant Dad?” Read more... )



[No Subject]

I've been to space, the Savage Land, outside of time, Metro City, even Milwaukee and no matter where you go it's always the same: Paperwork.

Compared to most places, it's incredibly well organized but still. Guess I'll check this little box under "Outlander" and hope for the best.

Gotta be better than the last time I had to registered with the government... dammit Tony.



[No Subject]

[ Filtered to Friends + Healer/Medics Who Have Helped Him; Feel Free to Assume]

It has been two weeks since many of you have offered and begun providing me with help. While I am not able to champion our immediate and complete success, I would like to state that your help has had me sleeping and feeling better in recent days. The coughing in particular has significantly improved, which I understand to be greatly encouraging because I really like breathing as a hobby.

I will also add that a few days ago, Sabrina gave me a magic apple. I think from a box on the ground? An apple of mysterious provenance. Anyway, naturally I ate it. I waited a bit to tell you all about it on the off-chance that it would kill me but all appears to be fine, so thank you Sabrina for your thoughtful gift. I was able to help Jayce move some of his belongings into my apartment yesterday and that would not have been possible before.

For those of you with other magic foods, I also like parsnips. :)

Thank you once again for your assistance.

[ /Filter ]



[No Subject]

February 10, Morning
Fjord & Jester
"Technically is a yes, right?"
Xhorhaus | PG? PG-13 (It's Jester LOL)
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