
Layout By

January 5th, 2022



[No Subject]

I am thinking of this poem by Pushkin today, because it is one that reminds me of Shitty.

Что смолкнул веселия глас?
Раздайтесь, вакхальны припевы!
Да здравствуют нежные девы
И юные жены, любившие нас!
Полнее стакан наливайте!
На звонкое дно
В густое вино
Заветные кольца бросайте!
Подымем стаканы, содвинем их разом!
Да здравствуют музы, да здравствует разум!
Ты, солнце святое, гори!
Как эта лампада бледнеет
Пред ясным восходом зари,
Так ложная мудрость мерцает и тлеет
Пред солнцем бессмертным ума.
Да здравствует солнце, да скроется тьма!

I am not finding translation I like very much yet, but if I find something good I will show in English. It is called "Bacchic Song" if you are wanting to look for yourself. It reminds me of Shitty because it is poem written in very bad times with lots of hope for good times to come, and lots of drinking about it. I know our friend is well at home, but still I will miss him wandering into kitchen with no pants on to ask if we are down to motherfucking clown.

[Filtered to Jack Zimmerman]
Hey, we are all checking on Lardo, but I want to check on you also. You want distraction or talk about it or anything, I am here, okay? And Shayba, too, she will let you put your face on fluffy belly.



[No Subject]

This is dumb.



[No Subject]

18. Officially old enough to vote in my world. I'm a little disappointed I won't get to do that, but overall I'm definitely in a better situation here. Legally an adult, though lets face, calling an 18 year an adult is questionable in most situations.

For my 17 birthday I was in Dark Vallo, for my 16 there was some sort of Hell drama unfolding that all kind of blurs together at this point, and around 15 my eye sight was heavily deteriorating again. The biggest drama I've had this morning is trying to figure out if I want a sweet or savory crêpe for breakfast (I went savory) and trying to keep Phoebe from using my scarf as a toy.



[No Subject]


Roz's 18th Birthday

Happy birthday, Roz! Happening at Dorian's in one of the private rooms, all of Roz's friends and family have been invited to show up at 7pm on. Ambrose helped Sabrina with setup and picking out the cake. There will be a dj playing most of the night--feel free to request songs--as well as karaoke available in between sets if desired. The room has a dance floor, several places to chill and talk, and a table with different finger foods and the cake.

Drinks are free and if you're 18 or older you can get alcoholic ones.

© tessisamess



[No Subject]

You want to know what's really dumb? The fact that all of the pregnancy memes out there on the internet are super not funny and real basic suburban mom shit.

Oh and hey, Sara? This means I'm probably going to need some time off from patrolling in seven months or so.

Please don't give me any shit about continuing patrolling while knocked up. I was kicking demon's in the face right up until I gave birth the first time. I can and will do it again if I have to. 😘