
Layout By

December 20th, 2021



[No Subject]

I'll definitely get an evil glare for being on here, but I still wanted to take a minute to say

Yesterday was so much fun for both of us! We're so glad that everyone came out to celebrate with us and hope you had fun, too! And thanks to everyone so much for the gifts! There were some BIG surprises in there, but we loved them all! I'll send out individual Thank You cards at some point when my attention isn't being demanded elsewhere.

Love you guys! ♥



[No Subject]

I spent the day doing last minute holiday shopping as I am yet out of the habit of both celebrating these sorts of winter holidays and buying gifts for others for them. It was all fine and well, despite there being far too many people around, but I may or may not have been followed the entire time by a group of very enthusiastic carolers. Perhaps it was coincidence that their route followed my path so well, I do not know and I am trying not to think about it too hard.

Instead, I have to wonder. The song about the days and gifts of Christmas. What is one to do with so many birds? Are the gifts metaphorical? Are these things that one might actually have purchased for one's "true love" at some point in some world's history? This does not even bring into consideration the gifts beyond the birds. I have many questions that I suppose could be researched further on the internet, if I so wish.

Regardless, a happy whatever winter holiday it is you celebrate (Winter's Crest, for today) and my hope that you will not be saddled with a surprise six geese.



[No Subject]

Who: Leon Orcot (narrative)
What: Framing some photos and ruminating on the holidays
When: This afternoon
Where: His apartment
Warnings: References to parental death, including pregnancy-related death. Some angst.

He'd found something like a family already )



[No Subject]

[Private To Wen Qing]

I was given your name by a friend as someone who may be able to help another friend of mine. I know everyone is busy with the holidays right now, but I'd like to schedule an appointment at your earliest convenience. Thank you.

[Private To Will Laurence]

Thank you for everything. You're one of the kindest people I know.

[Quentin Coldwater]

I need food. I'm famished. Serve me.