
Layout By

December 2nd, 2021



[No Subject]

Anyone know what to do with a house that's been in your family since forever and been left behind because of? I'm taking suggestions. I'll also need someone to ward it until I come to a decision.



[No Subject]

» Does lunch on Sunday work for you?
» I can meet you at Morningside and take you to my favorite place.

» I'm sorry for lashing out at you yesterday. I shouldn't have, and it won't happen again.



text messages

[texts to allison]

>> Not sure when I'll be back
>> I went to check on Sabrina and we're just kind of - sitting here
>> This is like the fourth time I've seen her through some kind of heartbreak and I still feel like I'm a bull in a china shop with this stuff

[texts to diego]

>> Probably not going to make it for punching form tonight
>> Just wanted to give you a heads up
>> Also what do you do for the biggest headache known to man?



[No Subject]

Who: Scorpia and Zuko
What: Zuko comes bearing pizza and ice cream
When: Shortly after Scorpia arrived, early-ish October
Where: Scorpia's apartment
Warnings: Not here

Okay, wow. I think this is the best thing I’ve ever tasted )



[No Subject]

Who: Brigitte and Scorpia
What: Brigitte comes to replace Scorpia's door
When: Shortly after Scorpia arrives, earlyish October
Where: Scorpia's apartment
Warnings: Squeaky clean

Oh gosh, can you do that again so I can measure the voltage? Have you ever tried charging up devices before? Or is it purely an offensive/defensive ability? Is there a limit, does it make you tired? How often can you do it? Is it biological or supernatural? Do you know how it works? )



[No Subject]

Are you sure you want to be back in the office already? I have no problem tossing the work at another intern.

How do you feel about the upcoming winter celebrations? Are we a 'best avoid them' or 'I will be wearing twinkle lights around my neck for the rest of the year' kind of man?

Saving your flist! )



[No Subject]

Winter can be harsh on a lot of wildlife, as we start to get snow and whatever weirdness Vallo throws at us. There are things everyone can do to help, though, just adding it into your daily routine if you ever travel through the forest or live here or nearby.

1. Don't pull up all your weeds or get rid of all your fallen leaves and stumps. Animals love to hide and burrow and sometimes they just need a quiet pitstop. That stuff can wait until spring! If you don't any hidey areas around, setting up a small cozy shelter outside is as easy as something like this!

2. Leave out water, and only a little food - mostly for birds. A birdfeeder will go a long way for the ones that can't get to insects or worms, but most animals know where to find their food unless they're really far away or injured. Fresh water will always be welcome!

3. And check it for freezing over and melt it or break the ice if it is. Same goes for small ponds or birdbaths, if they start to freeze over, get a hole in the ice and let it breathe.

4. Don't disturb them unless something really looks wrong, and even then I recommend calling me or a local vet or forest guide! Steve On from Asetenarra is a good option, he and I work together a lot and he's a great guy.

ALSO if you're around the Sanctuary, we have two new friends to meet. They're not really people trained so I'm going to keep them away from crowded areas for a while, but they're good girls from my home and friendly one-on-one. Their names are Speki and Svanna and it should be pretty obvious they're sisters. (Speki is the bratty one.)

OOC Cut for pictures of wolves. )

Hi. It's okay if you're not up to replying to this, but I just wanted to say if there's anything I can do, just say the word. Even something like just getting cronuts or going for a run or a fly, no time limit on it.



[No Subject]

Sabrina & Dan
Sabrina's Apartment| Today

Dan checks in on Sabrina and it doesn't get very far.
grief. lots and lots of grief.
Read more... )



Log: George Weasley & Jiang Cheng


WHO: George Weasley & Jiang Cheng
WHAT: Testing out George's new wand and talking magic
WHEN: December 2nd
STATUS: Complete
It sings of you now. Read more... )



[No Subject]

Richie & Eleven
WHAT: El shows up at Skyhold a little bit injured - she eventually decides to move in
WHERE: Skyhold, derp
WHEN: Backdated to when Strange Supreme and Wanda were foreplay fighting on a mountain
STATUS: Complete

Considering she’d spent weeks on her own, weary and angry and draining herself in ways that yielded zero results - it was a long time coming.

rarrawr )



[No Subject]


WHO: Keith Kogane and Blue Sargent
WHAT: Commiserating losing people and being future parents, how in the heck?
WHEN: Mid-November, sometime after Maura and Persephone's disappearance
STATUS: Complete!
“Well, I came in peace and I’m hungry for food I haven’t made myself, so, pin the arguing for later?” Read more... )



[No Subject]

Who: Tas and Clover
What: Exploring Asetenarra's Haunted Caves and not understanding a single pop culture reference
When: Around Halloweenish
Where: Asetenarra's Haunted Caves
Warnings: Nah

Oh no, I tried to watch a movie once, but it was boring )