
Layout By

November 29th, 2021



[No Subject]

Alright, tonight is the second night of Hanukkah, the winter holiday that isn't legally obligated to have Mariah Carey playing every five minutes, that doesn't have an old man breaking in to your house to eat your food, and that doesn't have questionable labor practices for people and animals.

No, we instead have a celebration of the rededication of the Second Temple at the beginning of the Maccabbean revolt in which the Jewish people rose up against their Greek-Syrian oppressors! And the lights of the temple burned for eight nights even though there was only enough oil for one night! A Hanukkah miracle!

At home, celebrating Hanukkah looks like lighting the menorah (each night you add a candle for the lights of the temple), playing the dreidel (it's a 4 sided top, btw, all three of my brothers cheat, I should be better at it because I roll d4s all the time and yet), my bubbe getting Tommy and I mixed up every other conversation, seven nights of practical presents like sweaters from my parents with one night of something cool, Here, I promised Tommy these amazing jelly filled donuts called sufganiyot tonight, so if anyone's bored, our apartment is open.

Just keep an eye on your chocolate coins around Tommy.



[No Subject]

[ Filtered to Brigitte ]

Well, now that we're in between crises, I was wondering if you were busy on the Solstice? Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji are getting married, and while I'll be running about the day or so before helping out with final things, I plan to just enjoy things day of. Barring disaster. Which is likely, frankly, because them. But I'm hoping for the best. There's a chance my tears will be from happiness, which is always nice.

I wrote too much. Would you like to come with me to the wedding?

[ /Filter ]



[No Subject]

Sabrina & college friends
Today | Vallo University

Discussing college things and seeing Aidan's latest antics.
Aidan being Aidan
Read more... )



[No Subject]

Meet the newest member of the family! I adopted her this weekend. She's sweet, but a bit rambunctious at times and I'm in love. I've named her Houdini.

Cuteness under here )



[No Subject]

I can't claim this is the first time I've been unexpectedly sent to a different dimension, but this is the first time I haven't really seen a clear way home, so I should make the best of it while I'm here. Honestly, as far as unfamiliar dimensions go, this one isn't bad. At least it doesn't seem to be one dimensional.

I'm Prince Adam from the planet Eternia.

If anyone's got any good advice for newcomers, I'd love to hear it. And I'd like to hear about you guys too! Where are you from? What sort of things do you like?



Log: Syd & Blue & Ronan


WHO: Sydney Clarke, Blue Sargent & Ronan Lynch
WHAT: A sort of intervention, or at least friends harassing sad friend.
WHEN: After Thanksgiving!
WARNINGS: Alcohol as coping mechanisms, depression, some grief & avoiding grief.
STATUS: Complete!
So that meant chinese food, cranberry vodka, and Dol cuddles instead. Festive. Read more... )



[No Subject]

I'm so very sorry about Hera. Is there anything I can do?

I was thinking of heading to the store and buying all of the sweets and snacks the kitchen can hold. And marshmallows for lots of hot cocoa. Want to go with me?

I have a box of flowers for you, if you're ready for me to drop them off for experimentation! If you have any requests specifically for the winter seasons, I could probably work on that, too, but I wanted to go ahead and get these to you if you want them.



[No Subject]

Who: Eleanor and Laurence
What: Eleanor and Laurence meet in person, and she introduces him to Froyo
When: First week of November
Where: Yogurt Yoghurt Yogurté
Warnings: Not here, unless you count the fact that Laurence doesn't enjoy sleeping in on rainy days.

So don't ask me how, because I have no idea, but this frozen yogurt tastes like experiences. I mean yeah, you could get cherry or blueberry but I will definitely judge you if you do. )