
Layout By

October 2nd, 2021



[No Subject]

So apparently I have a dog.

[Adora and Richie]
Adora, if necessary can you watch her while I force Richie to help me finish puppy proofing my apartment? I did most of the work but you're the only person I know who both has a dog and seems trustworthy enough and I'm picking her up first thing tomorrow. I would really appreciate it.

Richie, my new therapist told me I need to be open about my needs and what I need right now is for my friend to help me make sure all of the electrical cords in the apartment are safely out of reach of puppy teeth using nontoxic tape. I already put child locks on all of the cabinets.



Log: Ignis, Gladio & Noctis


WHO: Chocobros & a mimic
WHAT: Mimic Kenny Crow takes a bite out of Iggy
WHEN: During the mimic plot
WARNINGS: A minor chomp but mostly tame
STATUS: complete
Oh Gladio was definitely going to stab it again. Read more... )



[No Subject]

At home, weddings involve many hallowed traditions and expectations. But my brother has always stuck his nose up at both of those things. He's getting married if you hadn't heard. George and I are hosting an engagement party at the Burrow on the 9th, at 3pm, and you are all invited. There will be food and outdoor activities and probably plenty of Wei Wuxian yammering excitedly if you like that sort of thing.

Don't be late. Lan Wangji has a strict bedtime.



[No Subject]

I know WWW has been closed for a couple of weeks and that's been a bummer, however, grand re-opening happening on the 15th! We're coming back bigger and better, so keep your calendars open for that day!

Employees, your free ride is over. Better get ready to work! Gonna need people to start coming back on the 12th to help restock and reset the store, regular schedules will start again on the 15th.

FYI, my magic is...currently inaccessible, so I'm going to need some of you to step it up for me until I figure that out.



[No Subject]

Lance Alvarez
Keith Kogane
WHERE: Vallo City: Morningside Apartments
WHEN: October 2nd, 2021
WHAT: Lance and Keith have a late night snack together and talk about Allura and feelings.
STATUS: Complete
"It's still - really fucking hard sometimes." Read more... )