
Layout By

September 13th, 2021



[No Subject]


WHO: Blue Sargent and Maura Sargent
WHAT: Blue takes her mom out for a fancy birthday dinner and discuss getting back out there for dating
WHEN: Monday, September 13, evening
STATUS: Complete!
"Check in with me next year, though. We'll reevaluate how my vanity is sitting then." Read more... )



[No Subject]

Okay so I got two months left on this cast and finally ran out of this monopoly money that I was given.

Who wants to hire a broken bartender? I'm telling you now that I'm absolutely not going to move around easily for the next few weeks, but my upper body strength is out of this world and I'm great with the books and inventory.

Also, my bartending comes with life advice that you should, frankly, never take and I'm not that great to look at so you never have to worry about me flirting successfully with the customers.

I'm a catch, y'all.



[No Subject]

BROS. Bitty gave a shoutout not all that long ago, but this is a reminder that you haven't signed up for hockey and are interested in playing, to let him know. It's wicked fun, no one gives a shit if you haven't played before, just show up ready to work and have a boss ass time.

(But if you're fast as hell, all the better, because ISTG the Elvish Eagles are actual blurs on skates)

As Manager all of the organizational 'stuff' concerning the team falls to me. It's fun because hockey bros are seriously the best bros, and armed with a label maker and a clipboard, I can run the world. Recently, Eric Bittle-Zimmermann, in all of his genius, suggested that the team may need an Assistant Equipment Manager.

(Please note: one can replace our Assistant Manager/Murderer Murderbot, officially the Assistant Manager/Murderer of the team and of our hearts)

After a long brainstorming session over chocolate chip cookies that I think sent me back to the magic of my first Christmas they were that good, we came up with a series of competitions that seem pointless but serve a much deeper meaning and also have an elaborate scoring system.

Lardo and Bitty Proudly Present: Game of Games )

The person with the highest score ultimately gets the position and the glory that comes with being Assistant Equipment Manager (including your own personal hockey nickname and a one time beer pong tournament bye to the second round) but we all win because Bitty promised baked goods to all competitors.

Questions, comments, concerns, and compliments may be directed to me.



[No Subject]

There's a lot to process still, but it was suggested I reach out on here because there are some people around who know me... so, hi?



[No Subject]

Good-bye, Cleo.



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For a moment I thought this was heaven.

I still have my wounds from where I was stabbed, so I suppose not.