
Layout By

August 29th, 2021



Voice message, accidentally posted

--- understand, they tried to explain it to me but it's so- so- what does it mean? Recording? Recording what? Like- like writing down what I'm saying? C'mon, c'mon, something here's got to make some kind of sense.

[A pause, then a shout that's slightly muffled as he lowers the phone] Toothless?!

Augh- this place is so weird. Everything's- wrong. How do they have so much metal? And glass? And these- these devices, this is so much more than the Dragon's Eye, even- Sorry! Sorry, uh-- Odin's fu- [Cut off]



[No Subject]

Who: Laurence and Dorian
What: Dorian takes Laurence to the Dragon Preserve, and it's not what Laurence expected
When: Thursday, August 26th
Where: Morningside Manor -> The Dragon Preserve
Status: Complete

Have you much experience with dragons, Dorian? )



Log: Atreus & Leon


WHO: Atreus & Leon Orcot
WHAT: Leon goes looking for a familiar face at the local animal sanctuary.
WHEN: August 25th
WARNINGS: Some swearing squirrel, otherwise not bad?
STATUS: Complete!
“What on Earth would I want their walnuts for? Read more... )



[No Subject]

Sirius Black
Rasalas Black
WHERE: Vallo City: Galahd
WHEN: July 10th, 2021 (Backdated)
WHAT: Catching up and bonding over a meal.
STATUS: Complete
"Our parents would hate it." Read more... )



Log: Shiro & Keith


WHO: Shiro & Keith
WHAT: Trading I love yous inside the Black Lion leads to a surprise that's been building for a while
WHEN: August 27th
WARNINGS: None that I can think of. Mostly fluff.
STATUS: Complete
“Do you feel that?” Read more... )



[No Subject]

Is the dancing and singing over yet? I've been staying inside all weekend avoiding it. Not that I am not big on physical workout, but after my workout got interrupted by singing and dancing, I'm pretty sure I confused poor Unagi, and also, I just wanted to practice my fighting!



[No Subject]

I have a lot of excesses energy and need to blow of steam.

I was wondering if perhaps someone wants to spar? I would offer to by you a drink after or something.



[No Subject]

[Clover Ebi]
So. About that whole defense team thing.



[No Subject]
