
Layout By

August 5th, 2021



[No Subject]

I heard funny conversation in cafe this morning, and now I am curious about other people answers:

Prince or Michael Jackson?

[Filtered to Haus]
Hey, what do we think about fancy fluffy mouse? (I know he is not really mouse, but I do not remember right word.) This lady does not like him, even though he is very fancy, and I am worried she will throw him in street.


I would have to check and see if he gets along with Shayba first, and find out how to look after, but I do not want little guy living in box on corner begging for quarters.



[No Subject]

Is anyone else feeling off today? I don't know how else to describe it. Something just seems intangibly weird.

[Magicians & Fen]
If any of you need anything, let me know. That's vague but usually I can sort of sense you all and I don't think I'd trust that right now. I don't really have a reason. Other than something feels off that I can't explain.



[No Subject]

Quick check in, thanks.

Hey. Whatcha doing tonight?



[No Subject]

It's never good when you guys start getting a collective weird feeling about Vallo.

I vote food raining from the sky, if we really have to do a Thing.

Hey, are you up for some stabby weapons throwing? Doesn't have to be in the usual places.



[No Subject]

Choosing to ignore the doom and gloom warnings until something happens - is anyone interested in working at an animal daycare in the near future? Looking at end of October for an opening, so it wouldn't be an immediate job. Previous experience with animals preferred, but not necessary. And you should be able to tell me what animals you would like to work with.

I know we're distracted with these (lack of) visions happening, but got some time tomorrow night? I wanted to talk to you about something.

Nothing bad. Very much the opposite.




Marina & Julia
June, after Pride, during the wishes plot | Marina's apartment

Julia wishes for honesty from Marina and gets it.
Some language.

Read more... )



[No Subject]

Right. So. The whole waiting for the proverbial other shoe to drop suuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks. Anyone wanna hit up the pool later instead?

I'm at the Castle. Red's giving off some pretty agitated vibes. Gonna take her out for a bit and let her look around, maybe it'll settle her a bit. I can wait if you guys want to head out with me?



[No Subject]

Who do I talk to about sending back random gifts that Vallo decides to drop off?

Because I did not sign up for this.

Cut for guinea pig picture )



[No Subject]

When I was newly eighteen, I allowed myself to "let loose" and see what Hanamura had to offer. I was always studious and controlled, I had never been drunk or had more than one glass of saké at appropriate times. That changed, that night. I do not remember most of it, but I woke up with my mouth tasting only of cotton and a headache that did not stop for two days. People referred to me by my first name for weeks to come, remembering, apparently, my joyous night on the town and they all remembered one thing: I had a drunken quest to find the best saké Hanamura had to offer.

Only I did not remember if I had succeeded in my goal. I only remember cotton and a dozen pounding ninjas in my head.

I have not yet found the best saké this place has to offer, and if the world is going to end, I plan to do that this evening. But I will not lose control this evening, and I am as prepared as I will get for an attack. Should others wish to join me, you are welcome.

Alternatively, you may tell me your best first-time drinking stories here.