
Layout By

May 25th, 2021



[No Subject]

Ain't sure what the story is but I think I just made a tumbleweed appear for dramatic effect.

Uh yup, just did it again. Tried thinking about two but just the one came tumbling by so apparently my godlike control of desert flotsam is limited.



[No Subject]

Big news bros, huge.

I developed superpowers.

I know when someone will sneeze. Like, anyone. Walking down the street, on tv, even in a book.

Not sure what I will do with this massive responsibility that's been placed upon my shoulders, but I'm taking suggestions. Even better if someone wants to help me create an action figure. Or, if you have the power to pull Kleenex out of no where, let's team up and save the world.



[No Subject]

There appears to be some kind of-- disturbance in magical abilities happening. While so far no one has been harmed (that I've heard of) with their new or altered powers, if it eases your mind, please come by my office in Magical Research at the DOA and I'll be happy to take a closer look at what you're experiencing.

Also, if you're the poor sap who randomly turned into a coelacanth in the middle of the coffee shop this morning... my sympathies.



[No Subject]

So if anyone sees me floating in mid air and wiggling my hips to "Jump in the Line" coming out of nowhere, I know, I can't control it, and I've just decided to embrace my inner Lydia.

[No Subject]

Following the list of 'I woke up with something off today'--This is extremely embarrassing, but if anyone with the ability to fly or climb, or height related would be appreciated outside the hospital....or on the roof, rather.

I've been having levitating issues and I'm afraid to move from my current spot. Also not a great fan of heights, personally.



[No Subject]


Don't know that saying sorry will change much, but it sucks either way. Let me know if you need anything.

If nothing else, I can show you how apparently my tattoos are like mood rings, but on my skin. So that's new and weird.



[No Subject]

This morning
Sabrina & Dan
"There wasn’t really an ending to her sorrow, a constant battering of it that she was reminded of by the smallest things"
Morningside | References to death and suicide
Read more... )



[No Subject]

My hair is fire. Not on fire, just... fire. That doesn't go out.



Log: Keith & Shiro

MAY 25
It took him a moment of stunned silence before the realization hit: if Keith was still wounded from that fight, then he'd never been in Vallo. 
Read more... )



[No Subject]

» so
» you gonna let me dream with you to figure out if it's still haunting your ass
» or are you just gonna keep resetting your alarm every 20 minutes until you pass out in a ditch



[No Subject]

text messages to Shiro )



[No Subject]

Dean Winchester
WHO EV!Castiel and Dean Winchester WHERE The Deancave in the Bunker • WHEN May 11
Comforting a friend WARNINGS language, drunk
How are you doing there, champ? Read more... )