
Layout By

May 20th, 2021



[No Subject]

Hi Vallo. I need food to process this - who here can point me toward good cinnamon buns? Popping into another universe because magic wasn't on my to-do list today.



[No Subject]

I guess Vallo was repaying me for that time it bankrupted me, cause I had extra $$$$ in my wallet today.

Every new house needs a lifesize metal dinosaur sculpture, right? Good cause that's happening.



[No Subject]

This is my kind of day. Random money showing up in accounts? Frivolous spending? It's so many of my favorite things. Feel free to brag about your purchases here.

Me? I'm going to the spa.



[No Subject]

thursday, may 20
"Wow. The heathen bought a prayer plant."
WARNINGS: None, Adam just treats himself to a bunch of plants
Read more... )



[No Subject]

WHO: Neal & Henry
WHAT: Some father-son bonding because it's about time
WHERE: One of the city parks
WHEN: Today? Maybe after school?
WARNINGS: No - there's chili dogs and feeding ducks, it's pretty wholesome
STATUS: Complete

Fairytale castle - could be a draw? )



[No Subject]

A home gym with a weight bench? Why yes, surplus Vallo money in my wallet, I think I will. Maybe a spa day. A little one.



[No Subject]

Who wants to combine their surprise money from Vallo and buy a yacht? Cause $1,500 isn't much in the grand scheme of things, but I just got my crown from home and I feel like cruising on a yacht this weekend.

Hello, fellow delinquents. We're going to meet all the other members of the group properly and go over the details of our escapade tomorrow evening at the Physical Kids' Cottage. [Location]

Saturday, we heist. I'm working on our alibis now.

[*Kady Orloff-Diaz, Jake Pentecost, & Ostyia Rabalska. They all found magical journals - thanks Ancient Vallo, for the idea! - on their person at some point throughout today and this message on the inside. Once read, it disappeared~ You can use it to communicate to all other members of this group or to each other, privately. Messages disappear after they're read by the intended person.]



[No Subject]

So. I did a thing.

Click! )




Good day to skip class and go shopping, Y/Y?

[OOC: pls pretend I posted this morning]

ETA: Filter to Lissa Dragomir (Readable by Rose Hathaway, Hope Mikaelson & Lizzie Saltzman)
We're going shopping today, 'cause yay money. Do you and Rose want to tag along?



[No Subject]

A dangerous thing to just give me money.

Thanks to the generous patron, I've rented out a wave pool and bought a few inflatable riding bulls at [address]. So come one and all my cowboys, cowgirls, and cowpeople. We're going to see who can ride the longest while immensely enjoying the attempts of those who can't.

You can also bring along your worst enemy and bop them over the head while pretending you're locked in battle.



[No Subject]

Do you know what's great? Kittens, puppies, and other adorable animals who need good homes.

Do you know what they look great in? Calendars! Alongside people. Go google firefighters and animal calendars if for some reason you're suspicious of this.

Idea: Outlanders of Vallo calendar. The Art of Expression would sponsor it, with all money raised going toward an animal shelter in the city.

Question: Are there enough Outlanders willing to be objectified for a good cause? Let me know!




[No Subject]

Don't ask me why, but I'm feeling generous and a little bit social. I apparently have some extra money and, instead of buying something for the future house something I need, I feel like splurging on the fanciest restaurant in Vallo and you're all invited. It's on me.

You should probably say yes because I think this feeling happens maybe once in twenty to thirty years at the very most.



[No Subject]

Eliot Waugh
WHO Fandral and Eliot
WHERE Fandral's cottage
WHEN Today, late afternoon/early evening?
WHAT Eliot's first lesson in sword fighting
STATUS Complete
WARNINGS Some glossed over NSFW stuff
Eliot was only starting to appreciate what Vallo had to offer him. Fandral was preferable to a quest, and there would likely be any number of pleasant distractions along the way. Read more... )



[No Subject]

My piano showed up here real recently, so I went and got myself a guitar today too. It's nice having both again. Been awhile. Anyway, figured I'd share this in case anyone else is lonely could use some music tonight.

[ uploaded video* ]

((ooc: *please handwave that the video is of Beth is sitting on the couch in her living room while playing the guitar and singing.))