
Layout By

May 2nd, 2021



Journal entry--Nicholas

Hey, just checking in.

We found a place to stay and a way to make some money so we'll be able to get food or trade for food.

If you look up at the sky we're probably looking at the same stars.



[No Subject]

Happy birthday, to the best little brother I know. You're really getting old, Sammy!




[A hand-drawn inked lotus, with pink watercolors made from flowers he found.]

Happy birthday to my shijie! I am sorry I am away for now but I am sure it is only a matter of time before we are home. Jiang Cheng, you must spoil her extra for me, please. Yanli, there is a gift for you in the jingshi, a little white and purple box under the bed. I love you!

Lan Zhan, if you can read this, do not worry about me too much! It's not too bad! The people here don't like us very much, and there are traps everywhere, and we do not have much freedom but we are slowly winning them over with our charming behavior and baking skills. I made some paints and I'm going to share them, we will see if that will curry favor! Now if only I didn't have to deal with having a new golden core that's uncultivated and untrained, and no flute

Is anyone taking care of the bunnies and Apple back home?



[No Subject]

WHO: Neal & Catra
WHAT: Teaming up to go hunting, and there's some mutual magic bitching
WHERE: Ancient Vallo - Viga-maðr's Island
WHEN: Today
WARNINGS: Some wildlife kill but nothing awful
STATUS: Complete

Because this weapon wouldn’t be enough to take out a t h i c c boar in one hit; teamwork was the goal. )



Journal Entry

cut for length )



journal post.

So much for the epic party at the house.

Happy Birthday, Hope. We're going to make this up to you when we get back.

filtered to friends.*
Is everyone okay?

[*OOC: Feel free to assume, especially if they've talked IC before.]



[No Subject]

This Morning
Sabrina, Dan & Claire
"Sabrina was still grounded. Technically."
a small inn in the forest | just making some plans & being moody kids
Read more... )



[No Subject]

Enola & Richie
"Vallo just had to go and make things tricky, didn’t it."
Ancient Vallo city | some exploring and lots of eating
Read more... )



[No Subject]

journal entry to those with the viga-maðr
I'm going to say our best bet is having them take us with them tomorrow. I somehow doubt if they leave us behind there'd be much in the way of boats left to get off this island. Whatever battle they're expecting should give us cover to make a run for it. Unless anyone else had any bright ideas?

journal entry to steve & james
Should hopefully be on mainland tomorrow. I'll try to regroup with you when I am. You're both okay?



journal entry - public

Testing testing testing.

Look, I still don't know what in the heck is going on, but I'm glad these handy dandy notebook journal things seem to be useful. I'm in this old ancient city and while I definitely grew up on city life, this is a CULTURE SHOCK to the supreme! Plus I don't think anyone here is finding my "I Don't Wanna Taco Bout It" shirt very funny. :(

Lucifer? Chloe? Neal?? I hope you guys are all okay.



journal entry to alex danvers

Hey, Danvers. I doubt these journals have make some kind of ping sound when you've got someone trying to reach out to you but we miss you - and you better be okay.



[No Subject]

This reality hopping without each other is getting ridiculous and has to stop.

Are you okay?



Log: Frye Twins

"It’s still a Piece of Eden, we assume. Brace yourself for any brain onslaught."
Read more... )



journal entry - public

Alright, I'm giving this a try and hoping it works! Margo, Eliot, it is up to you to take care of Garfield. Please don't turn him into a hat or a scarf, I'd miss him a lot. He likes to chew on my shoes anyway, so it's absolutely fine.

Also, make sure my daggers are well taken care of, too. I don't want my babies to end up disappearing while I'm not around because that was completely rude of Vallo to do.