
Layout By

April 5th, 2021



[No Subject]

Not exactly where I expected to find myself. Hello again, Vallo.

It seems I've missed quite a lot while I've been gone.



[No Subject]

Right, well, that was a nice week off, and I'm ready to work.

I've seen people write on this communication device that they were desiring of training. I understand there to be a great variety of options already for this kind of thing, but if it's not a kick in the teeth, I'd like to have a go of it as a way to earn my keep around here. This wouldn't be intended for people who have the experience and the skills and powers I can't comprehend, etc, already in place, although I wouldn't kick out anyone with a genuine interest in improvement. This would be intended for people who have little experience with self-defense and want the basics, and we build from there - a way to keep the populace safer when we have these monsters breach our defenses and get as far as city center.

I'm thinking daggers, sword (one hander only, and on top of that, I don't have much use for shields in this exercise because they require so much body strength up front, and because the point here is not to tank through a hit so much as avoid it in the first place), club... open to suggestions. Also will have a blunderbuss or its like on standby; Vallo has yet to give me my gun but I'm not an Upper Cathedral snob; I'll work with what's available.

So: common lessons for those who want to learn from the ground up. I did it off and on for years back home. Physical self-defense only; while I can do magic there are several perfectly knowledgable universities that can be of more assistance for that, and I hear they don't even make their students prospect through any cursed tombs.

Any interest? Any objections? Speak.



[No Subject]

It feels like cheating, because it was only August back home before I was brought here, but today is my birthday and I guess that means I am technically 17 now. Better that than turning 16 again, I suppose; a lot happened around my last birthday, what with my spring break revolving around our sophomore year project that included adventures on a floating pirate ship island, being kidnapped by my own people, trying alcohol for the first time, and family dramatics, to put it incredibly lightly, so... a do over is welcome. I just wish

And I think my do over requires cake! I wasn't allowed Give me your best bakery recommendations, if you have them. I would make one myself, but I'm not that adventurous.




WHO: Remus, Tonks & Teddy
WHEN: Backdated to March
WHAT: A middle of the night surprise

“Look who showed up...

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[No Subject]

Any place hiring card dealers? Because I need to do something.



[No Subject]

For anyone who may be in the mood for a beach bonfire - Rogue and I are getting married on the 16th of this month. A simple courthouse ceremony is planned, but on the 18th we're also planning to host a bonfire on Genosha. A celebration, and everyone is invited to attend. If you've never been to Genosha before, it might be a good opportunity - it's an island just off the coast of the main Vallo island, and the weather is always balmy and pleasant. There are many fruit trees as well. So if you choose to attend, come hungry - we will have plenty of food.

We plan to arrange for boat transport, to and from Vallo's port town, but if anyone would like to provide another way or knows of another way - I am quite open to working something out. Contact me if interested in the job.



[No Subject]

If one were debating adopting a cat, where's the best place to start looking?

filtered to marvel ladies*:
Would any of you like to get together for dinner and drinks sometime, this Friday perhaps? I know we might not all be from the same versions of events, points in the timeline, etc but we all seem to have at least a few things in common across all that.

* I didn't want to write a list because I knew I would forget someone lol



[No Subject]

March 25th-Post Vulture Takedown
Eleanor & Zeke
"Once you declare someone alive and tried mystery ranch with them, you are definitely friends."
Ezekiel's Apartment | Edibles (drug use)
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Log: Ignis & Noctis

"If you’d like, I could make you some roasted brussel sprouts in the meantime?"
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