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March 19th, 2021



[No Subject]

Early Morning
Nick & Sabrina
"Really, it was hard to think clearly at all in the middle of the night when sleep was annoyingly evasive."
the mortuary & a clearing in a field | not sleeping & then sleeping
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[No Subject]

WHO: Rey & Poe Dameron
WHAT: Rey reunites with Poe - and BB-8!
WHERE: Leia Luke & Poe's apartment
WHEN: Backdated to Rey's arrival. After this.
STATUS: Complete

How bleak their chances for survival had seemed back home was the reason she needed to reunite with him, and see for herself that he was okay too. )



[No Subject]

I am aware that the point of astral projection probably doesn't include finally finishing all the episodes of The Office but that is exactly what I did as my body slept. It was very good.

It has been awhile since I've really used a kitchen so I started with something simple - I baked cookies this morning. Chocolate chip, very soft. Did anyone have requests for anything specific? I have a few recipes from home I can make but I'd like to know if anyone has any allergies or perhaps a visceral reaction of disgust to certain foods/ingredients.



[No Subject]

[OOC: Will have WandaVision spoilers in the cut filters and comments!]

It's World Sleep Day, which I think means we're going with Movie Day in Comp Sci. Hackers or The Matrix, maybe. Vallo PJ day? Is that something I can pitch for? I'm declaring it a PJ day for myself.




[No Subject]

For those of you that aren't aware, I applied for a job at a youth center in the city a couple weeks back, had a couple of interviews, and this morning was offered the position. I accepted it, though I'm still in vague shock as I was definitely not expecting to actually get to this point but I don't start until the beginning of next month so hopefully it will all sink in sometime before then. I've never had a real job before that didn't require me to use daggers to complete my duties so it's a shift.

Anyway -- shock or not, I'm not one to pass up a chance to celebrate something and it's always more fun to celebrate with friends. I know it's last minute so no hard feelings if you already have your dance cards full for a Friday, but I feel as though drinks are in order, at least. Quills, tonight? Perhaps not a proper pub crawl, but we'll see where the night takes us? We can sort out a babysitter for the girls, maybe? Another question here, just for the hell of it?
[* - as always, feel free to assume; vax makes friends easily enough!]



[No Subject]

» Hey, so...
» [ picture ]
» Look familiar?



[No Subject]

Sabrina & Nick
"No amount of screaming helped"
Spellman Mortuary| Start of Batibat terrorizing the mortuary
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[No Subject]

Sabrina & Dan
"What the fuck?"
Spellman Mortuary | Nightmares & coming up with a plan
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[No Subject]

TONIGHT into saturday morning
Spellman Mortuary vs Batibat
"amock amock amock"
Spellman Mortuary| IC/OOC catch-all
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[No Subject]

WHO: Dan & Allison (with Batibat, who then gets yeeted into a box in Dan's mind)
WHAT: Marital Teamwork
WHERE: The mortuary
WHEN: 19th into the 20th
WARNINGS: Not really, but Batibat is creepy
STATUS: Complete

I heard a rumor-- )



[No Subject]

To what I know is the surprise of literally everyone who's ever met me, I got a little bored at the Nook today, so I went for a walk around the block. I found this super cute little secondhand store and apparently it's the time of year when everyone is cleaning out their houses and getting rid of things they no longer want which works out great for me because I found the absolute cutest variety of armchairs that I literally could not leave without.

Moral of the story is that you should definitely come visit us at Chastity's Nook in the immediate future because there are several new little reading nooks (😏) if you want to pick out a few books and stay awhile to read them. Bring your tea and pastries and settle in! We got in some new titles, too, if you're looking for something you haven't seen on the shelves before, but really the armchairs are reason enough to come see us.

Don't worry, Caleb, I got a very good deal for buying them all!!

I know it's kind of been a busy few weeks so I was wondering if maybe you wanted to carve out some just you and me time? I was thinking we could put together a picnic and maybe go hang out on the ship and we could even build like a makeshift fort on the deck and just camp out overnight or something?? If that sounds fun to you. 😘 Also, did you find out how to make the ship fly? Any news on the cloven eye destruction?

I got you a present! But the present has already been placed around the Nook, so I'm just going to tell you about it here instead of wrapping it up even though now that I think about it, I think it probably would have been way more fun to make you unwrap everything. Missed opportunities!



[No Subject]

Question for all of you lovely Outlanders! What is your favorite thing about Spring? Do you have any favorite plants or flowers that only bloom in the Spring? Springtime traditions that just make you happy, or give you fond memories? Is it the colors? The clothes? The Springtime foods and drinks? I'm looking for any and all answers! Hit me! 😊